Stranger in the House
Stranger in the House
| 10 October 1968 (USA)
Stranger in the House Trailers

An American serial killer, known for his handiwork with a straight razor, manages to escape while being transported in Mexico and hides out inside a publisher's home, where he claims many more victims.


it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.

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Jenna Walter

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.

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Yash Wade

Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Blake Rivera

If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

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Mèxico produced some really good Horror pictures in the 60's like "Hasta El Viento Tiene Miedo" or "El Libro de Piedra"."Un Extraño En La Casa" is not even far in quality from those examples but it's a sui generis movie that mixes Cheesy Comedy and Horror. The plot deals with an American serial killer that escapes from American justice while being arrested in Mèxico's International Airport (Aeropuerto Benito Juàrez). After avoiding federal agents, he hides in an important newspaper or manager mansion. There he murders a secretary and other innocent victims and spends the entire night chasing a little girl. A dorky newspaper photographer manages to follow him in order to get a breakthrough note for his career. As night falls, our dorky and cheesy anti-hero faces the American butcher in a horribly done scene. The title is attractive for avid Horror fans as it reminds of "Black Christmas" (it's original title is "A Stranger In The House"). Call me crazy but there are several references in "Black Christmas" shown in this movie. For example, when the "American psycho" enters the cellar and starts throwing things desperately while the little girl (hid in a suitcase or something like that) watches him, reminds me when Billy watches Olivia Hussey's character before attacking her; you know, the infamous eye scene).The situations are rather cheesy and comedic. Specially when the photographer attacks the killer. I couldn't understand the final fight scene. The best thing about it was it's gratuitous gore when the stranger gets his throat slashed by accident. You have to see it to believe it.Anyways there are some interesting scenes; for example, a creepy one involved the "killer" hiding in the shadows when suddenly lights turn on and he's standing behind the little girl. Good and scary scene. The acting is beyond bad. The killer's acting is over the top but it helps that he is big and looks menacing. His "maniac" eyes and looks aren't scary enough. The photographer delivers a terrible performance trying to mix humor (that rather make him look stupid) and action. Horrid attempt! The score is your typical 60's Mexican "rock" and some orchestral tunes. Not good or bad. This movie could've been something big. It could've been a huge addition to Mexican Horror but sadly it's just a bad attempt to create a Mystery/Horror flick with Slasher overtones. I can't say that it's ahead of it's time but something for sure is that the movie deserves recognition. Underrated for the positive reasons. It's not a quality movie.

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Andres Cardenas

I had nothing to do a couple of hours ago, so I watched this movie in a cable channel that shows old movies. I couldn't believe how ridiculous a movie maker can get in coming up with such a picture. What is intended to be dramatic, is funny, and what is intended to be funny doesn't make any body smile. It is one of those co-productions between Mexico and Venezuela that some "smart" Producer, taking advantage of some wealthy patron made, in order to present several"unknowns" as movie actors. The situations portrayed in it are totally unreal, specially when this happens to people above average.I cannot say more about this movie, except it is really a very idiotic one that does no good to the Cinematography Industry of either of the two Countries.

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