R | 14 January 2005 (USA)
Retrograde Trailers

Two time travelers with opposing views are sent back to the present aboard a research ship in the Antarctic to prevent a global biological disaster from occuring


Thanks for the memories!

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Save your money for something good and enjoyable

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Good movie but grossly overrated

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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I thought that this movie had something going for it, because not only did it have Dolph Lundgren (one of my favorite B movie actors) in it, but that one of the producers was Joseph Merhi, who made some great B action movies in the 1990s. Unfortunately, I thought the end results were a big let down. Partly because of an inadequate budget, most of the movie looks really cheap, with interiors that were obviously not shot on a real ship, and exteriors that look nothing like the real Antarctic. An additional problem is that director Christopher Kulikowski directs the various going ons with a lack of conviction. The action scenes are sluggish and badly choreographed, and there is a curious matter-of-fact feeling to many scenes despite the plot of the movie centering around the fate of the human race! Even if you are desperate and it's a slow night does not make this movie worth watching. A note to Joseph Merhi: Reunite with your old producer partner Richard Pepin and get back to making those great action movies you guys once made!

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DOLPH?! He still makes movies? Really?People actually invest money in movies that star Dolph? Really??OMG ... well don't be shocked if you don't like this movie (or any that has him in it). I think that the ONLY recent movie with Dolph in it that was worthwhile was Expendables. They certainly understood that D's role MUST be minor at best and well-controlled or ... he'll probably take the entire movie down with him ... :-)Bottom line, unless you are one of those people who are inexplicably drawn to Dolph ... don't see ANY of his movies ... unless you also appreciate being disappointed :-) It is what it is ...

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I watched movie this morning and it is not as bad as most people say. Actually it is good for what it is - a sci-fi flick. So don't be confused when you see the box cover and read the names of Dolph Lundgren and Gary Daniels expecting an action movie with a lot of fights. The movie is about a time traveller (Lundgren) who gets back in time to destroy a virus brought by a meteorite and this way he saves the future from it. There are some bad guys who want to trammel him. So I suggest that this is a low budget movie and if you have this in mind you'll say that it is a very decent movie. It might have been better, of course.I give it 6 out of 10 and suggest that all sci-fi and Lundgren fans should watch it.

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Claudio Carvalho

Yesterday I bought this DVD on sale in Blockbuster (Rio de Janeiro). The price was less than US$ 4,00 for an used DVD (called "previously seen"), which is very cheap for Brazilian usual prices. Unfortunately, I have just watched 10 minutes of the awfullest movie I have ever tried to see. Simply unbelievable how a producer can put his or her money in such a flick. Further, why the Brazilian distributor Europa bought such a garbage to distribute in Brazil? Meanwhile, in Brazil we have many important movies that have not been released on video or DVD, such as the work of Yasujito Ozu or "Fahrenheit 451" of Truffault. I saw another brave IMDb user that was capable of watching 30 minutes of this trash, and I would like to congratulate him for his courage. I would like to indicate this flick to "The Jerk of the Daily Votes". My vote is one.Title (Brazil): "Retrograde"

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