One of the best films i have seen
... View MoreFor all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
... View MoreFunny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
... View MoreAt first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
... View MoreThis is a movie about a great friendship of a kitten and a pug who are going on an adventure and try to make their way back to their home farm. It was filmed for 4 years an came out in 1986 in Japan.This is mainly a movie for children, but anyone who loves animals will enjoy some scenes in it that have animal cuteness overload. I say "some scenes" because there is a huge number that are very disturbing. Now, I can't prove if indeed multiple cats and pugs were killed. It wouldn't surprise me considering the time it was filmed, animal rights were far less of an interest back then, and certain scenes like the kitten falling off a cliff sure seem to be life endangering. At the same time I heard the guy who produced this film was an animal lover who had an island that was a sort of sanctuary for animals. This of course doesn't prove much, we do know stories of animal support organizations that were guilty of killing animals or not giving them enough care, but it does give one some hope that animals didn't get killed. Still, even if we assume those are just rumors there are too many scenes where animals are in obvious distress. The one where the cat is attacked by seagulls is a great example. This ruined a movie a lot for me. I sure hope there has been a greater progress with animal treatment on the movie set. One ca make cute movies without doing this to animals and it is not worth the entertainment (it only ruins it).But yes some adorable scenes such as the kitty with the piglets are in this movie as well.
... View Morewell this is a about a dog and a cat named Milo and Otis that go on a adventure together and going through danger and these to animal's are very cunning because they find there way back to the farm. also i would rec-amend this film to other's and i think it should be aired on TV. also this film has lot of interesting floora and funa for the different seen's in the movie and different part of film also Dudley more did a great job narating this movie and the music is good.i think this movie should be given a chance in the grammar's and auscar's in real life present day because i think the producer and the cast deserves some recension for this me great film i don't no if Hollywood could top this film if they made a another one.
... View MoreMilo is a kitten and Otis is a dog, a pug to be exact and they are born on a farm full of all kinds of other animals. As babies they become good friends and come in contact right off the bat with all the common animals as well as nursing an egg until it hatches and fending off a hedgehog. Evetually the kitten gets stuck in a box and swayed away in the river and his pug mate chases the river banks in hopes to rescue her. The dog travels far and wide and the both of them have many exciting encounters. From Bears to crabs, to turtles to foxes they have a wild time. Soon after they reunite Milo meets a girl cat and falls in love and the pug feels betrayed and heads home alone. Soon he strangely meets a stray pug in the woods and he now knows why Milo was taken in with his new love. They tough the cold winter out in separate places and soon have kittens and pups of their own and eventually hook up and head back to their farm as one big happy family.I have always liked this film. It had Dudley Moore narrate it and he did a great job. Kids will love this and its fun for adults. Its rather cute at times especially the way these animals love each other. The direction wasn't bad and the little journey is nice to watch.Of course the film is rather flawed and very hard to buy, but its cute none the less. I hated knowing the animal trainers probably abused these animals often to get them to do as they wanted. Throwing them in water and off of cliffs is pretty bad.I liked the film, its nice to watch every few years 4/10 stars.
... View MoreHow far did the little kitty fall into the ocean? How much did it hurt the little kitty when the crab had a hold of it's nose? Did that bear actually have the kitten's paw in it's mouth? What kind of lunatic would have a puppy wrestle a bear cub in the water? How many animals were hurt in the making of this movie? Did they get eaten at the wrap party? I have read reviews on this site stating that Masanori Hata is some kind of animal lover. Animal lovers don't put animals in harms way. Which is basically what these animals are in this entire movie. They would have been safer in a slaughter house. Two words: animal cruelty. I would never let my great grand children watch this garbage! I would love to beat Masanori Hata with my cane!
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