The Eye 3: Infinity
The Eye 3: Infinity
PG-13 | 24 March 2005 (USA)
The Eye 3: Infinity Trailers

Ted, his cousin May, her best friend April and April's boyfriend, Kofei take a vacation to Thailand to visit their Thai buddy, Chongkwai, who shows them a book of ten ways to see ghosts. And the game begins.


Slow pace in the most part of the movie.

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not horrible nor great

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I wanted to but couldn't!

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Awesome Movie

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it's cheesy, it's funny, some parts are badly acted.the eye talks about these teenagers trying to see ghosts by following this thai rule book one of the main characters found. The book mentions that there are 10 ways too see ghosts so the 5 people venture off to see these ghosts then one day after they played about 3-4 of them there friend disappears when playing one of the games. So they go to HK trying to escape these ghosts but yet there still hunted, so they have to finish the last one in order to not see ghosts.The story is disjointed near the end, and in a lot of ways did not make sense for a fact that they never really mentioned how they can stop seeing ghosts. It would of made much more sense if they had rules in the book saying that you must all complete these 10 tasks in order not too see ghosts or something or hinted in some way how not to see ghosts.They also never really resolve the problem since one of the main characters for some reason has the power to stop seeing ghosts bought the book then his grandmother figured out that somebody is putting a spell on them.What was the spell casters motive? why them? is he there just to mess around with kids? you see it's very disjointed but yet i still enjoyed the movies and some of it's ideas it had. it's a cheesy horror movie with some decent ideas into it that should of been thought about a lot harder if it wanted to be taken seriously.but since you see breakdancers in the movie break dancing with a guy who is possessed i don't think this movie was really made to be that much of a serious horror flick.I personally liked the setup a lot more then the execution of the rest of the movie.the beginning started out pretty well with some interesting team ghost seeing but ultimately failed due to disjointed story telling, and decent CG effects. Nothing really scared me much in the movie but i'm still giving it a 7/10 why? because i enjoyed this average horror movie for it's cheesiness and interesting ideas and cool dancing lol.

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The Pang Brothers should have developed a decent script before churning out yet another disappointing sequel. The Eye 2 wasn't THAT bad but unfortunately Shu Qi's horrible acting had ruined the otherwise good effort. The Eye 10 is simply horrible. Besides casting new actors and actresses who couldn't act at all, the storyline was just downright terrible. I guess the producers were just trying to ride on their success of the first film and trying to produce as many films as possible so as to cash in on them before the steam runs off. Well, the steam definitely had run off with the ending of the first film. Pang Brothers, stop making another THE EYE 100 or The EYE 1000. Come up with something more substantial, please!

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Weird tech no soundtrack. The real horrifying thing about this movie is the acting and the script. I think the Pang brothers are out of ideas. So they rip off ideas from other movies like the "Exorcist" and the "Blair Witch Project". Their other effort "Tesseract" rips off the "Matrix". What a disappointment from the previous "Eye" movies. I wasn't too crazy about the second movie. This movie makes "Eye 2" look like freaking "Lawrence of Arabia" The only really good thing about this movie is this one is only 80 minutes long. I really hope the Pang brothers put an end to this series of movies before its too late. Imagine them making more sequels like Friday the 13th ? Or making Eye movies until it really hits the 10th ? Scary thought.

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I couldn't really tell if this movie was suppose to be a serious horror or a comedy? The first opening scene, I figured this movie was going to be a weird horror film... and then it just ventured off into an incoherent teen horror. In which we did not get any character information, it just jumped into the movie and jumped into multiple curses.I must say, some of the starting scenes were creepy, but then they just totally missed the mark and put in unnecessary techno music.After about 45 minutes, I realized that the film was a really bad horror film or a really unfunny comedy.Best scene in the movie was a reference to the original Eye. I laughed pretty hard. Then the rest of the film is just really bad. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!

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