The Five Senses
The Five Senses
R | 14 July 2000 (USA)
The Five Senses Trailers

Interconnected stories examine situations involving the five senses. Touch is represented by a massage therapist who is treating a woman, while her daughter accidentally loses the woman's pre-school daughter in the park. The older daughter meets a voyeur (vision), a professional house-cleaner has an acute sense of smell, a cake maker has lost her sense of taste, and an older man is losing his hearing.


Too many fans seem to be blown away

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The greatest movie ever!

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Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.

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The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

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It was really well made, I like movies that are like this. The stories all connect but very subtly and it hits "taboo" subjects in an interesting manner. It really shows how we are in society also, showing things that we tend to think we have to hide from everyone because of the way they react. The only part I didn't like was the ending, but thats a matter of personal judgment, some may like it a lot. Well done, and the acting was fantastic :) It's a very interesting movie and well worth your time if you have nothing else to do on a Saturday morning, he-he!! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did, because it's quite a fantastic movie. If i've repeated myself a lot it's because IMDb won't let me submit anything that's not 10 lines or more.. sorry!

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Brigid O Sullivan (wisewebwoman)

I liked this movie and, interestingly, my much younger companion did not. Too meandering and so little happening, she said. And that is the quality that I found most appealing and more like real life.There are gentle stories here woven around the central premise of a young child's disappearance and the reaction to this event is seen as background in many of the scenes which is a technique very cleverly done.There is also the haunting singing of someone in an apartment in the building where all the interaction and often non-interaction of the other characters takes place. We only see this mystery singer at the end of the movie.Mary Louise Parker was the only harsh note. I find her performances always stilted, cold and full of a hidden tension not usually necessary to the role she is playing and again she did not disappoint. I did not know what the earthy Roberto saw in her.I liked very much the character of Raymond searching for the scent of love in all his ex lovers. I have a bias towards movies like these, of the Run Lola Run type. I feel they are more reflective of reality, no Hollywood quick fix endings just a slice of life beautifully acted and photographed that just stays with you a little longer than the A-B plot lines of most movies.8 out of 10.

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The sense of sensing identity unifies these people by means of there (organic) five senses. They smell, see, hear, taste and touch each other by means of their sixth sense:they discover it by theirselves and by each other by means of the same senses. There are many more senses... But it is beautiful to see a film which show so many senses only by showing five of them.

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George Parker

People have five senses (supposedly). So, why not make a movie about five people each having an issue with one of the senses? Wow! Getting goose bumps yet?Such is the shallow nature of "Five Senses", another in a fad of boring "Magnolia" type wannabee flicks which doggedly hammers at its story of loosely interconnected characters in a futile attempt to make it fit its lame premise. We get to see actors moping about incessantly as though bearing the weight of the world on their shoulders. What we don't get is a story with depth, characters sufficiently developed so we can empathize with them, and most of all, a reason to care. A lackluster bit of trite, pretentious, self-involved, stylish filmdom fluff.

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