Terror 2000
Terror 2000
| 30 October 1992 (USA)
Terror 2000 Trailers

Germany, right after the re-unification. The people are out of control, blind hatred towards immigrants is common sense. In this time, a social-worker, with the mission to bring a Polish family to their destination (an immigration camp in a little provincial town called Rassau), gets kidnapped just as the family. Chief inspector Koern and his girl-friend start to investigate in this matter in Rassau, exploring a world of obsessive sex, mislead lust and an over-whelming irrational love to the German nation, infiltrating anyone's mind. Rascism doesn't start with shaved hair and boots but rather in the middle of society itself...


Waste of time

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The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.

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A story that's too fascinating to pass by...

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Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de)

"Terror 2000 - Intensivstation Deutschland" is a German movie from 1994, so this one is already over 20 years old. The director is the late filmmaking infant terrible Christoph Schlingensief and he is also one of the three writers who worked on this one. The other two, Roehler and Hanisch, also managed really successful career in their own right in different areas closely related to movies. But lets take a look at this one. The cast is a mix of completely unknown non-professional actors and very successful actors with long careers and Schlingensief worked with many of them on other projects as well. None of the characters become memorable whatsoever though. This is the director's take on the reunited Germany and I am a bit shocked it took him almost five years until he released it. And looking at the quality of the film overall, I am almost a bit sad he released it. yes it has the indie/underground approach that Schlingensief's works always have, but the approach from him that makes me kinda like him and respect him is almost entirely missing in here and with this I am referring to a creative impact I did not manage to see in this film. The acting is so-so, but everything else is pretty absurd and not really in a good way. Disappointing. This has to be one of my least favorite Schlingensieg works, maybe even my number 1 least favorite from him. Eventually I was glad the film runs only for 75 minutes and that it was over so quickly, even if it felt a lot longer. Major thumbs-down from me. Don't watch.

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In 1968, during the trial against a member of the German student movement, he managed to take a dump on the judge's table. This action earned him the love & respect of his peer group, while students who were seriously into politics felt dumped on, too - and quite rightly so.This is basically the spirit you can expect from "Terror 2000". Lots of fecal matter, people invocating their archaic god all the time ("Scheixxx, scheixxx, scheixxx!"). There are completely hysterical sex & violence scenes. People acting like children having a temper tantrum. This movie is loud, shrill and - in the worst sense imaginable - "anarchistic". You should't expect anything else, except long boring filler periods.Christoph Schlingensief was the epitome of political correctness, wearing the mask of the ultimate riot clown. That's why the German media loved him. They always worship those crazy guys who are thinking totally out of the box - while keeping strictly to the rules that really matter. "Terror 2000" is ripe with tired old clichés approved with the PC-stamp "critical thinking", featuring first and foremost of course the obligatory "Nazi"-obsession.Its basically just a practical joke by and for adolescents that will embarrass them once they've finally grown up. A lot. ("Bad German Movies"-Review No. 14)

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Schlingensief, love him or hate him. I love him. He's something like the skin cancer on a body named society. So are his films. Terror 2000 is this kind of film where you haven't the chance to relax, because you are confronted the whole time with loudness, chaos, violence, sex, dirty language and Nazis! But in such a grotesque, humoristic way that you can't do something other than look and laugh! See Udo Kier as maniac preacher, see Schlingensief himself as a gay Nazi, see all the other strange characters and be inspired! Schlingensiefs real intentions what he wants to tell us by this film I can't interpretate, because it's always difficult to understand him. I think like in most cases of his work it's only a story about the weirdness of our society. That's it.(Christoph, if you read this, please take me for your next film project, I would be for example a fantastic Hitler parody!)It's clearly 9 points, because this film is highly entertaining, and that's what a film has to do in my opinion!

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This film has to be above and beyond the most pathetic deutsche film ever produced. With Deutschland not exactly being known for it's great films, this piece of garbage goes to further enforce the stereotype and stigma that has surrounded German films for years, that being they are just pure garbage. So take it from milchhund this movie is good for a laugh (exactly one laugh) and nothing more except a headache, and the need to smoke a lot (even if your a non smoker) as well as the need to drink your self stupid. Even Doom Generation was better then this crap. Technical crap, sound was horrible, camera work was infantile, the acting fully unbelievable and dry even though it's supposed to be bad, it's bad! The story was very weak. The only saving graces were the look at Germany after reunification in the east, while the west looked down on the new lowest class of Germans the east tried to adapt to their new found freedoms while still stuck even deeper in poverty. That's about all the film was able to produce for me though.The pain The pain.

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