R | 21 October 2016 (USA)
Moonlight Trailers

The tender, heartbreaking story of a young man’s struggle to find himself, told across three defining chapters in his life as he experiences the ecstasy, pain, and beauty of falling in love, while grappling with his own sexuality.


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.

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Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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For a movie based on one person who does not speak much every character that played Chiron was amazing they said so much without speaking, hands down one of the best movies and best acting I've ever seen!

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Moonlight is considered a pretty big movie in the movie scene; winning prizes such as Best Motion Picture of the Year, Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role among two hundred other awards. Winning three oscars isn't an easy feat, and I congratulate the movie and it's makers for reaching such an amazing feat. But truth to be told? It does not deserve it.The movie starts strongly, with amazing acting produced by Mahershala Ali and Naomie Harris, but decays afterwards into what can be simply categorized as overrated. The first period of the whole movie (of three total) is superb, acting-wise, visually, and in terms of writing and dialogue, but then it is replaced by uneeded timeskips that could have been used to make the movie far more thrilling and deserving of the oscars. There were plenty of situations and times when acting could've done the job, but it was always kicked in it's teeth by a timeskip, equally boring was the writing, portraying unfortunately an awesome concept but still ultimately leaving you with nothing in the end. Yes, it is black people. Yes, it is homosexual people. But so what? These two automatically do not push anything into a good movie.The middle and end section of the movie goes through so flawlessly, with minimal conflict and little chance for the actors to shine in the drama genre. The ending, what could've been amazing, intense situation - is instead shrunk into a twilight-romance that just doesn't cut it for three oscars. If you've seen the movie, you must see it; there's just no way the ending is so simple as it is portrayed. Why was there no explanation or delving further into the adult protagonist? He was an empty shell, and not because the story wanted it that way - but because the story didn't ever produce anything to make us feel we ever needed, or wanted, the end that we got.Visually however: a masterpiece. The colours are not only flawless and the angles and beautiful scenery pushes this movie from complete garbage (again, aside from the beginning), to an acceptable movie. The colours specifically root into your memory, with specific colours and specific designs on character's clothes making you easily interpret who they are and understand the scenes with masterful ease.It's a shame that with such a badass, thought-provoking concept, the beautiful colours, and the awesome introduction, the rest of the movie became lackluster and in the end, overrated.

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Left asking why we wasting 2 hours on this. Acting by the supporting actors were good. Jenelle Monae was great. However, the story just went on and on with no real point or plot. Just a lot of silence and frustration.

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Wanted to see as many 2016 films as possible, especially those that won or were nominated for the big awards. Took me a while to see 'Moonlight', with the controversy it garnered when it was announced for the Best Picture Oscar and the amount of hate it's got here part of me was wary.Finally getting round to seeing 'Moonlight', it turned out that it was more than well worth the while and that the wariness was not needed. 'Moonlight' is not a perfect film and may not have been my personal pick for the Best Picture award (for me that was 'La La Land' though that is not a popular opinion it seems). Truly admired what it set out to do and found it a brave and powerful film, despite what the detractors say there is far more to 'Moonlight's' appeal than politics, sexuality and race (clearly trying to find conspiracy theories and reasons for why a film they dislike is loved by others, without taking into account that the film simply just connected to and resonated with those who liked it).'Moonlight' does end on an anti-climactic note, some of the last act is a bit rushed. A longer length would have helped as a result, it also would have helped make a couple of events in the first act a little clearer and not so choppy. It may not say much new, despite the ground-breaking concept on paper with the exploration of lives rarely seen on film, and doesn't always have subtlety. Then again it is tackling far from subtle themes and a heavy subject, so that sort of was going to be inevitable. However, 'Moonlight' is an exceptionally well made film. The cinematography and editing are some of the most eye-pleasing and best of that year, and can't find anything to fault the expertly handled direction. The music is cleverly mixed and has haunting power and fluidity. Regarding the writing, it is not perfect, at times as said a little heavy-handed and vague in parts, but it is thought-provoking and handles very ambitious, relevant, important themes with power, truth and (mostly) delicacy. The story makes the most of the three act structure, it's handled simply but not simplistically and also handled cleverly and with passion, honesty and intelligence. Found myself relating quite a lot to and being moved significantly by the story and found the film handled a heavy and sensitive subject matter with a lot of relevance and importance today more than admirably. Can't fault the acting, doing wonders with compellingly real characters and strongly defined character relationships (especially the central one). Much has been made of Maharshala Ali and Naomie Harris and deservedly with two of the best performances that year, Ali especially is extraordinary. It is easy though to overlook Alex R. Hibbert, Trevante Rhodes and Ashton Sanders and one shouldn't, as they are just as worthy (particularly Sanders). Overall, didn't completely blow me away but very well done and with a lot to admire. 8/10 Bethany Cox

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