Survival of the Dead
Survival of the Dead
R | 06 May 2010 (USA)
Survival of the Dead Trailers

On a small island off the coast of Delaware, two families are locked in a struggle for power and control over the fate of the undead.


To me, this movie is perfection.

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Sorry, this movie sucks

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Just bad

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The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.

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Crabby McGrouchpants

It's possible resetting his whole game by picking up and moving to Canadian -- with one exception, all the actors are Canadian, as the funding came from there -- cause Romero to do a "reboot" with different, or more *precise*, sort of narrative lines than (I've seen him) use before.Why include a clan-squabbling story line? Because it's an effective backstory, a human life-detail that other characters could run into whether they like it or not, is why. It's like why have a lesbian soldier or a commanding officer who's smoking habit, for once and oddly at that, seems to be a defining characteristic rather than a simple way to kill screen time.I don't know why this movie's so effective, but ... I do. Really, I do, in fact. What happens is this: every scene -- and I mean pretty much *every* scene -- is an "update" on what's been brewing with these characters; what's been going on since you've seen them last, what's new about their "character" or personality that hadn't been revealed before, etc. All this while the world's fallen and there's (almost) nothing left but zombies.Cute touches: the attachment to internet devices and pride therein, to be defended against nay-saying disparagers; kids who forget something vital but are too late and well on their way to go back for it and feel like an idiot to no real purpose; the fact that the mostly-male survivor contingent is (wait for it) gun-carriers.This last might *seem* obvious, but then it doesn't dawn on one until well after the movies over. Yes, the hunters they run into (so casually racist there's no need to belabor it in the dialogue of the characters -- "We FELT LIKE IT, that's why!") are one-note hillbillies, but then again, being a good marksman is but a single virtue. Huh. Lacking that, you'd have no chance. Would you want to leave humanity *only* in the hands of gun-carriers? It's an interesting question the film asks: already, it's too late, it's over. ("Six days after ... " the intertitle announces, which is either/or a cute joke for fans or the series -- or, "no really" -- Romero's specifically and carefully marking time as his narrative unfolds. After all this time, since 1968.)Good show! Watch the trailer, and decide for yourself. If you think you won't be disappointed, trust me, you won't be: it's only if you can't even get through those 2 minutes 'cause this ain't your cup of tea (not to be taken as contemptuous, snark-attable "grindhouse" inept crap, but a movie to be watched with characters you can care about), there's your answer!

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Diane Ruth

The visionary director George Romero himself took the helm of this magnificent entry in the Living Dead series of films and it's quite obvious the Master is back. Working from a his own script and with his usual style and spirit, Romero manages to bring his own unique originality and inspiration to a motion picture that will leave audiences spellbound. The sense of fear and terror, the atmosphere of unease and dread, and the environment of savage survival is almost overwhelming. Unrelenting in its horror and intensity, this film still manages to capture the humanity of the characters inhabiting an isolated island where an unusual society battles for life. Clinging to civilization but feeling it slip through their fingers, these are people of flesh and blood, beautifully realized by an outstanding cast. Romero's genius permeates the film and only he is truly capable of creating such a powerful story with such brilliance.

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I'll keep this short for everyone who actually cares enough to read it: Shocking is how I'd describe finding out this movie was by THE George Romero. Why is that so surprising? Well, the movie is s***, you see. I gave it seven stars, sure. Because it's ENJOYABLE s***. It's one of those movies you hope to God wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. It's honestly got terribly hokey zombie scenes (not just fake, but just overall lousy scenes) throughout the movie. It's a movie about a post-apocalyptic world where hundreds of thousands of people die each day, and yet these characters often have time to look around, find an interesting weapon, and kill a zombie. Highlights include literally punching a zombie a couple times, then throwing it around without it doing anything, Upon throwing over that zombie, the character grabs a nearby flare gun, shoots it into the zombie's torso, and the zombie's head somehow spontaneously combusted. Another character kills a zombie by placing a fire extinguisher nozzle into a zombie's mouth, and using the extinguisher until the zombie's eyes explode out.Sorry, I dragged on. To sum up, sure. If you have 90 minutes to kill, watch it. Otherwise, exert the little amount of energy necessary to change the channel from whatever station is playing this (I assume) made-for-TV movie.

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Gatto Nero

What a total disappointment. Having grown up with all the "Dead" movies that Romero had done, I cannot believe this crap of a movie was done by the master of those other greats! It wasn't scary or funny. The zombies looks more stupid-looking than dead-looking. And the worst thing for me was that damn music score! OMG! How irritating and obnoxious! It gave the whole movie a cartoon-like feeling. I feel had Romero used a score like he did in the original Dawn of the Dead and filmed it it with the same kinda of old resolution like he did with Dawn, it could have made in my opinion more watchable but that ridiculous score and almost perfect HD-like picture quality, just drove me insane! I feel Romero has gone way too "Hollywood-like" It's not really Romero anymore. What a shame. I had high hopes for this one because of 'Diary', which I somewhat enjoyed. But this one for me just did me in.Oh Mr. Romero, either go back how you use to film way back in the day or just retire with some dignity and let us the viewers remember you how you use to scare us and not bore us like you do now.

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