Star Wars: Revelations
Star Wars: Revelations
| 16 April 2005 (USA)
Star Wars: Revelations Trailers

Seers once shaped the path of the Jedi Order. But their visions grew unreliable and the Jedi came to distrust those with the ability. Seers hid their visions or left the Order forever In the wake of the temple's destruction, a power struggle has emerged between Darth Vader, the dark Lord of the Sith, and Zhanna, the Emperor's Hand. Each seeks to eliminate the last of the Jedi and gain The Emperor's favor. Caught between them is one woman who cannot deny the truth of her visions as all race to possess an ancient 'Jedi secret…


i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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this is not about the universe and star war battle topic.The actor have poor performance ,poor special effect and poor plots. You cannot warm to any characters in the film, the Emperor looks like he's piled on the pounds after taking over the galaxy, and glued some green weetabix to his eyebrows in his megalomaniac rage. Taryn Anwar's characters about as believable as Jar Jar Bink's becoming an intellectual and winning some sort of Nobel prize in literature "mesa do door door on your head!" Declan looks like he should run a video store on Alderan, knowing off heart all the movies in store of by heart, and have the universes largest collection of Gungan comic books. Cade apart from looking like a failed porn-star could out-scowl the most miffed of people. And finally, Zhanna's got some scary chin issues. Even though its free, its still a waste of 50 minutes of your life, So save your bandwidth and avoid this fanfic. If curiosity is still getting better of you, watch the first 5 minutes and you'll know what I'm talking about

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I was going to give it a 2 for the computer graphics, which were the only redeeming quality of this "movie". But, it is just so bad, that I had to give it a 1.Terrible acting. Unappealing and ugly characters. Boring fight scenes where it was obvious the actors were waiting for the next move of their opponents. And the plot was less interesting than bowling.It should not get props just because it was an independent, low-budget film. It should be judged solely on its entertainment value. There are sketches on youtube made by 15 year olds with cheap camcorders that are far more entertaining than this pig slop.Darth Vader's voice was really good though. And the hologram effect was decent. Other than that, it was a major disappointment.

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God i wish there was a 0 option in the Vote box. I can't believe that this was a sanctioned movie. People thought that Jar-Jar was heresy. This was 47 min of pure drivel and the makers should be burned at the stake. No matter what the budget, no one should make a Star Wars movie that is this bad. The only difference between this and the bigger budget movies is the writing. The effects are fine but what makes this suck is the writing and bad acting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I just can't believe that any self respecting Star Wars fan would ever make this film. It is god awful and should be buried with anything Carrot Top. Do not see this movie you will fall asleep as i almost did.

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Impressive!! With you budget, you definitely have the talent...It looked like you spent hundreds of thousands. I really hope G. Lucas recognizes your talents and recruits you all for more Star Wars installments; such as the upcoming TV series. I think there is a lot of story and fun out there between the 3 and 4 movies. For you all that watch "fan films" this one is perfect! Not even comparable to about 10 I have looked-not saying they are awful (ok some were), but yours looks like a true feature-in studio-experienced film. Please do another!!! I would have paid full price for this movie. I did share this with a buddy who is a Star Wars fanatic; even though he said it was unusual to have 2 evil figures looking for the emperor's favor; I thought it was well done-and not unthinkable. Now, I need to figure out how to put it on DVD... Thanks a million, Loyal fans of San Diego. LAJB

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