| 19 June 2002 (USA)
Samouraïs Trailers

An ageless Demon Warrior is magically impregnated into the womb of a Parisian Kung-Fu Master's girlfriend. But what is the Demon's relationship with a new-release blockbuster fighting game?


Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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Benas Mcloughlin

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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The movie is very strange hybrid between French and Japanese cinema. As a pure Japanese movie it might work somehow. It would be nothing exceptional but okay.As a hybrid Japanese - French movie it is quite a failure. The Japanese actors might enjoy their visit to France (and vice versa) but having fun holidays should not act as excuse of making a movie. The "Japanese part" seems to be serious, actually quite hardcore historic horror demon curse story. The "French part" seems to try to to introduce some international martial combat variety, some "fun elements" in the form of young confused Arab sidekick and some "modern elements" in form of the computer games.These parts does not fit however. There is no observable chemistry between the lead characters, no explanation of the purpose of the "game", no reasonable explanation of the conclusion. The movie has no focus, no drive, no urgency, it is just and attempt to somehow glue unconnected scenes to have some variety. In the end it looks as a cheap EU sponsored rip off of the Mortal Combat. And that's quite bad actually.

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I'll tell you this deserves negative two stars out of ten just for being so campy, annoying and lame for all of the reasons I'm about to tell you members. The plot I won't even bother getting into because it's already absurd-sounding if you read the summary posted on here; I don't know any of the French and Asian actors, but they don't look happy to be here nor do they look impressed with the material either; the humor isn't even close to lame, it's more close to an unfunny punchline which doesn't even seem to be part of a joke; and, last of all, the action sequences are not at all impressive and are not going to impress any viewers unless they have never seen a single movie with this type of material before, but even then they'll forget about it the next day so . . . tough luck, very tough luck. I saw this on Spike TV and I deeply regret wasting my time with this flick which everyone else seems to thinking the same thing. The "imdb rating" is currently a 3.4 out of 10 for a reason folks ! Do yourself a favor and avoid like the plaque!

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While it's nice that more French non-art movies are being brought to this side of the Atlantic, this is one that can be skipped. To be sure, it has a few nice martial arts sequences, and the production values are pretty good - in fact, some of the special effects are up to those in big-budget Hollywood movies. Unfortunately, the movie has some of the negative attributes commonly found in big-budget Hollywood movies - a story sorely lacking in explanation, annoying characters, blatant product plugs, and unfunny comic relief. But the main problem is that the story is slow-moving and downright dull at times. If you want to see a more entertaining French actioner, rent WASABI.

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WOW - when i saw this movie i´ve thought "It´s a long time ago i saw such a great enjoyable fun and popcorn-movie like Samouraís!". Ok - the story is very stupid and it takes a time before i could laugh about Nadir "The Bone-Body" :o) What i like is the very cool style, the very good locations, the genius camera-work and how it uses the Cinescope-format 2,35:1 !!! Also the hard fights with weapons you see never in actual productions (Tonfa, Sing-Gabel, Shuriken, etc.). The production of the movie is very high. Locations, costumes, etc. are very nice and epic. There is so much atmosphere in this movie!!! And the FX are very fine! The fights in the Toilet-Room of the Airport, at the Training-Center (20 People fighting!!!), at the stairway, etc. - all are impressive, hard and awesome choreographed by Philp Kwok who do the fight-scenes in "Les Pacte des Lopes" with Marc Dacascos and very much more Hollywood-Blockbuster - and that´s fact!!! If you like epic style pictures - than give him a chance! If you like hard and realistic Fights without CGI and wire-fu - than give him a chance! If you like cool looking Japanese in cool suites, with sunglasses, big weapons and Swords - than give him a chance! If you are open minded for humor of other countries - than give him a chance! And at the end - if you like high quality DVD-transfers - than you HAVE to take this movie on DVD, because the german DVD has a genius, clearly picture-transfer and an impressive DD5.1-Sound which will let your Rears rock!!!

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