Star Wars: Revelations
Star Wars: Revelations
| 19 April 2005 (USA)
Star Wars: Revelations Trailers

The last Jedi fight to survive when they are hunted by the Empire. Taking place between Episodes III and Episode IV.


Who payed the critics

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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Frances Chung

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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I gave this film 10/10 because a) the shipyard chase, a joy to behold, and b) because it gets so much flak from people about its acting. I could rave on about how good the special effects are, but more articulate people than me have already done so, so I'll just make a quick point and say that the acting, although bad, is of the same standard of 'classic' sci-fi films (remember that movie with the space hippies and the cute robots? or dark star? how about starcrash? and those were PAID, TRAINED ACTORS) And it is at the very least, head and shoulders above the likes of Buck Rogers or Battlestar Galactica. Respect where respect is due.

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noah ternullo

I applaud those who made this movie happen. The premise was captivating, and the unraveling plot was worthy of a major motion picture deal. Kudos! The Good:The special effects were very good, and I didn't have to work at suspending my disbelief. :-). They kept the feel of the Star Wars Universe very well. Their backgrounds and environment would fit easily into any star wars film made.Additionally, the plot was realistic and intriguing. The character backgrounds were equally interesting.The Bad:Some of the acting and lines were awkward, but not much more than the original movies. Mild: Some of the cut sequences went on a bit long, (though I enjoyed the scenery, they didn't add much to the movie).Overall, I am very appreciative of the entire project. I look forward to their next endeavor!

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Tricia Morales

Hey, I really, really, really liked Star Wars: Revelations. I got the hint that it probably takes place right after Revenge of the Sith, or at least, that's where I suspect it takes place. But the entire movie was quite interesting. Everything was like the Original Trilogy and the Prequels. The costumes were practically authentic, the special effects were Incredible, and it was GREAT to watch. Although, I had to admit it kind of took a slight detour off the original plot-line. Considering it focused more on original characters than the ones from the actual story. Even though, near the end they do mention 'Senator Bail Organa, being sympathetic to their cause'. Also, Darth Vader is in it, as well. But overall, this was really GREAT to watch and you simply have to admit the plot-line was good, and the characters were interesting. The person who wrote, and directed this movie is obviously talented. Not to mention, the actors, and actresses who participated in this, as well. Obviously were great in portraying the characters of this story. This movie is certainly worthy to stand with the other installments of STAR WARS. Most Definitely a really good movie to see.

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Impressive!! With you budget, you definitely have the talent...It looked like you spent hundreds of thousands. I really hope G. Lucas recognizes your talents and recruits you all for more Star Wars installments; such as the upcoming TV series. I think there is a lot of story and fun out there between the 3 and 4 movies. For you all that watch "fan films" this one is perfect! Not even comparable to about 10 I have looked-not saying they are awful (ok some were), but yours looks like a true feature-in studio-experienced film. Please do another!!! I would have paid full price for this movie. I did share this with a buddy who is a Star Wars fanatic; even though he said it was unusual to have 2 evil figures looking for the emperor's favor; I thought it was well done-and not unthinkable. Now, I need to figure out how to put it on DVD... Thanks a million, Loyal fans of San Diego. LAJB

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