R | 07 November 2010 (USA)
Removal Trailers

Ghastly hallucinations haunt a carpet cleaner at a mansion where a murder may have occurred.


Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.

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What a waste of my time!!!

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n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Michael Ledo

The movie starts out with a man on prescription meds getting laid off from work. The next day he is involved in an awkward murder/suicide witnessed by Cole. We then cue credits. Cole (Mark Kelly) is now on prescription meds to prevent hallucinations. He works for a floor cleaning outfit and his condition has alienated him from his family.After working a week of doubles a tired worn out Cole is offered a job to clean a rich man's floors for an additional $5,000 under the table. Thinking of his wife and child, Cole reluctantly takes the job, cleaning floors to a decent soundtrack while having flashbacks to times with his family...and the murder/suicide.Oz Perkins plays Henry Sharpe, the odd man whose house Cole cleans. There are hints that Henry has murdered his family...the flashbacks get more intense as the film progresses. Enjoyable film.Good psycho-thriller. F-bomb. No sex or nudity.

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I'll never fully understand exactly how people rate films here; try as I might, the reasoning eludes me...Anyway, DEFINITELY better than it's current 4.4 rating (especially if graded on the curve with so many other garbage films out there) Well written and acted; especially well directed. Very engaging and suspenseful. YES, we've seen this kind of thing before and NO, it's not the absolutely most original story out there, BUT, a well done film is a well done film, and that is SUPPOSEDLY why we rate and review films here, right...?The primary actor does an excellent job as the calm 'Cleaner' Cole. There is very nice use of photography and editing and excellent use of sound design to add to the strong psychological mood of the film (with the very minor exception of unfortunately one of my personal neurotic irritations where pouring drinks and other consequential sounds are SO bloody loud, MUCH louder than they should be - GOD I hate that!)So, if you like solid, competent, Psychological thrillers either with or without 'Twists' and as long as you appreciate good film making, then you should definitely enjoy this movie. BTW, that was the first time I've ever seen Oz Perkins (Anthony's son) who also co-wrote the excellent screenplay, and I felt that he carried the 'disturbed' torch well where his father left off. I would LOVE to see him do more Horror films, but he hasn't really done very many at all.Overall the movie is strong on mood if a bit lighter on substance. Not anything earth-shaking, but a decent, well done, enjoyable Thriller...

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If NOT for the fantastic performance from Mark Kelly playing cleaner Cole Hindin (it helped that I had a huge crush on him during this, but that didn't alter my review), some good cinematography and a great soundtrack/score, 'Removal' (5/10) would be a complete waste. Why? Well, I can't say without spoiling the movie's over-used "secret" that I almost missed. I'll be honest, I usually see this coming, and I did kinda get it through the movie with the numerous clues. Part of the problem was the enormously bad acting from the movie's homeowner, Henry Sharpe (Oz Perkins). In fact, it was so obviously bad, you knew something was up. That said, again, Mark did such a good job, you'd think you were watching a Class A movie vs. the B-movie it was. It's worth a rental if you like those suspenseful (lite) thinkers involving a recovering and separated man, Cole, who witnessed his best friend, Eric, kill himself following Eric killing his own wife. Time has passed and now Cole's being summoned to conduct a solo yet "3-Person" cleaning job at a massive mansion overnight. Cole's suspicious of the owner's secretive nature regarding the quick/quiet job and the weird disappearance of his own wife. See it on the cheap.

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I'm not usually a big fan of low-budget thrillers with all their gratuitous gore and hacky flashbacks but for its genre, I think this movie is a 10. I love its offbeat intensity. It has all the fun of a campy movie while avoiding being....well...campy. For a thriller it's remarkably gripping, sophisticated and well-acted, without taking itself too seriously. Mark Kelly's flammable character is an edgy yet cool carpet-cleaner. Oz Perkins (son of Tony) gives us impeccable poker-faced comic relief as an uptight millionaire. (Makes me want to look for them in other films.) Billy Burke is his penetrating, sensitive self. There's also a great cameo by Elliot Gould playing a psychiatrist. And there will be blood- plenty of it. But it's the story's ending that gets you. It made me want to turn around immediately and see it again! There's nothing better than walking out of a film reeling! (pun?)

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