The Reaping
The Reaping
R | 05 April 2007 (USA)
The Reaping Trailers

Katherine Morrissey, a former Christian missionary, lost her faith after the tragic deaths of her family. Now she applies her expertise to debunking religious phenomena. When a series of biblical plagues overrun a small town, Katherine arrives to prove that a supernatural force is not behind the occurrences, but soon finds that science cannot explain what is happening. Instead, she must regain her faith to combat the evil that waits in a Louisiana swamp.


People are voting emotionally.

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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Fukkk you Movie and your religion mongrels... Hate it, for people out there don't watch this thing, it's really bad, what is it with Hollywood enabling ignorance and superstitions.. Don't watch it, don't have anything to say, this is bad these people make me sick. Just need to complete 5 lines.

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This wasn't as bad as all the reviews had me believing. Hillary swank does a good job with her role as a former Christian missionary who after the death of her family loses her faith and now spends her time debunking alleged religious miracles. We also get Idris Elba, which is no hardship as her student turned personal assistant and a welcome sighting from the former "Governor" David Morrissey.The story itself is interesting following Swank and Elba into the bible belt of small town Louisiana to investigate a series of biblical plagues. They arrive to prove that a supernatural force is not at work but soon find that science cannot explain what is happening.I wouldn't exactly call this a "horror" movie, sure it maintains a mysterious and spooky atmosphere but its never truly scary its more set up multiple times to be ultra jumpy; things falling, people sneaking up behind, strange dream sequences, a creepy mute girl in the woods.The scenery from the Louisiana bayou is beautiful, and the special effects due to the ten plagues are well done; river of blood, locusts, boils, lice, a priest witnessing strange things, dying cattle. The locusts swarm scene is particularly good. All in its not a great movie and not super scary but still worth a watch. 11/3/16

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Called to a small town, a woman's investigations into the religious phenomena plaguing the area leads her to believe the situation is genuine and tries to stop the demonic prophesy foretold from coming true.This here is actually quite an intriguing and enjoyable effort. The best part of this one is the fact of actually managing to get the plagues in here to have a central bearing on the story itself. The concept of each of the ten plagues being covered here manages to build an incredibly suspenseful tale here as the various ones get check off one-by-one throughout here yet are done to help provoke the storyline, waiting for the next one and how that will pact the rest of the story. From the early start here with the bloody river and swarms of flies attacking the cattle farm serves as the start of the whole curse makes this all quite chilling as the events are set into motion and build into the eventual appearance of the next one. By continually upping to the next plague and using that to add a little spectacle to this gets really enjoyable with the more impressive plagues that start occurring in the later half of this one. That actually manages to turn the plot around to the cult angle which is really fun by finally letting the big plagues come into focus here by using the conduit of her evil powers being used for Satanic means. There's plenty of spectacle in this section as there's the animal swarm attack, the chase through the woods and the apocalyptic devastation that wipes out the town in a rather exploitative fashion causing all sorts of fun, yet also exposes one of the main issues with this one in the rather convoluted finale. That this turns into a supernatural cult film after the entire rest of the film served as a realistic portrayal of the plagues descending on the town which does leave this shifting gears rather suddenly and leaving a pretty sizable tone-shift that's pretty jarring. The turning into a supernatural fantasy at the end does get a little cheesy with the CGI and rather flimsy nature of the actions itself which gets really out of hand and lowers this somewhat when it really could've gone for a better attempt at the ending. Still, this one isn't all that bad.Rated R: Violence, Language and a mild sex scene.

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I just watched this movie last night, and I thought it was a really creepy movie. Some people said that this really disturbing; I sort of disagree on that part. I do say that this movie is creepy. I thought Hilary Swank did a decent job playing as a person that lost her faith in the beginning of the film. AnnaSophia Robb (Loren) was the best part in the movie; her character adds more suspense and creepiness to the atmosphere. Just like any other movie, it has flaws. Overall, it's possibly one of the most chilling movies I've ever watched. I recommend it if you love the concept of the ten biblical plagues that's on a modern setting.

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