| 02 June 2016 (USA)
Seitenwechsel Trailers

The relationship of Alex and Teresa has hit hard times. After 15 years of marriage, the passionate football coach and the sensitive psychoanalyst do not respect each other's needs anymore, and thus they are arguing constantly. Even a divorce seems possible, but then something unbelievable happens: After another ugly fight during a big thunderstorm, they switch bodies. Trapped, they have to play each other's roles, and chaos is bound to follow.


Waste of time

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A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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Clarissa Mora

The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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Horst in Translation (

"Seitenwechsel" or "Und ich bin du" is a relatively new German movie, was released last year (2016) and this one runs for slightly under 100 minute. It was directed by Vivian Naefe who is mostly known for the Wilde Hühner films so far. The story is actually based on a Brazlian movie, so you can call this a remake and you would be correct. Apparently, Naefe and the subject were enough to bait many many very well-known German(-speaking) actors into playing parts in here, some bigger, others smaller. Möhring, Tander, Lau, Bukowski, Kempter, Schwarz, Fee, Riemann (Jr.), Ochsenknecht (Jr.), Stein, Pistor, Mühe etc. are all names that German film buffs have probably come across already. Maybe some of you remember the movie where Lindsay Lohan switches bodies with Jamie Lee Curtis (I believe) and here we have the relationship equivalent as the characters played by Tander and Möhring switch bodies. They were struggling before that happened of course and you can very well imagine that this out-of-body experience fixes things for them obviously.With this film, you also have an example of what is wrong with German comedies. There is an okay moment here and there, but every time the film tries to make a dramatic impact, for example the relationship scenes or the cringeworthy potential suicide scene with Lau's character, and tries to tell audiences a message, it gets really really painful for audiences. Sure you can say you expect zero realism because of the general plot and idea, but then you have to make a fantasy film and not a film that actually does try to deliver realistically when it comes to fixing all kinds of relationships, not just romantic ones. With the good moments, I am referring to comedy exclusively. There is a somewhat funny scene here and there and I thought especially Möhring did a decent job with what he is given. But he alone is not good enough to make up for the script and honestly it has been obvious for a long time that Tander is not lead actress material. Also there are some bad jokes too. The idea of Möhring's character moving like a woman and drinking wine constantly while Tander's obviously drinks beer and behaves like a Neanderthal. This is supposed to address the very basic comedy between men and women, but it has nothing to do with the characters really.So yeah, there is definitely more weak in here than good and a lot of it refers to obscene or graphic sex jokes, something they really love to use in these German films, probably to show how open-minded and liberal they are. Needless to say that most of the time it is not working. The one scene early on when we see a lesbian scene evolve somewhat was still fairly entertaining (maybe also because it was pretty hot), but then they are clearly missing the mark and jumping the bucket really. The next sexual scene (of course both have to cheat somehow for it to be fair, another stupid logic from German comedy movies) with Kempter was really just cheap and trashy to be honest. Quite a disappointment as I believe Kempter is far more talented than she is allowed to show us here with her best friend role and the only one knowing what happened. Same can be said about most other actors in here who had truly weak material to work with. Oh yeah, the daughter relationship plot as well as basically all football references (including the one about Matthäus) were truly cringeworthy too. Of course, now with a gentle touch the team is suddenly winning. Well, I guess that's enough for now. Overall I think you can say that a not so inspired idea was executed weakly here. I have not seen the Brazilian film this is based on, but I can imagine very well that it is very different from this one here as this one here offers once again all the negative aspects showing people what is wrong with comedy these days here in Germany. I recently watched a French comedy film from this year and they are so so much better in making an impact while entertaining too. We Germans get "tragic" and "touching" music to show us which moments are really making a difference. Guess what. They are not. Unless you belong to the millions of easily entertained who think FJG and Matthias Schweighöfer provide quality entertainment. If so, then this film is the right watch for you. If you want real quality, you stay away, especially with how bad it becomes towards the end, where 4 stars out of 10 is still on the generous side. Watch something else instead.

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