| 29 July 2015 (USA)
Bite Trailers

While on her bachelorette party getaway, Casey, the bride to be, gets a seemingly harmless bite from an unknown insect. After returning home with cold feet, Casey tries to call off her wedding but before she's able to, she starts exhibiting insect like traits. Between her physical transformation and her wedding anxiety, Casey succumbs to her new instincts and begins creating a hive that not only houses her translucent eggs, but feeds on the flesh of others. As her transformation becomes complete, Casey discovers that everything can change with a single bite.

Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

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The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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The beginning of the movie left me already winding myself in my seat and my first reaction was "oh no, not another one of these terrible low budget movies". But the further the movie progressed, the more I got sucked into it. This is one of the movies where you shouldn't care about the plot, the dialogues or even the characters themselves. Instead just focus on the practical effects they used and how they add more and more layers of film art step by step. This is one of the movies known for the audience leaving the cinema because they couldn't take it anymore at some point. And I can totally understand where this is coming from. If you have a problem with vomiting, slime and goo... or insects in particular, you might not enjoy this movie at all. Those who can sit through something like this will get rewarded with an awesome example of how to create a creepy creature and using just the right lighting to not ruin things. I applaude this movie! Thank you for the love of detail, no matter the budget. If you liked the visuals of The Fly, you will love Bite. If this movie would have the acting and the writing of The Fly, it could be maybe even become another classic of our time.

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Michael Ledo

Casey (Elma Begovic) and her two besties take a bachelorette vacation in Costa Rica where they swim in a secluded pond. Casey gets bit, hence the title. This opening sequence was done in "found footage" mode, but ends after the credits. Casey comes back to Jared (Jordan Gray) who is "good looking, investment banker, and probably good in bed" as his mother doesn't want Casey to "soil" her son prior to the wedding. She lives in an apartment without a deadbolt inside.We know Casey Has a tan line where her engagement ring should be, Jared wants kids, Casey can't have kids, and she needs to tell him about that "other thing" we find out later but isn't hard to deduce. Casey undergoes a transformation, as you can guess from the DVD cover from "the bite."As a prospective Mother-in-Law, Lawrene Denkers was over-the-top, making Agnes Moorehead look good. I loved the special effects and wished the token hot Asian chick (Denise Yuen) had a bigger role, but that is just me. I thought the plot was fine, if not predictable for a horror story. The characters needed a little more depth, but for a "B" horror, it was passible. The film attempted to be cute with some lines, which may work on some people and turn off others. Why Casey needed to "talk" to a doctor by phone instead of seeing one didn't make sense, considering the issues, but that would have been another scene shooting and another character on the payroll. The decontamination scene was ad hoc with everybody wearing different level protective clothing with some oddly wearing a filter mask inside an enclosed suit. Clearly the production just bought a bunch of stuff and had people just wear what they wanted. Worth a watch. Soft 4 stars.Guide: F-word. Sex. Nudity?

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After seeing the trailer for Bite and reading online articles of how viewers at various film fests passed out during showings, I couldn't wait to see it, After more than a year it (at last!) popped up on my local cable channels On-demand roster. I happily shelled out $5.99 and hoped to see a film that would at least make me flinch several times.But like $100 pay-per-view fights, unorthodox political candidates, and most rap CDs, this film didn't come close to living up to the hype. Bite, simply put, is done in by its own excesses. When a horror film relies solely on gross-out gimmickry rather than clever use of lighting, camera angles, or plausible plot, then the element of fright is replaced by boredom, nausea or both. Community theater acting doesn't help.Elma Begovic plays Casey, a recently engaged twenty-something who while out celebrating with her girls, is bitten by some sort of water insect. Rather than seek medical attention, she ignores the mark left behind, even as it becomes larger and more disgusting. By the time Casey realizes this is no ordinary wound, the drastic effects are manifested.This film contains every horror movie cliché you've seen before— single females going into dark venues to investigate; single woman falling down as she attempts to flee; overblown makeup to accent the drastic physical changes of victims; and sex scenes that are not only gratuitous, but fail to deliver the expected shock—say in the manner of the bedroom scene from the first Nightmare On Elm Street.Poor pacing and the lack of anything original makes one want to yawn rather than scream. The director (Chad Archibald) has no idea how to use shadow or the camera to build suspense. It is so drab it makes anything produced by Rob Zombie look Oscar-worthy.If you like being grossed out, you might get excited by Bite. If you're looking for something that makes you worry about having nightmares when you fall asleep, you'll find more chills—and better acting—in episodes of The Outer Limits.

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I'll start off with the "good". I did like the effects. Do not forget this is a low budget movie. I also liked the fact that this movie did not go down the "found footage" route (see beginning for that-or rather don't, if you value your time)! Also the dog and his owner are by far the best things in this film! Character and acting wise, the dog will shame anyone in this (and they/"actors" should be ashamed, even if the script didn't give them a lot to work with).Instead of just trying to make this gross and disgusting (something this also achieves and if that's what you're after you can file that under "good" too), there should've been more thought of the dialog and characters in this. Let me put it this way: If you'd sum up the IQ (minus the one of the dog!!!) of the characters in this, you might get a negative result (and I'm putting it lightly).Obviously in a movie characters have to do things/decisions that don't make sense, have to "act" careless (though they fail to convince us of any emotion in this one other than disgust), so the movie continues to flow into one direction. But if characters go places even zombies would take a look at and run the other direction (and they have no brain!), you start to wonder if you are being punked as viewer of such an assembly of moving pictures ... it's a good thing you can laugh the pain away, because this hurts so bad ... so so bad! Who needs a beating when you can watch something like this?You can answer that yourself.Not every movie needs characters the viewer can feel for, though there is not a single one (again apart from the dog), that the viewer will feel anything for in this one. Add to that predictability from start to finish, "humor" that might be intended, but doesn't work at all ... at least they (makers of this) can claim, that they added another argument for those who are giving horror a bad rep ...

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