The Chaperone
The Chaperone
PG-13 | 11 February 2011 (USA)
The Chaperone Trailers

An ex-con on the run from his criminal past, hides out from those he ratted on by chaperoning a field trip to New Orleans.


Wonderful character development!

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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.Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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Of course like most WWE films it's far from good, I must say though I'm very glad at least for once we see something other than John Cena in a WWE film but The Chaparone leaves with only a good message and fails with the humour and acting.After spending 7 years in prison Ray Bradstone is finally released and has a plan to rebuild his life and reconnect with his ex-wife and teenage daughter. Through the course of 7 years Ray has been reading on better ways to control his life and become a better person, upon his release he is very convinced that everything will be OK within a blink of an eye... He couldn't be more wrong; at first his daughter rejects him and he starts to relapse on the very thing that put him in jail... robbery! When realizing what he has done he gives it his all for one last chance with his daughter, and everyone is in for the ride of a lifetime.I'll start with the acting, like I said before it was great to see a WWE film without John Cena, but somehow the cast just seems to be very dry even though they have a good reputation. Triple H is in his first starring role as Ray Bradstone and I have to say he doesn't do a half bad job you can tell he's inexperienced but still a lot better than what you would think, but his attempt at a comedic approach really doesn't click and never really comes across funny but he gave an excellent effort. Kevin Corrigan as Phillip Larue was the worst, terribly unfunny and just plain irritating. Kevin Rankin as Goldy was better than Kevin Corrigan but still pretty bad, a few funny moments but nothing memorable. Ariel Winter as Sally Bradstone was great she's an excellent actress. Yeardley Smith as Miss Miller and Enrico Colantoni as Dr. Etman were probably the best always very funny and they never had a dull moment on screen I very pleased to see them, they were probably a key factor why the movie didn't completely fail.Action sequences were pretty useless, very few of them but that's understandable sense this is a kids movie but when they were there nothing major happened Triple H just punched a few people and all ended in a predictable way. I hated how they put the camera in slow-mo and showed Triple H beating up like 5 or 6 guys at once it just looked plain dumb. There were many points where a good action sequence could have taken place but didn't or they were blown off by some lame attempt at a funny joke.The storyline was definitely the best part of the movie while it has many flaws it has a very good message that even a criminal can be a good person and turn his life around and be a great contribution to society. I loved how the story was based around a man that was very connected to his daughter when she was young and then had to build the relationship back after a few wrong turns he has taken. Although a great message and great idea for a movie it doesn't fully deliver as it appears in many parts cluttered by trying to fit to many things in at once.I'll end by saying the intentions of the movie were good but with only a couple of good actors and only the base of the storyline good we are left with an unfunny, cluttered, and dull film. If you're a fan of wrestling and the WWE and are a fan of Triple H maybe it'll be worth your while to watch it, even though I didn't like it I have no regrets about watching it.Overall Rating: **** out of ********** ** out of *****

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Though I'm no wrestling fan, I am very familiar with the media presence of "Triple H" (Paul Levesque). Who says (former) wrestlers can't make the big screen? The Rock, Mr. T (before he switched to pro boxing), The Hulkster, Andre the Giant, etc.Levesque is actually well-fitted in this role, and very convincing; for his first actual big screen debut. He certainly can act; no doubt about that. The on-screen chemistry he shares with costar, veteran actress Annabeth Gish, is the most surprising. They play brilliantly off each other. Gish is even more gorgeous today, especially in this film, than during her 80's 'Mystic Pizza' days where she portrayed mostly straight-laced, virginal school girl roles. And with more than 30 films to her credit, including a few television appearances, she certainly has earned icon status.This film does NOT disappoint. I originally streamed it off Netflix, curious - seeing that "Triple H" was in the title. Again, very impressive. A must-see indeed.

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OK, before seeing any WWE movie, I don't really expect great acting, that is the way I just auto-think when I hear they made another movie. That being said, I tried to watch this with an open mind, didn't expect much at all but was interested to see if Triple H could fair better than his fellow wrestlers. Unfortunately although I found HHH a step above Cena, it wasn't enough to say the movie was good, but wasn't the worse. The support cast were OK doing the typical movie role of a family divided by a fathers (HHH) past, the same formula seen in many 80's and 90's family flicks, the first half hour was very painful to watch, bad beard and lines, but I have to admit it did pick up further along the movie. I gave the rating a 2 out of 10 simply because the movie seems like a popcorn fodder affair, it's a movie not made to make us think, maybe a laugh here and there with a bit of action, bit of a throw back to the 80s. I reckon these big wrestler types would suit better to horrors and thrillers if they are to keep sticking to 80s style movies.

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Hi dudes, myself Amit From India. Here just like worldwide, so many people loves John Cena,Randy Orton but hardly anyone think themselves as TRIPLE H OR BRET HART .When TRIPLE H took a break from WWE before 7-8 months i understand that he has to recover himself from injuries as well as he was doing something different. Then i came to know that he was doing the movie. so i was eagerly waiting to see TRIPLE H in the movie and guys its really wonderful to see him again. We have to remember that he is not a natural born actor he is wrestler first and then he is doing acting so we have to keep faith in him. What John Cena done in movie Marine or 12 Rounds except action. But friends in THE Chaperone Paul sometimes makes u emotional, he done few action as well as comedy act too. Overall the movie is good and acting department is also good but i think the weaker part of movie is story. Its so simple and nothing fresh! So as a WWE fan i would like to Suggest that good try but we want more!

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