Slaughter Studios
Slaughter Studios
| 31 December 2002 (USA)
Slaughter Studios Trailers

Slaughter Studios has a legendary reputation as the place where a slew of classic low-budget horror movies were made. Long since abandoned and now in ruins, a group of aspiring filmmakers led by director Steve decide to break into Slaughter Studios so they can shoot one last B-grade creature feature on the premises before it meets the wrecking ball. However, things go awry when Slaughter Studios proves to be the stalking grounds of a vicious psycho.


Am I Missing Something?

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A Brilliant Conflict

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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This is not a horror movie. Its one of the funniest movies I have ever watched. The token Hindu guy was hilarious. The chicks are very good looking, but most of them are washed up porn actresses. Pretty good for a cheap laugh, check it out.

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I am sorry but this movie was so horrible. First of all, if you want to make a good horror movie, cut down on some of the nudity and sex. I know, I know, that every horror movie has the obligatory nude shot but this movie went over the top. The lines were so corny that at some points they didn't even make sense. There are some B-Movies that are fun to watch but don't even think about this being one. I got so bored during it. The music was so bad it didn't even set the mood for a good horror movie. If you ask me, I could make a better movie than this.

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OMG IM SOOOO SERIOUS WHEN I SAY THIS SUCKED!!!!!!!! ok me and my friend rented some movies that looked really stupid just for fun!! but i didnt know i was gonna be brainwashed by stupidness!! gosh i swear im gonna have bad dreams about how stupid this movie was! it was like the people who made this movie was trying to make it bad!! and it wasnt scary at all it was the horrible acting that was scary! i consider it more of a porno or something than a horror film!!! I'll give it that it had good quality to it for being such a retarted movie and the ending was kinda a twist but over all it sucked big time! pllzz go rent this and see how stupid it is ive seen better infomercials that are better than this movie!!!

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What a delight! Finally, someone has made a send-up of 'b' horror movies that is both hysterically funny and scary at the same time. The premise is simple: A group of young film makers (think hot, scantilly clad babes) break into a dilapidated movie studio hours from the wrecking ball (the studio was closed years before after the tragic accidental death of a teen idol)to make the last movie ever there. Through the course of the night, the actors and crew are picked off one by one by a killer. Is it a ghost, or one of their own doing the horrific deeds? The fact that this was THE last film ever shot at Roger Corman's famous Venice studio is not lost, in fact the flim makers play up Corman's history with aplomb. Director Brian Katkin stylishly designs scenes to play off the no-budget elements and raises the bar. Clever, well directed, Katkin keeps his tongue firmly in cheek as he takes material that could have been pedestrian and adds both wit and silliness to make it come alive. But don't let this fool you. The film is genuinely scary, walking a tight-rope between farce and fear. Murder and mahem abound as freely as do the breasts. Again, playing off 'b' movie stereotypes, the audience is treated to an enjoyable romp. Producer Damian Akhavi (Shakedown) who had a hand in the script, show a sure hand and eye for this material. The ensemble cast of mostly unknowns create funny, memorable characters that the audience genuinely cares about and their untimely deaths are certainly felt. Kuddos also to composer Christopher Farrell (a long time Katkin collaborator) whose effective score guides the viewer from laughter to fear and back to laughter with ease.

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