Submarine Base
Submarine Base
NR | 20 July 1943 (USA)
Submarine Base Trailers

Ship engineer Jim Taggert is rescued from a torpedoed tramp steamer by Joe Morgan, an American gangster that found New York too hot for him, and has become a fisherman operating from an out-of-the-way island off of the coast of South America. Morgan makes his headquarters at the Halfway House run by the parents of Maria Styx as a bar and dance resort catering to the planters and traders of the island. Taggert finds himself practically a prisoner along with a group of American girls acting as entertainers at the resort. Taggert shadows Morgan in his activities in a remote cove and finds that Morgan is supplying German U-boat commanders with torpedoes, but does not know that Morgan has rigged the torpedoes with clock devices that explode when at sea and sinks the U-boats.


one of my absolute favorites!

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For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!

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Don't listen to the negative reviews

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Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

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A Producers Releasing Corporation (PRC) film from 1943 set on an island somewhere on the equator about a hoodlum from New York who is supplying torpedoes to German U-Boats and a shipwrecked former cop James Xavier 'Jim' Taggart from New York who happens to drift by the hoodlum's boat (and who knew him in New York!) and begins to suspect something is not right. Mix in a bunch of chorus girls and men from various nations and you get something far fetched and rather dull. The plot is thin. For instance, where does Joe Morgan get the torpedoes from? He's not connected to the US Navy. You can't buy them at the local store and he only had one guy, Spike, to help him. All rather silly.Alan Baxter as Joe Morgan is rather insipid and seems to wear the same expression throughout the film. Familiar face John Litel plays the ex- detective as best as the lame script will allow. The great Eric Blore plays Spike with a dodgy cockney accent and brings the only entertainment to the film.Made as a patriotic film to support the war effort which is laudable but it is also laughable.

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There are a few real hidden gems that few people see, because there aren't big name stars, particularly in 1940s and 1950s films.This one is a war time flick about American civilians dealing with German U Boats. The main character, Morgan, is an American hoodlum who is dealing with the Nazis, or is he? We immediately get the feeling that Morgan is not what he seems, but he is in over his head in trying to hoodwink the Nazi Navy, but he doesn't know it. This makes it somewhat credible.He is at odds with a former cop named Taggart, who serves as the stable character of the film. There are many other interesting characters, and great atmosphere, with superb directing, that makes this a hidden gem.The shots all follow logical patterns, and we follow the plot very easy. This is a directing triumph. The scenery is engaging, and this is put together extremely well. We are kept interested in the plot, because of the characters. This is how a film should be made, yet many with much larger budgets can't accomplish what this film did. A must see film, and very surprising, because unlike most Hollywood films, the bad guys don't win all the time.

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Base American fugitive Joe Morgan, now a ship's captain is running a reloading base for Nazi submarines. While out on the sea he picks up a man floating in the water. It's a cop who Morgan thought framed him for murder. The cop is now merchant seaman. Morgan takes the cop to St Jean, a small island where pirates once hung out and quick buck can be made. At this point the film becomes the story of what happens on land as Morgan tries to deal with the cop, the girls who want to go back to America and the people on the island. Good but should have been great film is sunk by the actor playing Morgan. How this guy ended up as the lead in anything is beyond me since he's so stiff and wooden that one wonders what cigar store is missing their Indian. Still the film is worth seeing with the sequences involving the Nazi subs and subterfuge around them is good enough to over come any flaws.

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This movie was made in 1943 along with several dozen other short (only 65 minutes here) movies like this during WWII. Starring John Litel and Alan Baxter (as protagonist Joe Morgan) both standard contract actors for Warners at the time. Movie was made to show an element of the war effort and was formulaic for the time. Usual plot lines of such a movie set around an outlaw ex-gangster from NYC (Morgan) who fishes an ex-cop out of the water (Litel as Taggert). Usual plot twists and Nazi suspense (it was shot in 1943!) Shot in B&W some visual not too many special effects and only a couple of sets used for a 1 hour movie. No particular high drama or special effects - decent predictable all around acting for a staple war picture. Basic plot is that Morgan was initially thought to be a trailer to the US by many including his old NYC nemesis Taggert, but turns out he has his own secret plan to aid the Allied effort.

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