The Day Kennedy Died
The Day Kennedy Died
NR | 17 November 2013 (USA)
The Day Kennedy Died Trailers

The doctor who tried to save him. The Secret Service agent who was seconds too late. The man wrongly accused of his murder. And the woman who unwittingly sheltered an assassin. The death of JFK has inspired thousands of books and debates over the last 50 years, but the stories of the people there on that day have gone largely untold...until now. Experience November 22, 1963 as it has never been presented before, in this minute-by-minute account of that day, narrated by Academy Award-winner Kevin Spacey, and brought to life through rarely seen footage and rarely heard testimonies.


Load of rubbish!!

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There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.

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This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.

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Captures the frantic rush to the local hospital, the public chaos that ensued, the quickly mobilized manhunt by law enforcement looking for a suspect after witnesses identified the source of the gunshots as the Texas Book Depository, and the clash and confusion of media and authorities as Oswald is brought in for interrogation.By the time this film was released, anyone interested in the JFK assassination probably knows all the facts, as well as 1,000 other facts that may or may not be important (depending on your point of view). Regardless, this does a great job of boiling everything down to just the one day -- both before and after -- and focusing on first-hand accounts.I am no expert on JFK, but I think anyone who wants to know about his death and only has 90 minutes, this would be an excellent place to start. It really does cover all the basics of the situation.

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Once again the uninformed are treated to another re-hash of the Warren Commission coupled with snippets of Reclaiming History by the late Vince Bugliosi.Throughout the 2 hour narrative by Kevin Spacey,knowledgeable assassination researchers noticed how convenient the work omitted or glossed over some very relevant issues that tend to question the so- called official version.Examples include:(1) The so-called TBD roll-call in which Oswald was supposedly the only missing employee- a complete falsehood. (2) The explanation by Clint Hill that the reason JFK's remains were taken from Parkland Hospital was because LBJ would leave Dallas with Jackie who wouldn't leave without her husband. The truth is that the Secret Service, in complete violation of Texas law, forcibly and illegal removed JFK's remains from the legal grasp of Dallas County thus neutering the evidence forever. The sham ' autopsy ' which later followed in Bethesda was also just barely mentioned in the film.(3) A segment shows a uniformed Dallas PD Sgt. and Detective handling a wallet at the scene of the Tippet murder. Who's wallet was it ? An FBI agent on the same scene claimed it belonged to Oswald- yet the official WC fairy tale indicates that Oswald's wallet was removed from him in the DPD squad car en route to the jail after he was arrested in the Texas Theater.It would nice if a network actually bothered to do some research and present some arguments to the novice JFK assassination student that probed a little and questioned the Warren Commission baloney.

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I just caught this in a screening, and was absolutely captivated by the storytelling. This is a minute by minute telling about what happened in Dallas, Texas, on this day 50 years ago, 22nd of November 1963. We meet those who we're standing so close, that they saw the shootings and even got the blood spatter on themselves. The interviews with the persons are followed by film clips from several angles. Amazingly all the film- and photo cameras around this day has made the film makers able to reconstruct if all in a way I though would never be possible.We get to see all in details. From the presidents following want on his last speech and on to the Air Force one 13 minutes before landing in Texas, and to the traveling with the body. We also see the arresting of Lee Harvey Oswald, the questioning of him, and Jack Ruby's shooting of Oswald 35 hours later.The film gives me no doubt what so ever that Oswald was the killer. It's strong to see Oswald's girlfriend telling about her thoughts of the day, and when the police came to search her house. She still remembers like it was yesterday.This documentary got me interested in watching JFK once more. I think this film was a blessing to see, killing off most of the conspiracy theories which have got opportunities and time to evolve. The most accurate telling of the story you'll ever see.

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