The Guide
The Guide
| 12 November 2014 (USA)
The Guide Trailers

American boy Peter and blind minstrel Ivan are thrown together by fate amidst the turbulent mid-30s Soviet Ukraine.


Really Surprised!

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Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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A testimony. this is the basic meaning of this admirable film. a blind man. a boy. Ukraine in the "30's. the geography of a world under dictatorship. and great cinematography. it is enough for describe a film escaping from the circle of worlds. because it is not exactly the film of a story. but a bitter remember. about a society. about a gray past. about a blind man. and a boy. in middle of embroidery of symbols.

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This movie is one of the few that impartially present the difficult times Ukraine found itself in during the 1930's. The times of massive repressions and executions of the civilian population, murder by forced starvation, and persecution of anyone who disagreed with the Soviet government in Moscow.Basic knowledge of Eastern European history of the early 20th century would greatly help to see what links certain events together.I suggest you read the synopsis before watching the movie to have a better understanding of the events that take place. Their true historical weight is what really gives them a deeper meaning.

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Volodymyr Lytvyn

The Guide - one of the best Ukrainian movies ever. Must watch film, to understand current events in Ukraine. (Maidan 2014) History repeats itself, especially since Russian government has not changed it's policy toward Ukrainian nation. Based on Historical facts the movie portrays how Soviet/Russian government had always wanted to destroy Ukrainian identity,culture and its people. The movie is set in early 1930 Kharkiv, beginning of planed mass starvation (10 million Ukrainian civilians) by Josef Stalin, called Holodomor. It also teaches us about Ukrainian heroes, legendary Kobzars, spiritual leaders of Ukrainian nation. In addition to a powerful story that the movie tells, filming, acting and directing is at highest level of filmography.

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Igor Balashov

After creation of Soviet Union the cultures of all nations except Russians were oppressed here. Many cultural figures of Ukraine (writers, poets, scientists, theater and movie directors, actors, painters, musicians, folk artists, etc) undesirable for Soviet regime were executed or exiled to Siberia on the hard physical works, especially during the 1930s (it is known as Executed Renaissance). Among such figures were bandurists, the folk musicians who played on the bandura (Ukrainian folk string instrument) and sign mainly the patriotic sad ballads about cossacks, the Ukrainian steppe warriors of the 15-19 centuries.Main plot of this movie is a story of a blind wondering bandurist Ivan Kocherga in 1932-1933. Accidentally he gives some help to American boy Peter, whose father was killed by Soviet special services because of some secret documents, and takes him as sighted person – the guide.Blind bandurist and his young guide are traveling in Eastern Ukraine among the beautiful landscapes and witnessing repressions of Ukrainian people by Soviet regime.This movie is excellently visualized, which is combined with great music, including numerous Ukrainian folk songs.It is clearly the best movie about Ukrainian culture since famous "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" (1965) of Sergei Parajanov and definitely the best one that was filmed in independent Ukraine so far.

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