The Blazing Temple
The Blazing Temple
| 01 January 1976 (USA)
The Blazing Temple Trailers

Young men, angered by the repressive and corrupt Ching government, come to the Shaolin Temple to study. Fearing that the Shaolin Temple is a harbor for rebels wanting to overthrow the government, the Ching Emperor Yungzheng kills the monks wherever he can find them. After the Emperor orders the destruction of the Shaolin Temple, his name becomes the most feared and hated in China. After years of struggling, the surviving Shaolin disciples, led by Carter Wong, move to assassinate the Emperor. This epic tale of Manchu China has all the scope and action you'd expect from Hong Kong master Joseph Kuo.


Truly Dreadful Film

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This is How Movies Should Be Made

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Don't listen to the negative reviews

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Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,

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It was only after watching that I had any idea that THE BLAZING TEMPLE is actually the third part of a film trilogy by director Joseph Kuo, following on from 18 BRONZEMEN and 18 BRONZEMEN PART II. I've seen those two predecessors and I didn't like them very much. Despite an interesting theme, they're pretty boring movies. Carter Wong is the linking actor in all three films, a serviceable action star who holds his own in the fight stakes, but the twist is that he plays a different character in each film.The plot is also loosely linked, and THE BLAZING TEMPLE in particular stands out as an individual movie unlinked to the others. It actually turns out to be a bloody good little film, packed to the brim with strong characters, well choreographed scenes of battle and action and plenty of special effects along the way as well. Basically, once the film starts it never lets up. We're briefly introduced to the shaven-headed monks of the Shaolin Temple and their abbot leaders, along with a merciless emperor and his entourage. The title refers to an extended set-piece that takes place around the halfway mark, in which the temple is attacked, burned and razed to the ground, with many of the peaceful monks burning alive inside. Of course, there are a few hardened survivors who go on to make it their business to seek vengeance, and that's where the climatic, large-scale battle comes in. The action is top notch throughout, very well choreographed and all with lots of different fighters with their own special abilities and skills.The main reason I loved this film so much is that it seems influenced by a '30s serial, in which story is told via action and the scenes are always shifting. Take the bit in the underground passage, for instance, where the chief abbot holds up a massive boulder for an inordinate time and ends up killing himself in the process. Other fun elements include a female fighter who swoops through the air to behead her enemies; she comes out of nowhere at the climax and adds to the fun. There are other gory interludes such as torture, impalement and characters dying heroic deaths as they're slashed to death by multiple opponents. With the ensemble cast on show here, star Carter Wong doesn't seem to be on screen much, but he does have some fun with his '18 lessons' technique right at the climax. In any case this is a jolly good show.

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The Shaolin Temple has burned to the ground in many movies but never in such a boring way. This version had all the star power and even a bit extra. Typically an all male cast, this version found room for Chia Ling but then didn't use her for any notable action sequences. The photography and costumes were at the highest level and that would be Shaw Brothers level. I'll never know for sure but I suspect it might have been filmed on Shaw sets and in Shaw costumes rented out daily. The evil emperor even has kung fu skills and a sword proof armor under his gowns. Then they forgot to film any real action. In the moment of heat, as the temple burns down, the head abbot holds a door open for about five minutes. He stands there holding the door open. Just stands there. Yawn. If you are a fan of kung fu movies of the golden age 1967- 1984 then you must watch this movie. Do your duty and be done with it. I can only rate it a 5/10 and I'm being generous.

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Chung Mo

A very valiant attempt to equal a Shaw Bros. production. Opulent sets, costumes and a lots of extras. The production company even claimed to have it's own version of ShawScope called "HouwaScope"! There's actually some reasonably good miniature special effects for an HK production.The Manchus/Chings led by their ruthless emperor are on the offensive against all possible resistance. If that mean killing his sister's family, the Emperor is ready to do it. Well, sister isn't happy and she attempts to kill the Emperor but of course he's one of the baddest kung fu fighter in the land and wearing sword invincible armor. She escapes by jumping away swearing the she'll kill her older brother. Switch to Shaolin Temple as the monks try to formulate a plan against the imminent Ching army attack. The attack comes before they are ready and chaos ensues. A band of monks escape while other monks are killed by cannon fire or set themselves ablaze. The monk Siu (played by Carter Wong), is secretly given a set of scrolls, the 18 Buddha Movements, by the chief abbot, and told to memorize the scrolls then destroy them. Hunted after escaping the destruction of Shaolin Temple, the surviving monks decide to kill the Emperor. The rest of the film is their attempts to kill him.The decent budget and large scale vision of the film is lost in a script that is about as unfocused as can be. The interesting thing is that the characters are all so well played by the actors, the lack of even one main character isn't as big a problem as it should have been. You are unfortunately left wanting to see more of the various characters. Nobody gets enough screen time. There are, however, some decently written scenes, the monks asking each other for the first time about the circumstances of their entrance into Shaolin for example, but the film keeps reeling from one situation to another. The burning of the temple is well done and has several striking images. I would guess that the filming was so rushed that even the writing couldn't go thru much revision. Once you see the finale you'll know what I'm talking about. The martial arts are decent but not amazing.OK for light viewing, not good not bad.

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Better than average martial arts film concerning the Emperor versus the Shaolin monks. The Emperor fears the monks will destroy his power and burns their temple in the hopes of wiping out their order. Of course it doesn't work and only manges to get them angrier.Somehow connected to earlier films this is a good little film that works fine on its own terms. Its packed with action and drama and never really stops moving for a second. I was just going to take a quick look at the disc to make sure it worked and the next thing I knew I was 25 minutes in. This is a rainy day popcorn film. Best of all is the beauty of the fights which wonderfully link the violence with ballet.This is one to see if you run across it.

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