Target Practice
Target Practice
| 23 November 2010 (USA)
Target Practice Trailers

5 friends on a fishing trip discover a hidden training camp for homegrown terrorists.

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Rich Riedel's promising directorial debut should please action fans and art-house connisseurs alike.Riedel's primary experience is in editing, and it shows. The story is paced expertly to build up the maximum tension possible.The acting is a bit uneven but there are some very strong performances here, notably from Eltony Williams.The indie film world doesn't produce a whole lot of action films, so it's important to recognize the talents that do emerge so that they find success. An action film world populated solely by directors who came up through the studio system isn't what anyone needs. Riedel has a bright future.

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Jason Stewart

I was lucky enough to see Target Practice some time ago and am very glad to know it is out in the wild for all to enjoy. A spiritual sibling of the great male-bonding gone way, way South movie "Deliverance", Target Practice moves the action into a post-9/11 world where the band of bro's out for a fishing trip are faced, not with sodomite hillbillies, but with home-grown terrorists training for all manner of nefarious acts.Director Rich Riedel steers clear of Boorman's "men have lost touch with their caveman selves" pathos and, instead, focuses on the action. He knows how to frame a shot and edit the hell out of a scene to maximize the tension. The cast is professional across the board and relatively believable while doing all manner of violent acts. The picture is gorgeous to look at and the wilderness setting really pops in high def.Do yourself a favor. Gather your closest male buddies, buy a couple cases of beer, fire up the BBQ, and watch Target Practice!

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A group of guys go into the woods for a boys weekend away and end up running for their lives from a homegrown terrorist operation they stumbled upon. The action starts early and doesn't let up.I really liked this movie. It was a smart indie action film. It's not a big budget, Hollywood, Brangelina movie. So it's not for everyone. But if you want something exciting, new and well done, this is a great movie. I actually like the unpolished look and feel of it much like I like the original "Halloween" or "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". It's the "indieness" that helps keep the tension alive along with the smart writing and direction.Can't wait to see what Riedel comes up with next.

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I saw this movie 2 times, at a film festival in Hollywood and then another one in Burbank. I really liked it but I sure wouldn't call it "fun," it's just really intense and suspenseful and actually pretty scary at parts. Almost like a horror movie. People were covering their eyes! I wasn't expecting that. I really liked the story, the whole idea about these terrorist camps in the woods. There's a lot of news reports on these places. I'm surprised some big studio didn't make a movie like this already. I'm also pretty surprised the FBI or whatever isn't doing more about the real camps.It starts out with these guys going on a fishing trip in the mountains. They almost hit a car that someone left in the middle of the road and they decide to go back and see if someone needed help or something. Bad call! Next thing you know, somebody's using them for target practice. See? Only it's like a LOT of somebody's, they're getting shot at from unseen snipers in the trees and the bullets are coming from every direction.Rest of the movie shows the guys fighting for survival, but there's a lot of twists and turns that I don't want to give away because I don't want to set off the Spoiler Police! But it's just a really good, really suspenseful little movie that I liked so much the first time, I took some more people the second time and they really liked it, too. It sure isn't "fun," though!

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