The Devil's in the Details
The Devil's in the Details
R | 06 March 2013 (USA)
The Devil's in the Details Trailers

7 minutes from now in Nogales, Arizona, Thomas Conrad's life will forever change when he gets caught up in a Mexican cartels poetic game of drug mule chess.


Let's be realistic.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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I was enjoying the story, the off-screen (and on screen) violence and action was gripping, the inter-weaved story and back story threads were engaging, building to an interesting climax...and then suddenly, nothing. Its like they ran out of film, money, time, patience, interest or all of the above. I can't believe they would have made this movie if this is a fair reflection of the screenplay. Disappointed, and puzzled.why need 10 lines for a review?Still disappointed, and puzzled.I think my review is a valid review. Why should it be a minimum of 10 lines. Why force me to pad it...If this doesn't get accepted, I'll scrap it, and won't bother offering reviews in future.

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The Devil's In The Details is an independent action/thriller that has some really good parts. One of my favorites is Ray Liotta. I have been a fan of his since his Goodfellas days and I have seen pretty much everything he's been in since. So it was nice to see him in this.Liotta plays a military psychiatrist who is seeing Thomas Conrad (played by Joel Mathews) who is suffering from PTSD. So Conrad gets in an accident with this guy and all seems okay. But then the drama gets cranked up to eleven and all hell breaks loose.Conrad is forced to get members of his family who work in law enforcement to help out a drug cartel. The plot gets a little convoluted but director Waymon Boone keeps the film moving forward at a nice clip. He does a good job of building tension and had a vision for this film that really came out in the finished product.The story jumps around a bit with some flashbacks so you need to pay attention. But the pace of the film helps build tension and has you anticipating the next plot point.As I have said this is an independent film so it didn't have a large budget. However, the cast and crew do a lot with what they have. I really liked this film and not just because of Ray Liotta. Overall, it was a good action/thriller with some nice plot twists and solid performances.

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STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday MorningSince returning from a tour of duty, soldier Thomas Conrad (Joel Mathews) has had problems with drugs and struggling with demons, and has been sent to Dr. Robert Michaels (Ray Liotta) for assessment. He ends up regaling a story about a fender bender with a Mexican man, Bill Duffy (Emilio Rivera) which lead to him being forced to talk his father, his sister and a rival drug cartel into going along with a plan engineered by the ruthless Duffy.I never got into it myself, but it seems the popular show 24 has spawned a lot of amateurish, tiresome wannabe imitations, that try and be all hip and cool with constant displays of the time at the bottom of the screen and telling the story in reverse, that are spoiling the enjoyment of a lot of modern film. The Devil's in the Details would be one such example, really just a total mess of a film that had potential in the script, but just made a total jumble of everything.The cast try and make the best of the material, with Mathews giving it all an energy and gusto that it really doesn't deserve, and a unfazed Liotta all grey, and as dynamic and forceful as ever, but it all amounts to nothing, a totally forgettable, disposable nothing. **

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Larry Silverstein

I probably couldn't find enough adjectives to express how awful this film is, one of the worst I've ever seen. Filled with torture and sadism, as well as incredibly muddled plot elements and flashbacks, I would say it's an insult to anyone's intelligence.Joel Mathews portrays Thomas Conrad, a post traumatic stress disorder patient, being seen by Dr. Robert Michaels (Ray Liotta), a military psychiatrist. After a minor fender bender with a man named Bill (Emilio Rivera), Thomas is told no harm done, and invited to a local bar for a drink.The next thing he knows he's tied to the ceiling and being tortured by Bill and his cohorts, who let him hear on the cell that his wife and daughter have been kidnapped and held hostage. Unless Thomas can get his father (a judge), his sister (a cop), and his brother (a border patrol officer) to cooperate in a crazy scheme involving robbing a dangerous Mexican drug cartel, they'll all be killed.Pretty much the entire movie is Thomas being tortured as he tries to convince his family to cooperate with his captors. By the time the "big" surprise ending comes, I couldn't have cared less and felt I need to take a shower to get this drek off of me.

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