R | 22 October 2011 (USA)
Cassadaga Trailers

A deaf girl attempts to contact her sister during a séance, only to connect with the ghost of a murdered woman.


Great Film overall

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It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.

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Teddie Blake

The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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CASSADAGA is a movie that tries to have it all but ends up coming away with nothing. It starts out as a traditional ghost story with a deaf girl losing her little sister in a car accident and afterwards finding herself haunted by the spirit of a disturbed spirit. About halfway through it veers off into needless torture porn territory and becomes much, much worse.CASSADAGA has a good sense of creeping dread going for it but that's about all it does have. It lets the lead character be defined by her disability because without that she'd be a totally forgettable and uninteresting person. It doesn't help that the supporting cast are entirely bland in themselves and will quickly disappear from memory once off the screen.The ghostly elements of the film, although predictable, are better handled than the shoddy torture scenes of the most routine serial killer imaginable going about his business trying to make life-life puppets from dead people. It's needlessly unpleasant, and helps sink the whole project. The expected chase scenes between killer and 'final girl' are as routinely staged as possible and the whole film has a familiar Hollywood vibe to it despite it being an independent production.

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This is a pretty hard film to review. I'm not a great fan of gore or murder mysteries (even though I appreciate a gem once in a while), more of a fan of supernatural horror. And that's just it. Even though there are disturbing and bloody scenes, "Cassadaga" is not a gore film. There is a mystery, but it isn't carried out in a very interesting or suspenseful way. There are supernatural elements, but they're not really inventive and don't carry the film. It's a mixture of all these things, and while it's a little underwhelming, it does manage to stay intact.Coleman isn't bad in this, but I guess I'm just not a fan. She is the main character, and for some reason she was the most uninteresting to me. When that happens, I can not enjoy a horror movie. I guess the dialogue can be partly blamed: there's some too dumb and obvious exposition. When a character recaps his/her life and motivations to another in a single conversation, that usually always fails and feels forced. You instantly get out of the mood when characters are treated as cheap toys. Yes, I want to know the character, but forcing me in the worst way possible is not going to do it. Coleman's character isn't the only one to do this, by the way. Anyway, despite me not liking Coleman's (and a certain child actor's) performance that much, acting is not a problem for this movie, most actors do a fine job. I would've wanted something more. A more thrilling mystery, perhaps. More focus on the effective side of paranormal, not just the obvious. Less common camera angles for used-up scare tactics, less bad conversations.I may sound like I hate this movie. I really don't. It's not terrible in any way and it's certainly better than your average horror fest with idiot teenagers getting slaughtered. There's enough disturbing material for a horror fan to at least see this once. I probably won't watch this again, but hey, I've seen worse. If you can find it real cheap, might be worth a shot. My 10+ euros were a little too much.

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I watched this today expecting very little. Recent horror efforts have not been much fun but I thought I would try this. I was actually happily entertained all the way through. The film has managed to avoid being corny which would have been a danger with a plot like this and it had its creepy moments. It was a little disturbing in some areas also without being too gratuitous. All in all an entertaining film delivering pretty much what I wanted. Horror based entertainment avoiding corn, endless running away and tripping over for no apparent reason and a mindless screaming heroine. All the acting was pretty good and the lady playing Lily acted well throughout. She is a very pretty girl and easy on the eyes but fortunately, can act with it unlike many similar horrors. Well worth seeing.

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This is a movie where I wasn't sure I'd like it; the name sounded like it might be a foreign film and the poster seems somewhat disconnected from the feel of the movie (at least, I think so).I gave it a try anyways, and I'm glad I did. It had its flaws, definitely, for me mostly in that it could have been longer; more build- up and getting some of the smaller plot lines tied up neater would have easily pushed this movie to a higher vote. I can see why not to do it, though, as it's already longer than the standard 90 minutes.To its credit though, I was scared enough to jump a couple of times and I was touched when I was supposed to be - which is more than many horror flicks can do these days.All in all, I came away with the feeling that it was well worth my time so I definitely recommend checking it out at least once.

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