| 22 July 2011 (USA)
Singham Trailers

An honest, small town cop is transferred to a big city that is controlled by a crime boss that he had once humiliated.


I love this movie so much

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brilliant actors, brilliant editing

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Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Singham directed by Rohit Shetty is a long,loud and tiresome work.By the time the end credits roll,you feel exhausted.The movie does offers some clap-worthy dialogs and amazing performances by Prakash Raj and Ajay Devgn.But still it falls apart.Story:- How an honest police officer overpowers an corrupt politician.The direction is plain average.The best scenes of the movie are when Ajay Devgn kicks the butt of a politician and even the climax The music is plain.The action scenes are shot nicely.The dialogs are the high-point of the movie.Each and every dialog was cheered by everyone.Singham is a one-time watch.

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NEVER THOUGHT I'D SEE THE DAY.....Ajay Devgan on an personal ego trip...a.l.a Salman Khan...which is exactly what SINGHAM evolves into....i mean....even without the shades n whiskers, this movie feels EXACTLY like the Box-Office hit 'Dabangg' starring Salman Ajay Devgan rampages on, on a personal vendetta against another Cheddi Singh photocopy, albeit a darker, classier, fatter and funnier one (Prakash Raj just got my list of favorite villains in Bollywood today..!) :P, forgetting that he has a different fan- base...from the one that Salman has....which is just happy for him to show off his physique.... N now, a little bit about the lead actress, Kajal Aggarwal, no ravishing beauty but strangely very attractive (almost reminds one of Tanushree Dutta, strictly on looks of course) reasonably good debut..but wrong choice of movie for a in SINGHAM is ALL, n i really mean ALL, about Bajirao Singham (dats the character Mr.Devgan plays)....:P BOTTOMLINE - Barring a couple of bloopers (such as killing someone with a 9mm Beretta, and planting a S&W .38 at the crime scene)IF you're looking for your money's worth...then go for it...its gritty, has a kind of mass appeal, has good dialogs (spoken most enthusiastically by Mr. Devgan) but most importantly...there's never an idle moment...THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE MOVIE....(hope u don't expect expletives / scanty attires to be within scope of 'ur money's worth', cos SINGHAM is selectively devoid of both)...!

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I have a very good reason for reviewing this movie slightly later than I should have - I didn't want to watch the movie. I had reached a point where I wasn't willing to go even if someone else paid for my tickets. Seeing the trailer twice had put me off. I knew what to expect - an angry, testosterone charged, righteous man with biceps the size of watermelons beating the living daylights out of a stereotypical goon. But a bunch of Afghani terrorists eventually knocked me out with excessive chloroform, covered my head with a sack that smelled of soiled underwear and before I knew what was happening, I found myself seeing the opening credits to the movie Singham. Was my sceptical self surprised with the film? No. Was my sceptical self proved wrong? Of course not.Bajirao Singham (no he isn't a Tamil-Muslim-Hindu triple cross) is an honest police officer living in the town of Shivgarh. He is a hardworking vigilante, deserving of all the respect bestowed upon him by his townsfolk. He can be termed as Superman without the underwear; yes, he is that strong. He crosses paths with evil-politician-gang leader- corrupt-man-extortionist-kidnapper Jaykant Shikre. They fight. Physics is raped. End of story.Ajay Devgn has run a full loop. After experimenting with action, romance, dramas, comedy and even a musical, he is back to where he started from. This time, he has come well prepared to stun the audience with his thoroughly ripped body, leaving not a single muscle that can't kill men if hit with. As Bajirao Singham, he is the cop that you always wanted to see in your neighbourhood. Ajay Devgn suits this image well. There are several allusions to him being a lion, and a lion he is. Anything that gets in between him and what he wants can be considered as good as annihilated; and that includes men, cars and everything else remotely movable. The only grudge I bear against him is his total disregard towards destruction of public property, but that's quickly forgiven as he relentlessly kicks ass in novel, entertaining ways.Prakash Raj as Jaykant Shikre is the perfect match for this macho-man- with-his-butt-on-fire. He is a vile, wicked and ruthless thug with an ego as big as Singham's bulges. The two form a made-in-Heaven couple, each very well justifying the existence of the other. He also has a caustic sense of humour which is much-appreciated in the tense atmosphere. However, the worst part of him is not that he kidnaps children, tortures men or drives officers to the point of suicide; it is that he is corrupt. Yes, the 'C' word. That is reason alone for all of the audience to join hands against him and cheer Singham as he repeatedly goes Rambo on Shikre's defences.Somewhere in the middle of the movie, or earlier if you are smart, you may realize that the movie could have as well be shot on the moon. The film probably made Isaac Newton toss in his grave. There is nothing that even remotely obeys the laws of physics in the movie; by that I mean no gravity, no inertia and neither any sense of force. Singham can basically do whatever the hell he wants to, and that includes jump onto people flying in mid-air, uproot light poles cemented onto a surface or kick a chair to Mars. This could have been forgiven if he had been a Superhero with superpowers dressed in a super-costume, but since that's not the case, it just alienates the movie from reality. Though the crowd loved this, with some hardly managing to hold onto their seats due to the excitement, adrenaline or booze, I was just left bewildered.There are aspects that are unremarkable about the film. The music is crass and boring. Except the lead song there isn't anything of the music that you carry with you outside the theatre, and that thing you do, the lead song that is, gets stuck in your head like a non-terminating loop. There are shots in slo-mo, as you'd expect in any action flick. It also has a retro touch to it, which is currently the new hot, chick of Hindi cinema. Viewers are going to love it. Powerful lead performances, death- defying stunts, old-school action sequences; it's going to sell like hotcakes in famine inflicted Somalia. That is if the Somalians are into bakery products and all that.But from a critical point of view, the romance is mawkish, with the obligatory girl-by-the-hero's-side, Kajal Agrawal getting onto your nerves. She is loud, boisterous and clearly excited to be in Bollywood. In all honesty, she sucks. Most of the side-cast is just a waste of screen-space. They are like unwanted flab on someone's behind. On a random note, I think I must learn to give better similes.The film has a historical baggage of its own - it is a remake of a Tamil movie titled Singam (notice the missing 'h'; that's the creativity). It is about time Indian directors learnt that remaking Tamil films isn't entirely a smart thing to do. Add to it dialogues in Marathi. The crowd gets turned on. Hoots, cheers, wolf-howls. Ringing cash counters. Disgusted critic.It only proves once again that Bollywood still hasn't grown up.

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With SINGHAM sons of two famous action masters of Bollywood return to their original genre in style. Veeru Devgun (Ajay's father) and Shetty (Rohit's father) were known for their own class in the Industry few decades before and now their proud sons return to the same genre, with which they had started. But sadly the attempt remains a visibly polished product only having few weak associations in the narrative which don't really give you a DABANGIAN kind of entertainment on the whole. Still it cannot be called a bad film for sure because it does have some great moments to offer and a winner climax which scores a clear six at the end, acting as its big savior. It's an Official remake of Tamil Hit Movie SINGAM and is all about an honest cop fighting against a mafia don and his empire based on strong political connections. Being a remake it has got all the ingredients of a typical south masala film which are just there to add some extra flavors into the film and nothing else. For instance, there is a love affair track going along with the Cop's fight which has no value of its own in the script, as usual there is a deliberately created comedy track around the pet name of a character which successfully generates some laughs in the start but later on becomes annoying. And as seen before, there exists the same eccentric kind of villain working against the Cop, whose dialogues become comical towards the end, played once again by the one & only Prakash Raj. The film starts off well with an impressive sequence revolving around the expressive eyes of a small child. But post that for about 1 long hour, it offers nothing as per the expectations raised, until the scene where Ajay and Prakash meet for the first time. The LION actually starts roaring at this very moment and then keeps roaring post interval till the climax in gaps. Hence the first half is not that effective as compared to the second one since it keeps focusing on various other subplots in the script, which do not register at all. The romance track falls flat and so does the family comedy angle forced into the proceedings to provide some relief moments. Though SINGHAM scores high in its technical department such as Cinematography and Action, but it fails completely in its soundtrack. Ajay-Atul's music works just as a filler with nothing worth listening. And its really annoying to hear another title song inspired from the cult Vishal Bhardwaj's track "Omkara", sung by Sukhwinder. Moreover the Background Score is both effective as well as noisy at times with excess of loud arrangements in all those slow motion sequences. Apart from Ajay Devgan and Prakash Raj, only Sudhanshu Pandey and Sonali Kulkarni are able to make an impact on the viewer and rest all work under the shadow of its two main giants. The debutant Kaajal looks fresh and bubbly but in absence of anything special written for her, she is not able to prove her talent in any of her scenes. Ajay Devgan once again proves his versatility, returning to the action genre after a string of comical hits. His body language, specifically his eyes seem to be just perfect for such roles and he comes up like a winner all through the film. Prakash Raj though is splendid in his typical negative role but this time it looked like repetitive to me towards the climax. Yet he is immensely watchable with Ajay on the screen. In short the film completely belongs to Ajay and Prakash Raj who generate such kind of mighty impact in their scenes together that the single screen theaters are bound to go full of whistles, claps and thundering applause.In fact, the main reason behind the probable success of this film has to be these particular scenes (including the one with the Neta Ji) where Ajay answers his powerful enemies with fiery dialogues and strong punches along with its worth watching action sequences which have been shot with élan. However, at times the action also seems to be too unbelievable with some impossible kind of stunts. In the writing department, I particularly liked the thought of the National Emblem being given to the cops to wear it in their caps but not to the Country's top political leaders to use it in their dresses. Plus the icing on the cake, for all the viewers loving such kind of over the top, masala cinema, should be its well written climax which really needs to be applauded for its thoughtful idea and brilliant execution. So, overall SINGHAM does have its merits in the form of some worth watching confrontation sequences and superb action. But if you are looking for something fresh or novel then you are sure going to be disappointed with its routine kind of content. The film is not consistent enough in its narration as the real action starts after almost 45 minutes into the movie and it also becomes a bit repetitive towards the end. Yet, for all Ajay Devgan's fans its festival time in the theaters. However the last half an hour of the film forced me to think about its original makers of the South.To be specific, it struck me that if South Films are able to think of such great climax and other similar interesting plots in their own movies which in turn inspire Bollywood to make their remakes, then certainly the SOUTH CINEMA is miles ahead of Hindi CINEMA in film-making. May be the Hindi Film Industry is enjoying more success due to their over-popular stars and glamour but if studied in real sense then South Cinema is undoubtedly more important, experimental and bold which needs to be recognized at the earliest as an essential part of Indian CINEMA.

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