Severed Ways: The Norse Discovery of America
Severed Ways: The Norse Discovery of America
| 13 March 2009 (USA)
Severed Ways: The Norse Discovery of America Trailers

On the coast of North America in AD 1007, two Norsemen are stranded when their expedition is attacked and they are left for dead. As they struggle to survive in the vast forests of the New World, their paths diverge as one pursues a spiritual quest and the other reverts to his primal instincts


i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.

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Now with a topic as exciting as the Norse discovery of North America and the intrigue of the fate of two lone Vikings left behind, you'd think this movie would be Awesome. On top of that the rich and amazing literary tradition of the Sagas provide ample material that would translate wonderfully to the screen. Simply filming the Vinland Sagas with Freydis and the feuding would have been a recipe for an incredible cinematic romp.But two lost Vikings roaming the pre-Columbian expanse of North America - interacting with the tribes, encountering foreign peoples, flora and fauna, astonishing the natives etc - that could also have been an incredible story.But no. With almost no dialogue and bad synth music, the viewer is subjected to an hour and a half of two guys cutting down trees and shitting in the woods.This is not a movie that's so bad it's good. It's just bad.

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To say this a disappointment is the understatement of the century. A historical drama about Vikings in North America with a "throbbing black metal score" the box art pronounces. I thought I'd entered the promised land of Odin, himself. Forget it. Despite the Dimmu Borgir and Judas Priest on the soundtrack (all too briefly), this pointless and ponderous exercise in Medieval-Day-At-The-Park slop couldn't be considered a movie experience if you were on three grams of shrooms at a Renaissance Fair. The camera points into the sun for every other arty set-up, or is diffused through a Godawful selection of bendy, fish-eye lenses. The scenes, themselves, are nothing but wordless encounters alongside the art department's endless supply of campfires. The "leads", one of them the director, do nothing on screen except hike through forests and build more camp-fires. Some unlucky chickens are killed on screen and devoured, as well. The dialogue runs to "we're toast" and "this is some killer fish". Who wrote this thing, Bill and Ted? Compliments to one Viking's on screen discharge of feces, an enormous evacuation of bowel that must have been included in the film for laughs(?) Not even this magnificent, artistic choice redeems the movie of its horrible supporting soundtrack and a script that must have been conceived on a bar napkin. A true insult to metal, Vikings, and the god Odin. The film's subtitle is so exaggerated in its promise, I can only imagine it was added on as a joke, and it's # 3 rating is based solely on the copious amount of doo-doo excreted on screen.

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If you believe the empty-heads who scored this awful movie a "10" you're setting yourself up for a waste of your time. This movie is awful, as it is willfully annoying.Begin with the idiotic camera-work. Today's talent-free filmmakers think they can make an awful mess better by using a hand-held camera and shaking it like Jello, AS IF that substitutes for telling a narrative with intelligence and skill. Beyond that, there are many extreme close-ups, so close the viewer has no clue what's going on. All we see is random vegetation and men's long blonde hair bobbing all over creation. (No sexual appeal there, so says my girl friend -- who was snoozing soon after).Not to give the plot away, but what happens in the initial 30 minutes is: we see these two guys chopping down a dozen small trees, stripping off the branches, then pounding them together and making a crude raft. This is intense as the story goes; and I think you get the idea.

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I just saw this movie... It appears to be dubbed (to Swedish) and the subtitles did not match anything they said. Also, the acting isn't that good - and the story progresses rather slowly. The highlight of the entire movie was watching one of the vikings defecate. If you can call that a highlight...Steer clear of this film. It's nothing more than a waste of your time. No historic facts what so ever..I didn't hear any Greenlandic or old Norse, only Swedish. Don't know if the version I saw was deliberately destroyed by evil saboteurs, or if it was intended to be this flawed.The movie also contained a lot of Norwegian Black Metal (Dimmu Borgir, Burzum, etc.) - that in itself is cool, but combined with headbanging vikings it's just annoying.

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