The Collector
The Collector
| 22 February 2002 (USA)
The Collector Trailers

The detective Maud Graham hides her sensibility behind the image of a strong and independant woman. She frequently offers her hospitality to a 16-year-old prostitute, Grégoire, a young man who became her friend. But when the teenager decides to invite a 12-year-old boy who is running away from home, Maud is near illegality. In addition, the detective has to deal with a serial killer who had already killed and mutilated many women. When she understands that the killer is very intelligent and organized, she elaborates a strategy to arrest him. There starts a dangerous game where the two teenagers that Graham is protecting will be implied. The killer is getting closer, revealing more and more of his madness.


Dreadfully Boring

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This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Stephan Hammond

It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Scotty Burke

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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Some writers are by far more lucky that genuinely talented. And I personally think that Miss Brouillet (rightly surnamed «la brouillonne» by her own so-called «snobbish» circles!) is, indeed very lucky! You can catch a glimpse of her, in that movie, as the TV hostess for a wine-tasting show. This is something she managed to do, in real life, for one very brief and quickly forgotten season. I found her, in this «blink-and-you'd-miss-it» sequence very «provincially» mannered and lisping. How could she manage to become somewhat popular amongst the less demanding readers.... is a mystery to me. A mystery similar to her using a «Y» instead of an «I» in her forename! Her worse... hum... «qualities», as a writer, are all found in this misfired movie. I doubt very much, had she not been somewhat notorious, that any film would have been made of her very violent and very sensational novel. It goes without saying that the film is NOT much better than the novel. Which is a real pity, considering all the talents involved such as the director, and Luc Picard. Better luck, next time, Miss B. For French readers, you can find a confirmation of my opinion at this site:

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The film The film itself is a very interesting approach to the thriller genre.Just when I thought I had seen them all (psycho killer vsdetective), this film came to remind some can always improvethings. Instead of pure suspense/action, the film opens many sub- plots that brings an extra to the main plot and characters. It's amust see for amateurs of the genre and fans of Luc Picard. Actorsare great as well as the filmography.The DVD What really annoyed me was the DVD version itself. The film ispresented in an anamorphic (2:35:1) format. Wow. Oh, it's verycrisp. But the whole film is shrinked !! It is so annoying I couldn'tfollow the story by times. Actors look small and fat, objects are alldeformed, the whole experience is ruined. This is a truly amateur- ish kind of mistake, one that cannot be explained coming fromChrystal Films and a 5$million dollar production. Thank god I sawit at the theater.Bottom line If you wanna rent the film, it's better to rent the VHS. It won't bedistorted and shrinked. Extras on the 2nd disc are nice though.

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so I and my girlfriend saw this movie together and we found this story very original. Everybody can like this movie because it is not difficult to understand but it's different of other movie. This thriller is a good story of "Christine Brouillette" who write the book of this story and "Jean Baudin" who have made the movie. "Maude Graham" is a very original character play very well by "maude Guerin". This is a very good Quebec movie better than any American movie. So the story talk about hard subject like homosexual prostitute but is right. So the note for le collectionneur are 68%. thank you...

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Funky A

Le Collectionneur is a thriller made in Québec and based on a book by writer Christine Brouillet. This thriller seems to have been produced to test the market to see if there is room in the small Québec movie industry for the production of big commercial thriller. Right now, people are going to see this movie so it is probably not the last time we see such a movie, and don't be surprised if more adaptations of Brouillet's books featuring detective Maude Graham are released in the next years. But the main question is, is it any good? To that question I must answer that yes, it has its qualities, but also its flaws. First of all, for the cast, Luc Picard shines in an otherwise relatively bad cast. Maude Guérin, who plays the main character is quite bland and the two younger actors of the cast are not very impressive either. Yvan Ponton, who usually is quite good is ridiculous in this movie. It must be said that the quality of the dialogue he has to say doesn't help him but still, he could have done much better. But Luc Picard is truly incredible. He has incredible on-screen presence, his energy is undeniable and he can even almost convince us he can be a nice guy when he is not the crazy serial killer that he is. A great performance for a great actor. Other than him, the only other actor which is good is Alexis Martin, perfect for his small role. The main problem with this thriller is that while it is fairly involving, the story is slowed down by a very bad subplot about Guérin caring for a 16 years old male prostitute and a young boy which fled from his home. These scenes would have been better if the treatment was not as cheesy as it is most of the times. The movie goes from a brutal and dark murder mystery to a social drama which seems to have been made for an educational film about prostitution and leaving home. The murder story, though, is quite well-written. Picard casts the terrifying shadow of his madman over the whole movie and although we do not realy see him until the second part of the movie, we definately feel his presence during the whole movie. Le Collectionneur could have been much better if the overrall cast had been better and if the children subplot had been treated in a darker way, but as it is, it is a good commercial thriller that wasn't made in a big Hollywood studio and gives Luc Picard the chance to shine once again. It is an entertaining movie and the people who worked on it will hopefully learn from their mistakes when they work on the sequel.68%

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