Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
PG | 19 November 1992 (USA)
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Trailers

Instead of flying to Florida with his folks, Kevin ends up alone in New York, where he gets a hotel room with his dad's credit card—despite problems from a clerk and meddling bellboy. But when Kevin runs into his old nemeses, the Wet Bandits, he's determined to foil their plans to rob a toy store on Christmas Eve.


How sad is this?

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As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.

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Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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I watch only this movie in christmas time and never get bored!

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'Home Alone' bust box office figures when it first appeared in 1990, spawning a video game spin-offs and making a celebrity of its star, Macaulay Culkin. A sequel then was a racing certainty. Two years later, it appeared, under the title 'Home Alone 2 - Lost In New York'.A year has passed ( in the context of the film at least ) since Kevin's hair raising being left at home alone experience. On the night before a Christmas vacation to Florida, Kevin is in trouble yet again after getting into another brawl with his older brother Buzz. After being reprimanded by his mother, Kevin wishes aloud that he was able to go on his own vacation without his family. The following morning, the family ( surprise surprise ) sleep through their alarm again ( as Peter, Kevin's dad, absent mindedly unplugged it the night before ), causing them to leave for the airport in a tearing hurry. Unfortunately, whilst Kevin manages to make it to the airport with his family, he ends up getting lost in the crowd and ends up accidentally boarding a flight to New York whilst his family are flying to Florida.Kevin's initial shock is turned to joy when he realises he is left alone to have his own vacation and so checks himself into The Plaza Hotel using his father's credit card ( which he has as he was holding his dad's bag at the airport when he got lost ). Kevin eventually flees from the hotel when he is confronted by the staff about the card, whereupon he runs into Harry and Marv, who have recently bust out of jail and have renamed themselves 'The Sticky Bandits' instead of 'The Wet Bandits'. The try to exact revenge on Kevin and follow him when he seeks refuge in the house of one of his relatives, which is under renovation. The goons yet again ( well, you knew it was coming, didn't you? ) fall foul to Kevin's various booby traps that he has hastily set around the house. The two eventually get arrested after their location was made known by 'the pigeon lady', a homeless old lady who tends to the pigeons in the park and ( like Old Man Marley from the first film ) who Kevin was at first afraid of but later befriended.Eventually, Kevin is reunited happily with his family when they arrive in New York after the police managed to track Kevin down.'Home Alone 2 - Lost In New York' is in some ways better than it predecessor, partly due to the wonderful location shooting in New York and mainly due to the toning up of Harry and Marv's suffering at the hands of Kevin. At one point, Marv is electrocuted, has a bag of cement dumped on his head, is struck in the face repeatedly with bricks and shot in the groin with a nail gun whilst Harry yet again has his head torched with a blow lamp, is crushed against a wall by a tool chest and thrown into the air and on top of a parked car. Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern are as hilarious as ever as Harry and Marv but it is again Culkin who shines throughout. John Hughes' script yet again is full of many wonderful one liners, particularly when Harry and Marv arrive in New York after sneaking to the back of a fish lorry, which leads to a hilarious debate between Harry and Marv about the difference between the smell of freedom and fish ( I won't even attempt to do it justice here ). Like the first, a computer game version of this film was released the same year for both the Sega and Nintendo systems.Catherine O'Hara, John Heard, Devin Ratray, Kieran Culkin and Gerry Bamman all reprise their roles as Kevin's family whilst appearing in the supporting cast are Tim Curry, Dana Ivey, Rob Schneider, Brenda Fricker and Eddie Bracken. Donald Trump ( yuck ) makes a surprise cameo appearance in the first scene shot in the plaza hotel.Plans for a third 'Home Alone' film came to fruition in the late '90's which was initially to have Culkin reprise his role, this time as a teenage Kevin McAllister. However, Culkin passed on the role and it went instead to Alex D. Linz who played Alex Pruddit. 'Home Alone 3' was not surprisingly as well received as the first two but was successful nonetheless, which is more that could be said for 'Home Alone 4' ( which had Mark Weinberg as Kevin McAllister and appeared in 2003 ). Audiences groaned! The 2012 television film 'Home Alone - The Holiday Heist' was no better.A great Christmas romp to be enjoyed by the family over and over again!Funniest moment - the aforementioned 'freedom' and 'fish' moment!

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Home Alone 2 is a classic sequel that tells the story of a year after Home Alone,10 year old Kevin gets humiliated by his brother at a play causing him to get a bit angry and he wishes that they would disappear once again and when they leave for Florida,Kevin gets lost in the airport and boards the wrong plane and ends up in New York but little does he know New York isn't Kevin's dream place for having a vacation when he is chased by a bunch of hotel workers but worst,the sticky bandits escape from prison and are now walking the streets of New York and when they bump into Kevin,Kevin sets up a bunch of booby traps in a old abandoned house and once again..madness returns. This movie was so good,it was just as good as the first film. Macaulay Culkin returns as lovable Kevin,the idea was so good and original it that was some other director it would just be the exact same thing as the first film but probably 'Different Robbers' which would turn out horribly with a different kid(don't worry that happens in Home Alone 4 and I won't be happy doing that review). Home alone 2 is a classic sequel,if you loved the first film..you will absolutely love this more!!

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I've always loved the first HOME ALONE film, ever since I was a kid, but I deliberately put off seeing this sequel after reading the negative reviews back in the day. Watching it now, as an adult, I can see what the reviewers meant: this is an insult, or indeed a kick in the teeth, to anyone who loves the first film.Given that the original movie was a smash hit, it was inevitably that a rushed-out sequel would quickly follow. And rushed out is right; this is a mere remake of the first film, albeit with a different setting (and nobody gets "lost" either, despite the title). The characters are all exactly the same, the gags are the same, everything's the same. A bigger budget doesn't mean improved quality; it means that everyone was in this to grab more dollars.It feels exactly like director Chris Columbus and writer John Hughes are going through the motions here. The bumbling villains are back and have even more ridiculous motives than previously. The crazy pigeon lady replaces the crazy old guy. Even the same TV gag is played out again. Hell, even the climax takes place in a house again, so the whole New York setting turns out to be a cheat. The whole sub-plot with the stressed out parents really drags things down a lot too.HOME ALONE 2: LOST IN NEW YORK isn't a total loss as a film, even though it's a crushing disappointment. It's hard to dislike Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern, two actors giving such physical performances. Tim Curry is a fun addition to the cast too. But Macaulay Culkin's self-knowing, superior attitude is becoming annoying already (and, indeed, his Hollywood star was to quickly wane after this) and there's absolutely nothing here that hasn't been done better previously. It's a real disappointment.

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