This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
... View MoreWhile it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
... View MoreThere's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
... View MoreIt's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
... View MoreI have watched this movie in late 80s in a theater where majority of crowd came for action and they all were treated with plenty in this one.If talking of erotica, this will definitely stand up higher in ranks. Aldo Rado at his best and Fiona Gelin not only looked sensual but she managed to create lot of on screen heat and the horseback sex scene was one of the best I have ever seen in an erotica. There is also a scene in a crowded bus where our sexy heroine is being felt up by many men and I think this scene was later ditto copied by Tinto Brass in one of his movie.The plot is okay but the locations are great. So if you are looking for some hot action this is where you should go. 8 out of 10
... View Morei remember seeing this movie almost 20 years ago!!it was a soft core porn import playing in a seedy local theater. besides obvious appeal, it was quite entertaining. story flows smoothly (although it's not a very complicated or meaningful story). the performance of main actress was quite charming.. esp the scene where she combines the pleasure of sex with pleasure of horseback riding. that alone is worth watching the movie!!i don't remember much else about the movie. the nature shots are very nice, nobody's overacting. most of the characters are not fully developed, but then the movie is only about the main actress, so it's expected.. :)don't recall if musical score was nice.. that's about it!
... View MoreReally, SIROCCO is a very good erotic film. The main actress, FIONA GELIN is very natural and beautiful. I recommend this film for all the people who like the description of the progressive research of sexual experiences.
... View MoreSoft pornography was supposed to have been stone-dead by 1987, but the Italians still produced the odd piece of erotica here and there, and this picture by Aldo Lado is one of the best examples. It is obvious that things have moved on from the 1970s - just the odd bit of nude flesh does no longer suffice, the required steam has to derive from the action, and here it does.There is not much of a story: our heroine, Lea, visits her boyfriend somewhere in Morocco, exploring her sexuality along the way and getting into a bit of a muddle that eventually requires drastic action. The story works reasonably well, but this is not the kind of film where one would care much about it.The males are mostly a bit dull, with the exception of Yves Collignon, who aims to ooze mysteriousness by putting on a stern look for most of his screen time; it has to be said though that he is clearly overdoing it. Still, his softporn rendition of a Jon Dough performance avoids the blandness we get from the other males.The star of the show is undoubtedly Fiona Gélin. Heart-breakingly gorgeous and cute as a button, she can still act well enough to get some sensuality across. The writers overstretch credibility by letting her travel on her own in skimpy outfits in a Muslim country; even for a sexually adventurous character this goes a bit far, but Miss Gélin handles these problematic scenes quite well.
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