| 30 July 2009 (USA)
Setem Trailers

Revolves around a precious postage stamp and attempts to steal, obtain it.


Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

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Orla Zuniga

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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*I first wrote this review under the pseudonym Catastrophic before this on* When I first saw this movie, I initially had no knowledge what was it about. All I know it featured comedian Afdlin Shauki who apparently was a good comedian on Malaysian and Singaporean television. As jump deeper into the movie, I start learning about the multiple plot lines, the semi non-linear that the story was trying to delve into. The story starts off with 2 con men who actually managed to sell an old electric guitar to a man claiming it was used by Santanna in Woodstock 69 alongside Jimi Hendrix and apparently he fell for it. Their stepfather; then got appalled that they have been conning people all this while. Turns out, their father wants them to steal a stamp called the "Barring Stamp" that was supposedly to cost 4 million USD from a man called Lord Charles Barring IV (Who also played a big role in the movie aside being the victim). Apparently, they were not the only one who ends up attempting to steal the stamp. An ex convict, who just got out of jail (which involves a hilarious scene in which the guard joked that it's waste of time of him going out because he would just go back to prison and answers back: Yes, but that's because of me killing you) who apparently was friends with a man who works with the private security company that is transporting the stamp. While planning to steal the stamp, a triad boss whom Sid and Joe owed money to found out about their plan. The triad boss was called Piranha Lim due to his favourite torture method is dipping the hands of his victims into an aquarium of piranha. The triad boss then forced Sid and Joe to steal the stamp for him and got his right hand man, Burn, a Thai hit-man to babysit them. Then it occurred to me, why does this movie felt familiar? Then I realized, the whole movie was similar to "Snatch" and "Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels!"I did a little research (if you call googling research) on it, turns out it was a homage to Guy Ritchie films! The director blatantly admits Guy Ritchie's film influence here. Even the song in the trailer of the movie, was a homage to Guy Ritchie's Rocknrolla! Piranha Lim was parallel to Dirty Harry (Both of them were pimps and drug dealers!) and Burn was parallel to Vinnie Jones's character. They even included a scene of introduction of the Piranha gang slamming one of their non-paying clients. (Sounds familiar?) Now in truly, Guy Ritchie style, those were not the only characters in the movie, an Indonesian coyote is involved with one of his "smuggled person" gets involved and plays a pivotal role in the movie. So does a blind man who he and his sister needed money who gets their life intertwined with all the gangsters above when they at a certain point, possessed the stamp.The jokes in the movie were also pretty similar to Guy Ritchie's sarcastic humor and a dish dash of Tarantino-esque pop culture dialog, tongue in cheek references (heck, even Tarantino got a reference in the trailer and a car similar to the pussy wagon appears in the movie), and well without the scene being dragged for 20 minutes about burgers and hash bars. Even a scene by the end of the movie was similar to a scene similar to Mad Max which involves a group of bikers jumping onto a car and destroying it. The movie is riddled with tongue in cheek references to Snatch. Remember the scene involving a cup of milk and 3 cars? Remember when the Russian gets tied up and put in the trunk? It is all referenced in the movie, delivered in a tongue in cheek fashion. The huge twist at the end of the movie, really turns the movie around and basically no one suspects it at all.Now half-way through this review, I'm sure Ritchie and Tarantino (I have to say the song's trailer music is similar to Kill Bill's trailer music but also a tribute to Guy Ritchie's Rocknrolla) fans would want to see this movie but let me tell you the sad part about this movie. The ending of the movie is dragged too long. This movie is basically 20 minutes too long for its own good as it tries to come up with a Hollywood-esque moral searching ending which was practically unbelievable judging from the fact that they are CRIMINALS! I don't know whether this is an attempt to take a jab of Hollywood or any other clichéd Malaysian movie out there but it does not fits into the movie and it only felt like a pathetic attempt. I felt as if I was watching a whole different movie towards the end. Some scenes are too goofy to fit into a movie which probably suits much better in other Afdlin Shauki movies rather than a movie that is homage to black comedy. (I have to say that, the film itself does not look noir, just that it feels noir, it was shot in beautiful colours)All in all, the film succeeds in becoming homage to Tarantino and Guy Ritchie films (Don't expect much violence except for the piranha scene and a few minor others). So it's a tribute to films that were already a tribute in the 1 place. The writing was smart, funny and hits the spot on what it was aiming. I hope to see Malaysian movies improved from this and who knows; someone from Malaysia may end up being the next Guy Ritchie.

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the director Kabir Bhatia continuing his shining good form as this is arguably one of the best entertaining film in 2009 if not in the past decade..Dude, I rarely watch Malaysia films, much else giving reviews.. but this is a very good film to miss! I have been following Kabir Bhatia's since he awe Malaysia with his 'Cinta' film. Beautiful cinematography, good acting and great script. I thought he wont get any better than this. But then Mr Kabir dazzled me again with my personal favorite 'Sepi'. Oh what a film.. Next he made a drama series 'Kekasihku Seru' that to me is the best Malaysia's TV series by far. Thus when I heard he's coming with a new film 'SETEM', I trust him I think this is one of the best this year 2009. As usual the cinematography is World Class.. The very interesting plot is working very well and we wont be disappointed with the action sequence either. The high speed car pursuit and crossfire scene is awesome. The storyline is simple, easy-going and fun. But what really makes this film stands out from the rest is its high quality comedy. Its so entertainingly hilarious and doesn't look dumb just like Scenario.. euww! Sathia really shine in this film followed by Afdlin.. While Bront character as Burn is great too! Of course this film would loose in terms of high budget cgi fx such as Transformer, but I dare say its a better film than Transformer! far better!! His style in this film reminds me a lot of the great UK director Guy Ritchie who direct the best UK film 'Snatch'. Great characters, heist, twisted plot, plus great comedy I give it perfect 10!

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