Star Crystal
Star Crystal
R | 01 March 1986 (USA)
Star Crystal Trailers

Crew members aboard a space ship encounter an alien life form intent on killing them.


n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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Melanie Bouvet

The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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Michelle Ridley

The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

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Yes, this movie is horrible. The plot is derivative, the props are a joke, and the acting makes my junior high Huck Finn worthy of a Tony. Yet, it is not a total loss. Some movies are so bad, they are good. Before "Mystery Science Theatre" started doing it, my friends and I would rent these horrible movies and clown on them all night to much hilarity. Star Crystal was a perennial favorite. Its badness cannot be put into words. It is simply the worst movie you will ever see. The first time you see it you are offended by its flawed scenery, cheesy acting, and overall insulting of your intelligence. But then, the second time you see it you will it totally differently. Star Crystal is much like a deformed dog that first horrifies you, then elicits sympathy...wait a minute...thats what that creature in the movie was!

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A slimy, tentacled creature boards a spacecraft and quickly dispatches half of the crew before discovering religion and realizing that killing is wrong. You heard correctly. The creature gets on-line and reads up on some bible quotes and, in the bizarre twist ending, befriends the two survivors and plays Chinese checkers.Subpar sci-fi entry on every level, from the poor acting, directing, set design. And the endlessly long scenes of characters crawling through tunnels. Not to mention the creature that looks like a giant sock that someone sneezed on. The biggest problem is that it kills off the crew too quickly. So for the last 45 minutes we're stuck with the two survivors watching the stars, eating soup, crawling through tunnels, etc. Skip this one.

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I can't begin to try and get across how absolutely awful Star Crystal is. I knew it was going to be bad, but nothing could prepare me for this pile of steaming doo. The acting makes most grade school plays look like Oscar material. I mean, did these people really yell "cut", and then pat each other on the backs for a job well done?More often than not, the sets are just a black stage with a spotlight on the "actors", and the ships are nothing more than dime store models dug up from a garage sale.Lets not forget the alien. Where's the alien from the box cover??? THAT is the movie I wanted to see. The alien here looks like a slimy reject from Fraggle Rock! Worse yet, this mess was supposed to have had some resemblance to a sci-fi horror movie, but instead turns into the Muppet Family Hour at the end! Thank God for my DVD player's fast forward function. I would have never gotten though the last 30 minutes without speeding this trash heap up to warp 6.My grade: F (and that's still to kind)

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Jeez! This movie was really bad. If I made a feature movie, this is what I would try to NOT make my movie look like. I rented it because I thought I would give it a chance. I saw it was an unknown sci-fi movie from the 80's and I was in the mood for some old fashioned sci-fi. This movie was horrible. It came out in 1986, the same year that ALIENS came out, and we all know that ALIENS is one of the best sci-fi movies ever. ALIENS shows that good special effects were achievable in 1986, but this movie didn't even come close! It was bad from the beginning to the end. I suppose you should watch it if you are in the mood for cheesy sci-fi and bad special effects. The acting is AMAZINGLY bad, the story is nothing but a second rate rip off of the original ALIEN, and if you really want to laugh, watch the ending credits and listen to that closing song. The singing is the WORST I have ever heard. Listen for one distinctly FLAT note that girl hits. Its just simply comical. You would think they would listen to that and at least try to fix it in the recording studio, but they don't even bother. That is pretty much representative of the rest of the movie, which appeared to be entirely done on the first take for each shot. I payed two dollars to see this movie and I want the production company that made it to give me my money back, plus monetary reparations for the pain and suffering I went through watching this pile of crap! YUK!

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