The Boy Next Door
The Boy Next Door
NR | 14 November 2008 (USA)
The Boy Next Door Trailers

Mark, a 25-year-old male prostitute who suffers from anxiety attacks accidentally runs into the 10-year-old son of one of his clients. When the boy tells him he is looking for his father Mark, taken by surprise, wants nothing to do with him. But while they wait for the client to return Mark realizes that maybe this unexpected guest was exactly what he needed. Over the course of the night this strange new friendship grows and gives both Mark and Justin the courage to overcome their fears and face their own personal demons.


What makes it different from others?

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Really Surprised!

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Better Late Then Never

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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one of films useful for the feeling after the last credits. a simple story. touching, almost a sentimental sketch, a sort of life lesson , giving a message who, if you do not ignore the last scene, could be too sentimental. but it remains a real useful film about solitude and about fears and about the perspective of a child about the universe of his father. so, a great film out of the ordinary meaning of "great". because the state of the viewer after the end of this short film is the only significant thing .

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Horst in Translation (

It's pretty much always the same with these gay-themed short films. They go for lack of realism, bad story lines, shock value, sex, violence, homophobia etc., but it almost never happens that they manage to elaborate convincingly on only a single one of these aspects. This one here makes no difference unfortunately. "The Boy Next Door" was made 7 years ago, runs for 14 minutes and the writer and director is Gregor Schmidinger, actually a German filmmaker. It's a bit surprising as this is his first work and an American production with English language. Him being a rookie really is the only mitigating factor here though. No surprise, he hasn't gotten beyond gay-themed short films and hasn't made a movie in 3 years now. I see no real talent here. Same goes for the actors. I am not surprised at all that none of the trio really seems to have a prospering career right now. A mediocre work from start to finish and I don#t recommend.

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Short about male escort Mark (Michael Ellison) who suffers from anxiety attacks. He goes to a clients hotel room...but runs out of his pills. His client has to leave for a while and Michael runs into his clients 10 year old son Justin (Truman Chambers) who believes there's a monster under his bed. Mark tries to get rid of the kid but then realizes that this might be what he needs.Kind of vague but ultimately touching little short. The ending is a little too pat but it is a (sort of) uplifting one. The acting is great by Ellison and especially Chambers. The whole film takes place in a hotel room and the corridor outside which actually helps the film. An interesting little gay short.

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It's never explained why this young man has turned to prostitution but it's heavily suggested that a drug habit is involved. What pain the drugs are masking is left to the imagination. As with many short films, this one poses many unanswered questions about motivations and back-story but this film is successful in getting you to care somewhat for the characters.It's an apt snapshot but not much more. It suggests that the director has potential but it will require a more fully developed story-line to tell for sure. The young kid and the prostitute were bot well cast but the other man seemed too young to be the father of a kid that age. I felt a short bit of disappointment at the end in the denouement. I expected the film to come to a better conclusion than the walking away scene that we get.

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