The Forbidden Dimensions
The Forbidden Dimensions
| 01 January 2013 (USA)
The Forbidden Dimensions Trailers

Jack Slade was born during a solar eclipse in the year 1980. 18 years later, he finds out he has the ability to travel into the future. He projects himself into the year 2035, where society has been destroyed by a fascist regiment of psychopathic doctors that rule the wastelands, creating deformed mutants with a serum synthesized from the flesh of dead aliens. Now Slade must travel back to the year 1998 to destroy a device known as the wavelength generator, which opened the dimensional gateways to these alien beings. With the help of an army of female outlaws and a sleazy detective, Slade re-connects with the star child Khadijah, who holds the key to stopping these tragic events from ever taking place.


Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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This movie is bad from beginning to end and it makes you wonder if a script was ever written for this piece of trash. It felt like some people got together on a Mad Max fan day and in a goofy mood decided to make a film.I made a mistake by not reading reviews before I watched this because if I had I would not have watched it in the first place.Besides having a F all story it adds nothing of cinematic interest and fails in every department.You could make an extensive list from all the movies they stole from but its ail so numbed down you just can't get excited about anything.Even on a rainy day or if your bored as hell don't waste your time or money on this obvious fluke.Forbidden dimensions is the first dimension into boredom.Proceed with caution and avoid this flick.Your better of doing ANYTHING else.ANYTHING!

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This is clearly a college project, in the same way that THX 1138 is, but lower quality. It tries too hard to be 'artsy', and most of those involved are just beginning their careers (check out the credits). The plot was nonsensical, and no attempt was made to justify or reconcile it, or to make it more clear. THX 1138 was, at times, hard to follow. This is impossible to follow throughout. Poorly written, poorly acted, poorly directed, and the SFX would be B-budget even in the 90's. The music was eminently forgettable, sounding like something one might in the bargain bin of a giant warehouse store. One should not pay to see this movie as it is wholly unwatchable. Two other movies that are equally bad are The Galaxy Invader (1985) and Rock n' Roll Space Patrol (2005). However, these two are worse than their IMDb rating and are not college artsy projects.

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I was just wondering, why would anyone produce this film?I think it must have been quite obvious, that after adding all the clips together the final product was extremely terrible.We can congratulate people for trying to make something, and this must have been a fun experience for a group of friends who made it.I would recommend this film only to relatives and friends of those who were taking part in this project, other than that I would urge anyone to avoid this by any means.Verdict: Home made movie for family members and friends, that should have have never been available to larger audiences.Good luck, and let it be a good practice, as there is a lot space for improvement.Regards,Aj

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Diane Alexander

If a group of Junior High School students with no discernible artistic talent decided to create, produce and act in a movie using only a Handicam and a pirated copy of iMovie then this is the movie that they would make.I would not say that this movie was awful because it would have to really strive for an upgrade in quality to rise to the ranks of awful. Full of rubber Halloween masks, Junior High drama club acting and a heavy handed score that I am absolutely certain had to be ripped off from elsewhere because finding any sort of talent in this movie would be an amazement.I watched only 15 minutes and that was 14 minutes too many. This piece of crap is a tribute to incompetent people everywhere who have no clue whatsoever as to their true lack of talent. I wish the the writers, actors,directors and film crew well in their future careers in the fast food industry.EDIT (5-17) I see that one of the actors involved in this train wreck has shown up, identified themselves as such and - unsurprisingly - given the film a 10 star review. 10 stars?? Seriously ???? ! Ugh :( She also mentions that the film was supposed to emulate the camera shooting style of the 1980's. FAIL! I was alive during the 1980's. I know the 1980's and this movie Ma'am has nothing to do with the 1980 - shooting style or otherwise. I also forced myself to watch the entire movie. If anything it gets worse after 15 minutes - much worse. It's like an interactive horror movie where the real horror is you watching your screen in bored disbelief.Edit Part Deux: I see that yet another person associated with the production of this unmitigated disaster has come online to call this a "loving homage to 80's films". This is as much a loving homage to 80's films as much as Hannibal Lechter was a loving homage to fava beans. The film has nothing to do with the 80's and is only a homage to horrid film-making everywhere. In that it excels. If you pirated this film be sure to send the makers of this stinker a bill for your bandwidth because they owe you - they owe you bigtime.

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