Speed Demon
Speed Demon
R | 10 November 2003 (USA)
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In this supernatural take on The Fast and the Furious, college student Jesse returns home only to find that his old stomping ground has been overrun by a gang of street racers that dabbles in the black arts. But things take a bloody turn for the gang members when a supercharged muscle car starts running them down. Can Jesse stop the fuel-injected killing machine and unmask the mysterious driver?


the leading man is my tpye

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Charming and brutal

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Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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Yes Virginia there is a Devil and his name is David DeCoteau.From the moment we meet Jesse, our hero of the film, we know we are in for more of the classic DeCoteau treatment. You see Jesse is returning from "Who the Hell really cares?" to do something shirtless. Yes like all of the Devil's movies Jesse walks into town shirtless. When there is no plot or good actors the Devil gives you shirtless men.As Jesse walks into town he runs into his archenemy Otto and his crummy little toady Chain Gang. Guess what? They're shirtless too. Imagine that. After the typical "You'll better stay out of my way College Boy" crap we move on. (unfortunately) At Jesse's family garage we meet his little brother Mikey, also shirtless. Mikey is an interesting character because when you meet him you'll notice his giant saucer nipples.Then we meet the rest of Otto's gang. Clutch Axle, Road Rage, Wiper and Chopper. Road Rage is about the only one with a cool name. But the name doesn't fit this movie. It needed to be stupid like the other. How about "Hood latch" or "Brake pad?" Maybe "Dipstick." Yeah that's it. But let's move on to Wiper. Wiper? He must have drawn the short straw when Otto was handin out names. Ooops! I almost forgot to say that Clutch, Axle, Road Rage, and Wiper is also shirtless.And then there is Chopper. Peppermint Patty all grown up and working on cars. "Sir." We also meet Otto's girlfriend and Jesse's one true love. But who care.Otto shows up challenges Mikey to a race which ends with Mikey getting killed in a car crash when Otto summons the powers of his Speed Demon. The Speed Demon is this necklace that connects Otto to his Speed Demon, Mikaleth. (love the name) So with his brother dead Jesse tries his best to act stricken by the loss. When low and behold Jesse finds a Speed Demon necklace that belonged to his father. Now with the necklace Jesse unknowingly sets a murderous Speed Demon ( a guy in an black jacket, pants and helmet riding around in a car running the bad guys over or making magical chains wrap around their throats) loose on Otto's gang.Meanwhile in Otto's hideout he and the guys (minus Chopper) perform their ritual to praise Mikaleth. This consists of them stripping down to their underwear and rubbing oil or blood??? on their bodies. Wow shirtless and rubbing stuff on their bodies. Wow.After all this is over Jesse's Speed Demon begins killing Otto's men. Somewhere in there Jesse and the girl fall for each other and Otto and the gang perform the Mikaleth half-naked-oil-rub-down-ritual two or three more times.In the end Jesse and his girl have to battle Otto and Chopper to the death. Otto gains control of Jesse's necklace and becomes all-powerful. Now that Otto is all-powerful Jesse's Speed Demon driver shows up. Turns out it was the girl Jesse loved and Otto had been "Boffin". But what chance do they have when Otto is all-powerful? What do you do to stop him? She runs him over with the car "Austin Powers" style and that's that.85 minutes of torture from the Devil of movies Daivd DeCoteau. If movies like this can get made then I know I can make a movie. And you can too.Perhaps DeCoteau needs to team up with Uwe Boll. Could you imagine the "Horror"?

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didn't know what i was getting into when i watched Speed Demon the other night. i laughed throughout the entire, campy, homo erotic, supernatural, racer movie. the acting was stilted, the dialog worse, the concept a rip-off of so many other horror/suspense/action films,but the film is so recommendable because it turns the tables on the 'straight' horror film whose only purpose is to show gratuitous female sexuality and pain. what's wrong with male eye-candy? absolutely nothing. it's a double- standard in the film business where the women are allowed to take it all off but the men should never reveal everything because it makes the straight male audience uncomfortable.

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Going in I knew how bad Decoteau was. I accidentally saw The Brotherhood and The Killer Eye. If you like bad movies, and are prepared for Decoteau's style, you will find the movies entertaining in that they are so laughable. One thing about Speed Demon, in the director's commentary he says he wanted to make a possessed car movie, which is totally not what this movie is about. Found that funny. Also, read an interview with him and he keeps producing these straight to video movies because he has made a lot of money off of distribution via blockbuster. He has a somewhat cult following. There's rarely any blood and no cursing as he said he wanted to avoid R ratings. He is openly gay and thought it would be interesting to put a homo-erotic spin on horror movies since it is usually women who are objectified. Signature Decoteau elements: usually one 4 max 5 locations; extended slow motion scenes, gratuitous crotch shots of guys in boxer briefs; very limited dialog (scripts can't be more than 4 pages long); group casts; holes in the plot; and random scenes. Film students should write a paper on his work and how bad it is. I actually kinda like the guy's stuff now, well except Wolves of Wall Street - that one was lame. :)

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I rented this movie and boy was I wrong to...this movie was definitely not worth the money. It looked like and sounded like it might be a good movie, but sure as heck wasn't. It started off somewhat decent..but then, I noticed that throughout the whole entire movie there was only a few scenes where the males actually had clothes on. This wasn't a X rated movie, but I was awfully disappointed also by the acting and the script. I was too busy laughing throughout the entire movie. The best thing about the entire movie was the 1970 Chevelle SS that was black and had white racing stripes. The other part that was really disappointing was the race at the beginning of the movie. It was so boring and staged...

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