Space Cop
Space Cop
| 12 January 2016 (USA)
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Space Cop is the story of a cop from the future of space who travels back in time to the present and is teamed up with a cop from the past who is unfrozen in the present. Together, they must defeat evil aliens with a sinister plan.


Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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There is a lot to enjoy in this film. A knowledge of film tropes, an enjoying the dynamics of friends making a film a key to the highest level of enjoyment. If you are not familiar with Red Letter Media, it may take a few viewings to let it grow on you. If you like trash films, like friendship or hate cops - this film will be for you!Easy light watching for a night you just want to have a glass of wine & clear your mind. Of special note is the performance of Mike Stoklasa as "past cop". it is easy to find oneself smiling whenever he is on screen. Patton Ozwald is always gr8, playing w/i the same frame for the film. With the right mood, set & setting: a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

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It's a bad film but it made me laugh and I love redlettermedia so I give it a 7/10.

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For what it is, it's a alright movie. It's not one of those bad movies that is so stupid that is actually really good. But I appreciate what it tried to do with the resources they had. The main reason a movie such as this got the recognition that it did was because it was made by RedLetterMedia. And if you are a fan of RedLetterMedia, you just might have more appreciation for a movie such as this. Because it's created by people that are huge fans of movies and it took like 3 years to make this movie. I could tell some parts they were trying really hard to make it funny by making homage to some B movies that are unintentionally funny. With it's low production value actually adding to the humor. What this is, is a low budget buddy cop comedy that takes on a really bizarre route with a cop from the past teaming up with a cop from the future. Which does lead to some amusing moment, not super funny or anything like that but it was amusing. Even if some of the jokes dragged on and on, overall it still was a amusing movie to sit through.6.5/10

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I don't think this movie is anybody's idea of a classic, but if you're a fan of RedLetterMedia (like myself,) you can't go wrong! There were several laugh-out-loud moments, despite the fact that we weren't really treated to the angelic laughter of Mr. Rich Evans himself. The special effects were surprising well done considering the budget and intention of the film. All of your favorite hack/frauds are there, even Susan! Additionally, as a fan of supplementary materials, I found the behind the scenes stuff and commentary interesting. After viewing the movie, I was left with only one nagging question. Is Space Cop replacing Best of the Worst?

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