Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
PG | 24 July 1978 (USA)
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Trailers

A small town band makes it big, but loses track of their roots, as they get caught up into the big-time machinations of the music biz. Now, they must thwart a plot to destroy their home town. Built around the music of The Beatles, this musical uses some big name groups like Peter Frampton and Aerosmith.


Waste of time

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ridiculous rating

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Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.

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I saw this twice in theaters as a kid. Now, 40 years later I rewatched it and still felt that naive sense of charm that the movie was trying to impart. It reminds me of the original "The Muppet Movie". Tons of celebrity cameos and over-the-top sets/costumes.It is a terrible Beatle's tribute movie (hence all the bad reviews), but a great 70's camp musical (a La "Rocky Horror Picture Show", "Xanadu", "Phantom of the Paradise").Rent it and have some fun.

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Sam Panico

Often one goes into a bad movie asking — to borrow the name of a highly entertaining podcast — how did this get made? Or worse, you have to stop and ask yourself, in the case of a film that ends up offending both target audiences, such as 1972s The Pink Angels, who exactly is this movie being made for?Let me reiterate: In 1978, a movie version of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Band — starring the Bee Gees and Peter Frampton — probably made all the sense in the world.The Brothers Gibb had just come off Saturday Night Fever (1977), a movie that transcended the screen and spawned a movement. Or at least a fad. But between that and Barry Gibb producing Grease's title song (and I just want to throw in that the Bee Gee's also wrote and arranged 1979's Dolly Parton/Kenny Rogers opus, "Islands in the Stream"), the boys from Manchester via the Isle of Man were on the top of the world. It truly does not get any higher a mountain and the fall, we'll soon see, does not get any further.Peter Frampton — after a journeyman career of playing in bands and being seen as a viable solo artist — had finally scored big with Frampton Comes Alive! in 1976. The album spent 97 weeks on the charts, selling 8 million copies. That number today is well nigh impossible to reach today; it equals around 13% of the overall records sold in 2016.So this ersatz Fab Four — if you will or won't — had star power, at least on vinyl. The Bee Gees had also covered the Beatles for a BBC doc in 1976, despite years of critical derision that they were simply clones of the boys from Liverpool.Stars were aligning. Even better, Saturday Night Fever and Grease came out on Robert Stigwood's RSO Label. Stigwood purchased 29 of the Beatles' best songs for use in a Broadway play and then had the brainstorm to create a film, using the aforementioned big music stars. He got Beatles' producer George Martin and Abbey Road Studios on board. And even worked with Paramount — the same studio who launched Saturday Night Fever — to get the movie green lit. Add in what I editorialize was the kind of cocaine mountain that only the '70s and Martin Scorsese could concoct and…ladies and germs, we got ourselves a motion picture!So up until now, until that first shot of the film, this all makes sense. It's when reality allows its ugly head to intrude that we see just what an epic failure of a movie this is. Writer Henry Edwards had never written a script before. And oh, does it show. Whereas the Beach Boys' Pet Sounds directly influenced and made the audio Sgt. Peppers an aural feat, there was no such film to inspire this outing. In fact, there isn't even a story, unlike the Who's Tommy. So to get across the tale — such as it is — George Burns would be the only person to speak (he's the Mr. Kite, he of whom the song For the Benefit of… is about) with every other bit of dialogue being sung.That's right, kids! It's the hip sound of today, as croaked out by the star of Oh God! Meanwhile, the Bees Gees play Mark, David and Bob Henderson. Why those names? Don't ask! And in the starring role, Peter Frampton is Billy Shears (and not the man who took the place of the headless Paul McCartney if you believe in urban legends)!Read the rest of this review at: club-band-1978/

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...and i'd give it a 10 outta 10 if it wasn't so darn cheezie. but this movie is so personal to me on so many levels. i grew up in SoCal, Hollywood when this was made. i was there at the Hollywood screening, like in a small studio show room. and Earth Wind & Fire, like 8 people from the band, in the row in front of me...but Joe & Steve took my attention away. it was a fantastic evening. i don't even remember coming, yes, this review is biased...but when you see a movie like this and you're 16yo...and you know Tower Records and where the bus stop across the street started a video phenom. it all rushes back to you with this movie. we aren't going to talk about the Beatles, because this movie doesn't do that album (not CD) justice. just watch this movie to revisit 70s Hollywood. the Riot House baby.

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puke. this movie ruins brain cells. luckily i've ruined so many brain cells through substance abuse, or otherwise i'd be afraid to watch this.i hate hyperbole in film reviews but, THIS IS THE WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME. well maybe not the worst, but it's gotta be in some top category for all things bad.if you like The Beatles, or even if you like good rock, stay away from this. your ears will never forgive you for subjecting them to this torture. and your eyes will become sore from all the horrid visuals. usually i like movies that are very visual, but even though 'Sgt. Pepper' is packed full of high energy visuals, the energy is wasted because the conception of each one is mundane and pedestrian in the worst way.what were they thinking? this movie seems like it was conceived and made by persons who were centuries removed from the original experience. i could see maybe a century from now that the filmmakers would be so far removed from the material that they wouldn't get it, but these idiots were there at the time. when 'Sgt. Pepper' the movie was made, it was only a few short years after The Fab Four broke up. i mean it's like, YOU WERE THERE AT THE TIME AND YOU STILL DIDN'T GET IT? boy is that thick. even Gen.X would probably interpret this better.who, in their right mind, would let doddering, old George Burns sing Beatles tunes and turn them into old soft shoe dances. but i didn't like any of the covers. not even the covers by greats like Alice Cooper, Areosmith and Peter Frampton were any good or could save this rot. and the 'Maxwell' cover by, the usually very funny, Steve Martin, is embarrassing and inane and overwrought.and what was up with the stupid stuff with the weather vane coming to life as Billy Preston at the movie's final? talk about plot holes. where did he come from and what did he have to do with anything? and the attempt to duplicate the Beatles famous 'Sgt. Pepper' album cover with a lot of, then current, celebrities, is a lameo duddy clunk.i don't have anything good to say about this big budget piece of crapola except that as a curiosity, it needs to be seen to be believed how bad it is. even as a bad movie it's no fun. it's budget is too large and the direction, although flat, seems like polished TV direction. that's a lot of the problem. the whole thing looks like an episode of 'Fantasy Island' or 'The Love Boat' gone terribly fact, this whole movie is just plain wrong. it's an abomination to humanity and all that is good about western culture.i want to kill this movie. in fact i tried to flush it down the toilet but it didn't work.the DVD was too big to flush and my brother objected because he thinks it is a "good bad movie" and likes to laugh at it. i don't think this film is funny. it's evil and should be avoided because it's an offense to all that is good and right. oh no!!! my brother knows i'm writing this and he's trying to put the movie on right now to freak me out. Nooooooo!!! help me from the evil tyrants of inhumanity known as the Bee Gees.

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