Space Dogs
Space Dogs
| 18 March 2010 (USA)
Space Dogs Trailers

Belka, the amazing flying dog is unexpectedly hurdled into the streets of Moscow when the rocket she is in malfunctions during one of her circus routines. Fortunately the crash leads her to meet a streetwise dog named Strelka and her irredeemable rat friend Venya. Together with other amusing friends found along the way, the three find themselves in a space program-training center where they get sent away in a rocket, leaving planet Earth...


Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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Expected more

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A story that's too fascinating to pass by...

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Taha Avalos

The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

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Russian animated film from 2010. The dog Belka thrown out on the streets of Moscow when the rocket on her circus stops working in the midst of a performance. She hits the street-smart Strelkas and rat Lyonya and the new trio soon forced to flee from the scary Bulldog. The film is based on the Soviet space dogs and honors the first animals who survived an orbital space trip. Space Dogs give children a insight of how the exploration of space began. The vast array of lovable characters and quality computer-animated. During the end credits, real-life archive footage from the Soviet Space Program and Space Dogs is shown. Highly recommend this movie for all ages especially for children.

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Lena Schneider

This is a great movie, but misunderstood due to cultural references. It wasn't mean to be another Pixar movie. It is however a great movie about the first ever dogs that went up into space and came back alive. In Russia that is a well know pair of dogs and doesn't need much explanation. Perhaps it could have used some more details in the translated version. The jokes in the movie are more funny to those who grew up in Russia and understand what life used to be like there. Watched this movie with my husband and son, and Canadian born husband really didn't like it till I explain the context to him. Not surpassingly , he loves the movie now. It tells a great story about a piece of history.

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Martin Klauber Vestergaard

This movie seams exceedingly cheap. The animation is crude, the movements seem like something out of a stop motion movie, and the 3D effects are so crude, that it will give you a headache at times. But that isn't even the worst of it. This movie is, from start to finish, nothing more than a horrible and misguided glorification of the Russia that used to be. Everywhere you look you see happy faces alongside communist symbols. For this reason alone, this movie will never be recommended by me. This type of political propaganda has absolutely no place in a movie made for children. I was honestly left with a very bad taste in my mouth. I found the whole thins more than distasteful.

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If you want to see just how good our CG! movies are these days, SPACE DOGS is an entirely Russian effort. True, read the credits and all of the background images are clearly huge Soviet type statues at al. The plot involves two cute dogs and a funny rat plus three bad evil dogs, typical stuff. The animation is crude beyond a doubt, this is almost pre-Toy Story effort. And humor is just not there. It would be appealing to a very very very young viewer but if you want to truly appreciate THE INCREDIBLES and UP all the more so, watch this one and if you WANT to like it, that is a good thing but within 30 minutes you will find your DVD playing a more contemporary fare.

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