Superman and the Mole-Men
Superman and the Mole-Men
NR | 23 November 1951 (USA)
Superman and the Mole-Men Trailers

Reporters Clark Kent and Lois Lane arrive in the small town of Silsby to witness the drilling of the world's deepest oil well. The drill, however, has penetrated the underground home of a race of small, furry people who then come to the surface at night to look around. The fact that they glow in the dark scares the townfolk, who form a mob, led by the vicious Luke Benson, intent on killing the strange people. Only Superman has a chance to prevent this tragedy.

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.

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The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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Samuel Steinburg

So I first watched this movie earlier this year and I have seen it a couple times. Considering I have grown up with more of the modern Superhero movies I was worried that this would be too dated.However,this movie is a fantastic movie. We got great acting from George Reeves as Superman and Phyllis Coates as Lois Lane. They never came off as campy and that is what makes this movie work for me. The story maybe a little goofy to some (the mole men design doesn't help) but it does have a good message to it that I also like.For a B-movie from the 50's I do not think the effects are that bad. Nowadays people would probably dismiss it for weak effects or not enough Superman but I think overall it's a good movie and sadly one that has been unknown by most. The only big complaint I have with this movie is their is a chase scene that feels like it drags on far to long.Overall, I say if you are a huge Superman fan, fan of classic films or just want to see the more early superhero films than I say this is a must watch. It will not wow people now but if you were to give it a chance I think you will still like it.

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Superman and the Mole Men (1951)*** (out of 4) Reporters Clark Kent (George Reeves) and Lois Lane (Phyllis Coates) are sent to Texas to do a story on an oil rig that has dug six feet into the ground but soon the big story becomes the mole men that have crawled out of the hole. I really wasn't expecting too much at of this film but it turned out to be pretty entertaining in the same form that a lot of science fiction "B" movies are from this period. The most shocking thing is how good the story is. Sure, it only runs 58-minutes but there's really no dry spells in the film, although I wish the mole men had more to do in the story besides be chased around. Superman also doesn't get too much screen time but when he's on he really shines especially one scene where he must disarm a group of men who want to kill the creature. Reeves is excellent in the roles of Kent and Superman and I loved his no nonsense way of handling everything. Coates was also very good in her role as is Jeff Corey as the nutty local who wants the creatures dead. He makes for a great villain and really delivers in each scene he's in. The special effects are quite campy but they just add to the entertainment value of the film.

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Chris Gaskin

I have just watched Superman and the Mole Men recently for the first time and rather enjoyed it, despite reading bad reviews. This was also released as a two part programme in the TV series at the time. Clark Kent and Lois Lane arrive in Silsby to witness the drilling of the world's deepest oil well, but disturb an undiscovered race of strange furry creatures that live deep underground. These come to the surface at night to explore the area, but one of these gets shot and is taken to hospital by Superman to be treated. The other one continues exploring, but the local people lure him into a wooden shack and set it on fire to try to kill him. Luckily, he manages to escape alive and returns to his underground home and brings some more mole men with him armed with a ray gun. After shooting the man who shot the mole man, who is injured, Superman releases the injured mole man from hospital and all four return home to safety.Superman is played well by George Reeves, but we don't get to see him fly in this movie. Phyllis Coates plays Lois Lane.I found this movie rather enjoyable, despite the low budget.Rating: 3 stars out of 5.

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Ben Burgraff (cariart)

In anticipation of the television series, 'The Adventures of Superman', this third 'live-action' Superman was the first 'feature' film (the previous entries had been serials). Replacing serial 'King' Kirk Alyn as the 'Man of Steel' was George Reeves, a gifted 37-year old actor who had been impressive in such 'A'-list productions as 'Gone With the Wind', 'The Strawberry Blonde', 'Lydia', and 'So Proudly We Hail!' Returning from the war, however, his career, as was the case with so many other young actors, had stalled. Reduced to supporting roles, or leads in 'B' films and serials, 'Superman and the Mole Men' represented yet another minor film, but Reeves hoped the exposure from both film and television might jump-start his flagging career...He little anticipated what impact Superman was about to have on his life!A cautionary tale, with elements 'lifted' from 'Frankenstein' and 'The Day The Earth Stood Still', begins as miners drill the world's deepest shaft, and break through to an underground world. Two of it's inhabitants, bald, radioactive midgets, decide to secretly investigate our world. Doing a feature story on the well for the 'Daily Planet', reporters Lois Lane (Phyllis Coates, inheriting the role from the serials' Noel Neill), and Clark Kent (Reeves), finds a town gripped with fear and prejudice, as an old man had suffered a heart attack after seeing the 'visitors'. Despite pleas for tolerance, the residents arm themselves, and plan to 'shoot first and ask questions later', particularly after the ball of a little girl who sees them (and has an innocent encounter), has enough residual radioactivity to glow in the dark. Shots are fired, the aliens bring up their own weapons, and it's up to Superman to 'save the day'!Reeves' interpretation of 'Clark Kent/Superman' was far less jovial and buoyant than Alyn's; decisive, serious, and nearly combative, this was a 'Superman' you didn't mess with (the characterization would be toned down, for television). Square-jawed and more muscular (aided by a tee shirt with sewn-in shoulder pads, beneath the costume, to make him even more formidable-looking), the greatest variance between his interpretation and the comic books' was in his 'take' on Clark Kent. Reeves gave the reporter courage and integrity, as opposed to the 'meek, mild-mannered' geek that readers were familiar with (and who would be revived by Christopher Reeve, 26 years later). While some critics complained that he made Kent and Superman's personalities too similar, Reeves and the producers wisely realized that as budgetary restraints kept Superman's presence in the movie (with the FX required to show his 'super powers') to a minimum (there aren't ANY flying sequences in 'Superman and the Mole Men, only cast comments..."Look, up in the sky"... and a close-up of his 'catching' a falling alien), Clark Kent would be on-screen more, 'standing in' for the Man of Steel. Kent 'had' to be stronger, to fill the void.Phyllis Coates was fabulous, as Lois Lane. No longer the serials' air-headed girl reporter who kept getting into trouble, Coates' Lois was strong, smart, and every bit Clark Kent's equal. She redefined the role, and when Noel Neill returned to the part, on TV several years later, she had big shoes to fill!Aided by an excellent supporting cast (including screen veterans Jeff Corey, Walter Reed, and J. Farrell MacDonald), 'Superman and the Mole Men', despite its small budget, offered excellent performances, and a theme of tolerance that still rings true, today.With the success of the film, 'Superman' moved on to television...and history was about to be made!

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