SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
... View MoreThis movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
... View MoreI enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
... View MoreThis is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
... View MoreI'm surprised that this film is considered "effective".It's mostly just a bunch of narration, over pictures of rather normal looking people, who we're told are all secretly Jewish, secretly taking over, from Germans who are apparently just too stupid to compete against them. Then there's some long gaps with no speaking, for no apparent reason. All sorts of claims are made, with little evidence, and what was there was cherry-picked and brief. It demonizes its subject, but it also insults its intended audience. In form, it's like some high-school student's project.The only interesting part is how animals are cruelly killed for kosher meat (the same process as for halal meat) but you would have to stay awake long enough to get to that part. It is because of this section that I rated the film as highly as I did (and yes, 5 is a high score for this one). It's time to end the long tortured deaths of our food animals.The end does get a bit terrifying if you imagine yourself there, basically stating that the war will lead to the destruction of Jews in Europe, with lots of military imagery.I can't imagine that this thing actually worked as propaganda. Triumph des Willens, this is not.
... View MoreI watched this film to see how truly low the human psyche could sink and concluded there seems to be no limit. This so-called documentary is a vile ugly squalid farrago of lies and hatred yet its fascination is that it brings to the forefront again the baffling mystery of how the German people could swallow and ultimately embrace the message espoused by such tripe. Didn't ordinary decent German citizens think there was something seriously wrong with their country when faced with images of Jews interspersed with swarms of rats or saw their streets patrolled by an ever-increasing army of men wearing black uniforms with a skull and crossbones on the cap? The film was made in 1940 but the German people had long before then begun their tragic headlong rush into mass insanity and this relentlessly grim movie is an eloquent testament to the depravity and amorality of the Nazis, traits they with no sense of irony whatsoever ascribe to their victims. Jews are terribly cruel to cattle and the Nazi government, we are proudly told, has banned their barbaric method of ritual slaughter, which we are shown in lengthy and disgusting detail. However, no mention is made and we are not treated to film of the barbaric ritual slaughter of human beings herded shaved and naked into vans and chambers and summarily gassed. Oh wait a minute, I forgot. Jews are subhuman, no better than rats, so that doesn't count.The film is so preposterous that you might even think a dismissive laugh or two is in order. But laugh you won't.
... View MoreIndependently of what one thinks of "Der Ewige Jude" (1940), directed by Dr. Fritz Hippler, it had a great effect. The reason why this movie was made, was to prepare the German nation for the imminent transport of the Jews out of Germany (so Hitler says literally in his speech at the end of the movie). Objectively speaking, the pictures have been so well selected as to fit perfectly to the text and thereby the massage of this movie. F.ex. we see only Ghetto-Jews living in dwellings full of cockroaches, Jews who are trying to cheat their Christian neighbors, Jews who proliferate like rats. So, also the famous comparison of the Jews and the rats is already prepared and does not seem to be lugged in. The migrations charts of the Jews on the one side and of the rats on the other side are based on a scientific technique that is still in use, f.ex. the expansion of certain marine animals which have been brought to foreign continents by early ocean-crossing ships, hence allowing to conclude the ways of the latter ones and so the earliest settlings e.g. in America. So, every single detail in this movie is correct - in the pictures as well as in the commentaries to the pictures, but the neutral watcher has no chance to decide if the mappings of the pictures to the texts (resp. vice versa) are correct, too. And here we have reached the most important question concerning all documentary-like made propaganda movies (incl. Eisenstein's "Que Viva Mexico!" !!): Is it enough that a theory is consistent if it supplies a certain amount of facts without contradicting itself? From logic, we know that from a false conclusion everything can follows - true as well as false sentences. And if one disagrees and requires a theory to fulfill additional conditions in order to be accepted as a "real" theory - should these additional constraints which are brought up independently of that theory really have an influence on that theory?
... View More"The Eternal Jew" is a sickening Nazi propaganda film made by Fritz Hippler at the insistence of Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels.The film consists of feature and documentary footage combined with new materials filmed shortly after the Nazi occupation of Poland,which then had a Jewish population of about 3 million.One of the opening shots of the film shows a pack of rats emerging from a sewer,juxtaposed with a crowd of Jews in a bustling Polish street.Close-ups of individuals show sickly,malformed facial features.The narration explains how just as rats are the vermin of the animal kingdom,Jews are the vermin of the human race and similarly spread disease and corruption.Toward the end of the film,after showing how Jews have been responsible for the decline of Western music,science,art and commerce,is a scene of a cow being slaughtered for meat by a shochet(Jewish ritual slaughter).This long scene,lasting several minutes,is pretty nasty and offensive."The Eternal Jew" is utterly vile Nazi propaganda filled with tons of lies.Still the film is well-made and it works as the historical warning.7 out of 10.
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