PG-13 | 06 December 2005 (USA)
Swarmed Trailers

Residents of a small town find themselves battling a swarm of wasps which has been sprayed by a super pesticide.


i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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If you enjoy your typical genetically altered insect turned into environmental catastrophe movie, then you will like Swarmed. Begins with run of the mill experimentations that are inadvertently foiled by the ever clumsy custodial engineer. For his part, the janitor pays dearly and hence begins the death toll for an innocent unsuspecting town. The absurdity of the story multiplies as quickly as the town folks death count yet somehow only serves to further augment the entertainment value. The movie's story revolves around an impending barbecued hamburger contest which co-incidentally and conveniently is exactly what the wasps are attracted to....yum....love that sauce!! This meat fest occurs in a tasty slice of small town America wrought with corruption, stupidity, and greed - bad combination for city and event planning, great combination for carnage. No worries for the citizens though, the local professor of entomology (doesn't every small town have one?), that also happens to be thank goodness a hotty, will piece it all together with help from the lab scientist that engineered the original overly aggressive easily antagonized wasps.This is a definite must see if you ever wanted to see an administrative assistant hunt city hall for a wasp with a double barreled shotgun. Quite impressive!! Equally impressive was the actual cook off where pandemonium strikes as the meat hungry wasps arrive. Kudos to Tim Matherson for masterful cameo - good to see he hasn't totally lost his B stature which he strongly enforces in the scene where he knocks over the mother and her baby stroller while trying to escape - well done Tim. Overall, it is much better than you might expect.

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This made for TV film is another in a long line of science fiction human versus nature films, and unfortunately it is not one of the best of the genre. The directing, cinematography, pacing, script, and acting are poor. It may fulfill cable TV's need to fill a time slot with inexpensive fare, but does not compare well with the vast selection of viewing available to the modern cable viewer.Who will like this film? If you relish watching bad guys get their due, you'll get plenty of satisfaction. If you like films that are so bad that they are funny, you'll get plenty to mock and laugh at. If you love the B films of the 1950's, you might find this a entertaining way to waste ninety minutes. If you like the campy and quirky, check out Richard Chevolleau's portrayal of Q, the exterminator.Chevolleau does a great job in the role and is a pleasant distraction in an otherwise dull and plodding flick. I did not recognize him as the same actor who played Marcus 'Augur' Deveraux in "Earth: Final Conflict" or Charlie in "Flowers for Algernon" (2000). His performance made me want to re-watch both.Who will dislike this film? Any die hard science fiction fans will be disappointed by the lack of thought in the plot and the unoriginal scenario. Special effects junkies will be in heavy withdrawals by the cheap effects. The scientifically inclined will be at a loss with the weak to absent science and logic in this flick. Connoisseurs of fine film will be horrified than the horror occurred behind and in front of the lens.In all, there is not much to recommend in "Swarmed." As I was voting at IMDb, I was conflicted in giving it as low a score as I did. If it was that bad, why did I watch the whole thing? Was it such a train wreck that I could not pry my eyes away? Was there a belief that it had to get better? In the end, it was one actor's performance and a desire to be intellectually honest in this review.Should you watch? Well if you are actually thinking about it, probably not. This is more a movie for a mindless moment.

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Michael Shanks (Jackson from Stargate SG-1) is a bee guy, studying new insecticides which somehow genetically mutate wasps. His latest experiment turns out to be a flop, only killing 75% of the wasps and making the remaining 25% into super killer yellow jackets. But wouldn't you know it, there just happens to be a clumsy janitor that manages to let the wasps loose that night, and the fun begins. There also happens to be a big burger cookout scheduled in the town, with national TV coverage and everything. Everyone is counting on all the money this will bring in. So, yeah...guess what happens next? This movie wasn't all that terrible. The characters were okay, certainly not great and not really approaching good, but still watchable. Shanks plays a low-key version of his Daniel Jackson character from Stargate, I don't think he ever gets excited throughout the whole film. The plot proceeded in completely predictable fashion along the same lines as every other creature feature I've ever seen. Take Jaws, Sabertooth, and Deadly Swarm, remove all the interesting parts, and you've basically got this. Special effects were actually surprisingly good. What this movie really needed what a plot with a lot more originality and characters with a lot more personality. But there wasn't anything particularly awful about it, so I'll give it 4 stars.

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Predictable, dry and continuous, this movie is all about yellowjacket wasps, and how they turn deadly, thanks to the scientific researcher and his fickle so-called bug-killing friend. Although this is all an accident, the deadly wasps are caused by the curious minded bug killer guy. The science man TOLD you not to get the BIG RED BOTTLE of bug juice which stands out from all the other normal clear jugged ones, because it was "stronger" and there were a "few glitches" to fix up with that one. Well guess what. It would be too un-interesting for that bug killer guy to pick up a clear bottled one. SO, he gets the red one!! Making ALL yellowjacket wasps DEADLY! whoo! Just in time for the city burger cookout too! And it just so happens that all these people cannot hear very well. The wasp is half a metre away, you still cannot see where the heck it is! Guess what?! it kills you now. too late! and it chews out the mayor's eye as well. how brilliant... So it attacks the whole city, and all the burgers. Now what!? Drive a golf cart with meat and drag the wasps into the gargage! BUt do they actually kill all the yellowjackets!? You should drag yourself to watch this movie to find out.

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