Staunton Hill
Staunton Hill
NR | 06 October 2009 (USA)
Staunton Hill Trailers

When a group of hikers take off for a weekend of fun and adventure in remote mountain region, they unwittingly stumble across the Staunton family - for whom the hill is named - and find themselves at the mercy of a depraved, diabolical brood that will stop at nothing to rid their property of these "trespassers." The only law on Staunton's Hill is the law of the Stauntons...and, in this case, the penalty for defying that law is death.

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Very well executed

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

With "Staunton Hill" being a horror/thriller, and with my long-running love for the horror genre, then of course I took the chance to watch "Staunton Hill" when I got the chance. I didn't know anything about the movie prior to sitting down to watch it, but still decided to give it a go.I managed to make it through a staggering 49 minutes of prolonged suffering as I watched "Staunton Hill". Then I just simply gave up out of sheer and profound boredom. Very little happened through the 49 minutes that I managed to endure, it was quite boring and uneventful.There was some good enough scenes at the farmstead with some bloody and gore-filled visuals. But that hardly managed to lift up the less than mediocre overall result that the movie turned out to be.The characters in the movie were not particularly interesting, and they were actually generic, one-dimensional and lacking personality and layers. As such, it felt like watching cardboard cut-outs of the characters waltz around on the screen.I can in all honesty say that I have no intention of returning to "Staunton Hill" to see if the movie picks up or not. Because from what I saw from the 49 minutes deterred me permanently. If you enjoy horror movies, then there are far, far better choices readily available in the horror genre.

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As you have already read, this movie progresses at a snails pace. The first 48 minutes, nothing happens. Hitchhikers going to a rally. They get a ride. They stop for the night. They wake up. Eat breakfast.. yawn...Sure, the family is creepy; but, isn't that the biggest movie cliché there is? The filmmakers managed to pull out every trick that had already been done in other movies (most notably Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise) without adding in any elements of suspense, horror, or empathy.What little story there is is revealed in flash-backs that are so disjointed from the actual action that you just tent to zone out and ignore them. One, I thought was actually a commercial break; but, there weren't any commercials during this viewing.Yes, that's how bad this is. And, I've seen movies like THE PINK ANGELS. Don't waste your time, no one knows how to make a horror movie anymore, unless it's slathered with special effects gore.

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Ted Brown

Staunton Hill follows a group of young friends hitchhiking their way to a rally in D.C., but when their paths cross with an all too eager to help stranger, their lives take a horrible turn. Their journey to the home of the Stauntons, a crazed redneck family who's involved in a very grisly, and blood soaked trade.The storyline itself is your basic cookie cutter Texas Chainsaw Massacre type deal. You have it all from the racist gas station owner, the mysterious stranger who just wants to lend a helping hand, the abandoned farmhouse, and your over the top religious crazed hillbillies, one of which who happens to be retarded to some degree. The film takes a very long time to get anywhere. The buildup seems like it will go on forever, which caused me to lose interest quite a few times along the way. The directors attempts to show you bonds and relationships between the main characters falls short, and most of the time seemed like needless filler, only there to extend the films length.Now the movie's only high point its beautiful special effects make up. The gore in this film is amazing, and stays true to the old school latex and buckets of blood formula that I will always love. That's right ladies and gentlemen, no CGI gore to be found in this flick, just good old get your hands dirty make up.But in the end, the gore isn't enough to save this movie. I have to say, going in, I had high hopes for this flick, as a very big fan of George's I was hoping to see his son breathe new life into the namesake. Let's hope his next film is better than this ultimately weak attempt at a movie that's been way over done since the success of rob zombie's House of 1000 corpses.2/5 - Ritualistic The Liberal Dead

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After reading a lot of the negative reviews here for the movie, I wasn't expecting much. However, I was interested in seeing what the young Romero could offer, and this is one of my favorite subgenres of horror, so I decided to rent it from Netflix. I was happy with the rental.I watch a lot of low budget, direct-to-DVD horror films, and many are painfully bad. This wasn't one of those. Even though it had a low budget, the film looked good for the most part (the setting was beautiful), the acting was very good for this type of movie, and it had a few good gore scenes. I'm guessing those who gave it such a bad review don't watch a lot of B-grade horror. Because, this stands out from the rest of the pack in a positive way.Now to the film's weaknesses -- Let's start off with the major problem: the script. We get absolutely nothing new here. This story has been told countless times, and sometimes much better (Texas Chainsaw Massacre). Although, if you're a fan of the "demented country family preys on innocent folks" subgenre, you'll definitely want to check this out because Romero gives us a competent picture that's nice to look at.Apart from being derivative, the script has a few more weaknesses too. Character development was lacking here in a major way. We learn woefully little about everyone involved. It would have been nice to know a little bit more about the characters so we could care more about them.Also, the driving force behind the family's motives wasn't explained well. While most watchers will be able to get a rudimentary understanding of what's going on, a more fleshed out explanation would have been welcome.And, the twist ending wasn't twisty at all for anyone who's seen more than a handful of horror films. That was poorly done.Still, though, comparing this movie against other direct-to-DVD, low-budget horror flicks, I've gotta recommend it. It's worth watching when you've got nothing else to do.I'm interested to see what Romero Jr. does next, and that's a compliment.

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