R | 18 October 2013 (USA)
Sanatorium Trailers

On a bitterly cold December night, a paranormal investigations team has set their sights on the bloody Hillcrest Sanatorium to answer the age old question: Is there life after death? With rumours of hauntings and local children gone missing, they may just get their answer the hard way when members of the team mysteriously disappear, leaving behind unnerving evidence.

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Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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SANATORIUM is yet another completely familiar and routine found footage horror film. Once again we follow around a dull young cast playing some paranormal investigators shooting a new location for their TV series. They head off to a long-abandoned sanatorium, with the usual night vision footage making up the bulk of the proceedings. There's very little in the way of horror, just lots of creeping around and not much in the way of a script; I found it very dull, and not at all frightening.

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Truly nothing new in the found footage genre. After all these years it's getting to seem like they all blend together. This movie starts out like many before and is a bit monotonous at times as well as over dramatic. However, as the movie builds there are some quite good scenes to satisfy both the found footage fans and horror fans alike. This especially goes for the ending.

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This is yet another "found footage" movie in the vein of "Blair Witch" and all the "Paranormal Activity" (Part Pi) continuations. However, this one worked--for me anyway. A crew of a local television show is set to visit a closed sanatorium to investigate rumors of an alleged ghost. You've got your cookie-cutter cast, including one male who is just so despicable you want to slap him until your arms get tired. Again, due to constrictions, I will not go further into the plot. I will say though this is yet another shining example of "less is more." Yes, there is some violence but it is not over the top. It's what you DON'T see but hear that completely creeps you out. "After Dark Productions" has made some really good horror movies, and I'm glad to see it is up to its old tricks again! Nicely directed, acted, and edited "Sanatorium" was a pleasant (and scary) surprise. Rated R for violence and language.

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I had no interest in seeing this movie. I actually skipped watching it for about 3 days, until I finally decided I was bored and I had nothing to lose by investing about 90 mins. I'm happy to say my time was not wasted. Anytime I hear a movie is based in a sanatorium - and quite a few horror movies have been - the end result has not been pleasing to me. This movie, however, did a great job with the story. The acting was very good, though I have to admit Mark was really getting on my nerves for about the first 30 minutes.Most of the movie, like other found footage films, is shot with camcorders. Usually, I find that to be an annoying, out of date, and rather obvious sign that the movie is low budget. Some are lower budget than others. I don't know what they spent on this movie, but the special effects were fun and not overdone. As I said, the acting was good. The storyline, while not original, was executed nicely. I don't have anything to complain about with this film. Easily, it's a movie I'll watch again at some point. The end scene was gross, but necessary to keep in step with the story.I gave this a 7-star rating because of all the above. I recommend this to anyone who likes found-footage horror films that are done very well.

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