Splatter: Naked Blood
Splatter: Naked Blood
| 20 February 1996 (USA)
Splatter: Naked Blood Trailers

A scientist taints his mother's scientific experiment with his own drug that transforms pain into a pleasurable experience. Unfortunately for the three women involved in the experiment, the drug works a little bit too well.


Wonderful character development!

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A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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Very bizarre film about a girl talking to her cactus through a virtual reality headset and killing people after being given a drug. Surreal, hilarious, and disturbing at times, this film takes a long time to get to the really good stuff, but it's worth it. Especially love the scene of the girl eating her own nipple! Great music and a perfect atmosphere coupled with typically wonderful Japanese acting. Honestly, the film doesn't actually make any conventional sense whatsoever, though it's probably not supposed to. Also, the film isn't actually that gory or shocking if you've seen stuff like Dead Alive, Premutors, Riki-Oh, and others. However, if you just want a bizarre movie that takes itself way too seriously, then this is definitely something to watch. You may not love it as much as I did but I personally thought it was somewhat brilliant. Definitely worth at least one watch if you've already managed to surf on here and read this review...

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This movie starts out very VERY slow, but when the action finally gets started, it's a little had to follow. I couldn't understand why some of the events were taking place, and a lot of events happened before they were explained, making them sort of confusing. The only thing it really has going for it is the massive amount of blood/gore it has, although most times the special effects are lacking. Blood looks like red Kool-Aid. Skin tearing sounds like somebody is stepping on a pile of sticks. Again, the story has a sort of amateur feel to it, like the writer didn't take a long time to perfect it. I feel like it could be a much better movie if the effects were done better and more time was taken on the script. I honestly wish I hadn't watched it, not because of the gore, but because I feel that i wasted 90 minutes of my life. If you like extremely gory movies, this is for you, if not, stay away.

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I'd expected this movie to be over the top goorfest, but has just enough body decapitation to satisfy the most demented fans. A scientist invents a new pain killer to use on his mother's patient. The rest is pretty much how the side effects really take in effect! Make plans on watching this movie late night when your body is numb and relaxed to a point that a tranquilized horse can't move. Don't bring any bed time snacks while watching this flick because you'll end up vomiting in your own bed and vomit some more. It isn't a horror film but more off a shock value, and it does shock indeed. Make sure you pick up the Discotek's R1 USA DVD.

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Despite the hard-core gore scenes that many people talk about in this film, NAKED BLOOD is a surprisingly intelligent entry in the Japanese "extreme gore" genre.Eiji is a young science prodigy who develops a drug he calls MY SON, that stimulates endorphins in the body so that pain is diminished, and in some cases can even become pleasurable. Eiji's mother is also a scientist who is experimenting with contraceptive drugs on three young women. Eiji decides to test his serum by spiking the drugs that his mother is experimenting with. The three women are unknowingly given the MY SON along with the contraceptive drugs, and Eiji begins to observe the women to see what the effects are. Over the course of the film, we find that one of the women is obsessed with food, another with her appearance, and the third is kinda a weirdo with extreme insomnia. The drug slowly begins to have profound effects on the first two women...The one obsessed with food begins to experience pleasure from eating her own body parts, including her finger, labia, nipple and eyeball (all in extremely graphic and awesome detail)...The appearance lady becomes obsessed with piercing herself (also in graphic detail, but not quite as cool as the eat-herself-lady)...and at first, the insomniac doesn't appear to have any real symptoms. When she finally does, this is where NAKED BLOOD really takes off in terms of story-line...I personally think NAKED BLOOD is a great film for what it is. The graphic gore scenes are very rough, but honestly make up only a fraction of the film's running time. This film intelligently deals with subject matter such as pleasure vs. pain, obsession, ambition, betrayal and heredity. I have to say I was expecting an all-out bloodbath (which is usually all I want to see from these types of films...) but was very pleasantly surprised to see a real "movie" amidst the bloodshed. Very highly recommended, but only for those that can handle this new wave of Japanese splatter. 9/10

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