Summer Time Machine Blues
Summer Time Machine Blues
| 03 September 2005 (USA)
Summer Time Machine Blues Trailers

The members of a sci-fi club accidentally spill Coke on the remote controller of an air-conditioner during summer and suddenly a time machine appears in their sweating bath-like clubroom.


Waste of time

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Better Late Then Never

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A Major Disappointment

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It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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This movie is worth watching, but you have to remember it's meant for teenagers who probably haven't been exposed to too many films about time travel. If you've watched your fair share of films, this movie will come off as overly simplistic. Exposition is quite common in Japanese films, but it did not work favourably here. The male characters actually reminded me a bit of the film Idiocracy. In any case, I laughed out loud a few times and most people here seem to like it. I'm a voice of dissent.

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This is such a fun film! I admit I'm a bit fan of time travel movies, and comedy movies, and this is both.The movie starts out with some strange things, some of which I'm like "ah yes, this will get sorted out later" and other times I was like "did I really just see that?" Of course as the movie goes along everything gets explained.I think this movie has it all to make it five stars in my books: comedy, fun storyline, likable characters, a bit of mystery that all comes together with no loose ties, and a little bit of romance. I highly recommend this film!

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I saw this movie on a flight from Taiwan to Indonesia about two and a half weeks ago (with subtitles), which is certainly not the best way to see a movie, but I found it interesting and that's why I'm writing this review.It tells the story of a carefree group of seven Japanese college students whose air conditioner has broken, leaving their summer clubhouse to roast in the heat. Much to their surprise, a time machine (and its equally surprised pilot) appear one day in the clubhouse, and they decide to use it in order to prevent their air conditioner from ever breaking. Enter the reclusive physics professor, who explains to the kids just what changing the past could do: create a paradox, and destroy the universe. And so they embark on a desperate scramble to undo the changes they've made to the timeline. Though undoubtedly made on a very low budget, the special effects are close to Hollywood- caliber and are used only as needed to advance the storyline. The time machine itself looks like a home-made imitation of the one in the 1967 version of The Time Machine, but so what? The storyline itself is one of the most intelligent (and surprisingly realistic) I've ever seen in a sci-fi film, going through a number of twists and turns without ever conflicting itself. My only complaint would be that it's occasionally a bit predictable, but overall, I found that it greatly improved my flight and is definitely worth checking out if you happen to run across it.

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A movie about a bunch of Japanese geeks spending their summer at their sci-fi club. As the day goes on, weird things that don't make sense start to happen: things go missing, jokes and conversations that don't make any sense, etc... Then things get really weird when a time machine suddenly appears in their club and from there on it becomes a series of misadventures for these geeks.Overall this is an excellent comedy/sci-fi movie. The movie proclaims a certain logic when it comes to time travel (ala Back to The Future) and most of the time it does not stray from this logic. The fact that this is accomplished without it turning into a lengthy physics lecture is a great bonus. In fact, the semi-satirical explanation of time travel in this movie is the funniest part of it all.There are a few familiar faces in this movie such as Juri Ueno from Swing Girls and Yoko Maki from The Grudge. In fact, the overall acting by all of the young but talented cast is superb.This is definitely one of those movies which has to be seen twice in order for you to connect all the little pieces. No doubt about it, it's a perfect summer flick.

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