The Bleeding House
The Bleeding House
| 20 April 2011 (USA)
The Bleeding House Trailers

The Smiths -- a family with a secret past -- are visited by a sweet-talking southern gentleman who is looking for small town humanity. But they'll soon find out that kindness towards strangers is not always rewarded, and the secretive stranger will find redemption does not always come easy.


Very well executed

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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Rich Wright

"Now then, my good sirs I was on my travels when I happened across a most heinous film. This pictorial experience was unlike any I had yet encountered... being boring, stupid and silly all at the same time. But the main bugbear I had with it, my children, was the so-called bad guy. This imposter, this charlatan, was trying to talk like me, with a Deep South accent and much musings on his life, proverbs, the Bible etc. But there's where the similarity ends, as he clearly did not understand of what he spoke of. Let me tell you now, it was complete babble... the words springing forth from his mouth, and that combined with his atrocious manner of speaking made me want to stab my ears with a Q-tip. I know you are supposed to hate the villain in a production such as this, but I found his acting style far more offensive than the no doubt terrible crimes he committed. Truly, one of the worst performances it's ever been my displeasure to witness." "And I'm afraid I bring bad tidings regarding the rest of the proceedings too. One thing I cannot abide is people making unfathomable blunders in the service of a contrived plot. If two girls flagged down a police car in the middle of the night and said they saw someone being murdered, would the officers REALLY take them by force back to the scene of the crime? And when said lawmen arrived and see blood everywhere, would they HONESTLY wander inside without calling for back-up first? And that's not to mention all the times our heroine has the opportunity to shoot the antagonist, stab him, run off... None of which is taken up. Speaking of her, I thought we were onto something interesting with her character when we found out she enjoys killing insects and small birds, before putting them on display in her room. Nope, she's just as much a waste of space as the evil dude. Sure, she kills a few people, but not in a convincing way at all. She's about as intimidating as a glass of freshly made lemonade. With a curly straw.""If you want to see this storyline done in a much more pleasing way, go out and look for Stoker. It's got Nicole Kidman in it, and that girl from Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland. You'll love it. This on the other hand, is just pigswill. I'll be off again now on my DVD journey. Catch you on the flip side. 2/10"

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Film Watchin Fool

Why You Might Like It: The acting is actually very good and Patrick Breen is great as the lead protagonist. For people who like this genre of film, then it might be worth a watch.Why You Might Not Like It: It is low budget and has an unknown cast, which might make some viewers shy away from seeing it. The movie is average and nothing to go out of your way to see unless you love this genre of movies.Acting/Casting: 6.5* - Patrick Breen shines in this movie and plays the villain in a very interesting manner. He does an outstanding job from the accent to the way carries himself in the film. The remainder of the cast is made up of unknown actors, but they do a fine job as well.Directing/Cinematography/Technical: 5.5* - Most of the movie takes place at a farmhouse, so there isn't much in the way of great cinematography or technical aspects. The directing is OK, but I felt the movie dragged a bit in the second half of the film. This area of the film isn't terrible, but it also isn't anything but average.Plot/Characters: 5* - A ostracized and troubled family is visited at their home by a strange and interesting man, who they decide to let stay the night. Again, the plot is interesting and has potential, but it doesn't play out to be anything great.Entertainment Value: 5.5* - It starts out fairly intriguing and grabs your attention, but slowly becomes very mediocre. Once you get the gist of the plot, it is a very average movie. Worth a watch if you catch on TV on a slow evening.My Score: 6.5+5.5+5+5.5 = 22.5/4 = 5.625 Email your thoughts to

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A strange thing happened to me with this movie: I was thoroughly involved the whole time, and when it ended I was like "wow". But only a few moments later I started remembering the clichéd and unbelievable situations, the bland characters, the story that goes nowhere, the ending without a payoff, the lack of mood or anything vaguely scary and the terrible dialogue. Why the heck did I like this movie while I was watching? I guess is that because my imagination just ran wild. The "secret" is so predictable - like other reviewers pointed out - that I thought it was *not* the secret, and that there would be something else. Basically, I was expecting Gloria to be a vampire, or Nick to have been sent by the devil, or some big conspiracy involving the whole town to be disclosed. Since I was pretty much the only one who expected those things, I guess it is not a spoiler to say that none of that came to happen.Hence my post-movie disappointment. That is basically the problem with "The Bleeding House": Gloria does not turn out to be a vampire.

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Andrea Stocco

The Bleeding House was an absolute surprise. I was expecting one of the many gory serial-killer- gets-into-the-house kind of movie, but this movie is, instead quite different. First, the gore is minimal, and the blood shown on screen is limited to the necessary amount required by the story (it plays an important and symbolic role for one of the characters). Second, the traditional scares (i.e., the assassin jumps out of the corner) are basically non-existent. The movie takes its strength from the eerie atmosphere, which is drenched in dysfunctional family relationships and broken characters looking for redemption. Predictable in its plot, but beckettian and original in its execution, with a pace that takes its strength by being consciously slowed down (even when the killer strikes, he seems to do so with a Bressonian lack of speed in its movement) instead of sped up, the movie has definitely something new to add to the genre. While the final revelation of the family secret is disappointing, the confrontation between the two killers (and main characters) is interesting and well-done, and gives a gruesome and chilling spin to everybody's quest for meaning in life---and empirical lack thereof.

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