R | 31 December 2013 (USA)
Ritual Trailers

A long time ago Tom loved Lovely. They were married and everything was perfect, at least for a little while. But that was then and this is now. Lovely has just killed a man in cold blood after he tried to drug and kidnap her in a motel. She calls Tom to help but now they've found a VHS tape that depicts a satanic ritual in which a woman is murdered. Lovely desperately wants to leave and they do, but Tom forgot his engraved lighter in the room, and when they go back to find it, the dead body appears missing.


Too many fans seem to be blown away

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Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

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OK, this movie is far from perfect. BUT, I found it entertaining... and it actually got better as it went along... really picking up about midway through... and the ending was just right for me. It definitely didn't go where I was expecting with some lame 'twist'. People have mentioned that it feels 'padded'... and I agree that the first section, in the motel room, feels too long for what's going on. In general I like slower paced horrors though, so it's not that it was 'boring'... just that the script was kind of weak in those moments. It needed something more. I'm guessing that if they'd had more money to throw at it that portion would have been a lot shorter and the action in the last third would have been more extensive cat-n-mouse. I'll mention that I think the acting and camera/lighting work was really good throughout. The script and editing were the real problems. Also, the choice of actors, especially for the unmasked cultists, was pretty great... those faces had character and I liked the implications that the cult was mostly blue-collar guys who led otherwise normal lives.

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Snaggletooth .

You know how DJs do remixes of artists songs and many times these turn out to be better than the original? Well, this movie needs a remix. Buried within Ritual lies a film which probably could have been harrowing and intense, if they'd used much better actors, and much better direction. There were some decent scenes in it, and the use of atmospheric music worked quite well, but many times it just seemed apparent that it could have been improved on....vastly. Of course we have the (now common) 9 and 10 star fake reviews here from people involved with the movie, and hopefully someday we can lose this crap forever on IMDb (I won't hold my breath though). I guess you get better at reading between the lines however to fish out the REAL reviews if you've been around this site for a long time. Ritual isn't a bad movie, but it's not a good movie either. Sometimes it has long, drawn out, parts which seem to sit as padding, other times it jolts from one scene to another. Other scenes make little sense. For example, the main female role is being chased in the dark by two masked men, she hurts her foot, then sits screaming giving away her location. If you were being chased in the dark and managed to evade capture a while, would you then start screaming? Nope, me neither. It's the classic fault of so many horror movies - idiots doing things you would never do in real life.If you want to kill a couple of hours Ritual isn't the worst film out there, once you get past it's slow start. But it just about manages to hold your attention. And for the fake reviewer here who suggested that someone who gave a negative review might be "retarded" that's simply not nice. Most of us review a film honestly, and there are many of us who are very passionate about the horror genre. If you get mixed reviews of a movie you've made - learn from them. Especially if the film is one of your first. Don't attack people because you think you know better. It's the viewer you're pitching to, not yourself. And Ritual showed promise for now. But really it should have been better.

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you gotta give this one a chance. My significant other (opposite sex) brought this one home. I yawned when I saw the box...OK dearie...another skull and crossbones snoozefest. Was I ever wrong ! Ritual is everything but a snoozer ! It's a real unexpected surprise and offers much of the same during its 90 minutes of Satanic hell. ! We spooned on the couch watching this "retro thriller" and I was turgid (sensually) throughout. Sexy blonde who does her man wrong...and pays for it....in spades.Kinda confused why the cuckolded husband would answer the scarlet wife's call of distress...but love has a funny hold on us, doesn't it ?( I added as I cupped my lover's bodacious ta-tas, which probably added to my enjoyment of this movie).Acting solid and loved the music score. Someone's done some nice editing, although I missed the credit, since lovie and i decided to partake in our own conjugal ritual as the film ended.I'd recommend this film for cheaters who need to learn a lesson...for filmgoers who want a cheap set of thrills. Good movie and good time was had BY ALL. Rewind her Satchmo !!!!!Play it again Sam !!!!

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I loved every minute of this thriller. A great and exciting movie that had me on the edge of my seat. It had me guessing every minute as to what was going to happen next. The twist and turns of the story kept me fully engaged all the way through. The level that writing takes the story to is amazing and when I thought that they could not take it any further, they were able to in ways that I had not necessarily envisioned. The cast did an excellent job all the day around. The direction and production were also so superior. The movie also had great lead and supporting acting. I highly recommend this film to fans of horror, suspense, or adventure films.

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