PG-13 | 14 October 2010 (USA)
RED Trailers

After surviving an assault from a squad of hit men, retired CIA black ops agent Frank Moses reassembles his old team for an all-out war. Frank reunites with old Joe, crazy Marvin and wily Victoria to uncover a massive conspiracy that threatens their lives. Only their expert training will allow them to survive a near-impossible mission -- breaking into CIA headquarters.


Am I Missing Something?

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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Aridas Brikas (Abricos)

Action scenes and combat were good enough for me. Marvin Bogs (actor: John Malkovich) was nicely characterized and it was delightful to watch him. But even his characterization had its own flaws.The first bad thing that caught my eye was Frank's calmness and exorbitant "coolness". He was being assaulted by 2 SWAT squads, however, it felt like he didn't even worry, as if he was invaded a 100 times in the past and it is casual for him. Not only that assault should've been alerting, there were multiple situations, where anyone would get sweaty hands. His past was told very briefly. It wasn't enough to convince me, that he can act cool in those situations.Directing had many flaws. The very first minutes of the movie felt really weird. Frank woke up at exactly 6:00 without any alarm, if that is not unrealistic enough, he woke up like "a robot", that was unnatural. Also when Sarah had tape on her mouth in the car, she could've easily removed it, as her hands were tied in front of her. That is minor, but still caught my eye. The way Frank exited the car was really weird and unrealistic.Characterization lacked reason and was inadequate. Not only franks boldness was exaggerated, but while he appeared to be "professional", he fell in love with Sarah, a woman he has never seen in real life. Is he a teen? Sarah itself had little characterization, which had no reason. She was in shock, which should've rankled her. However, she later joins Frank's company with alacrity. Also, their love was "technical". No emotions, no romance.Marvin was a funny and interesting personality and he was characterized as very aware. The characterization on him was done well, however it had no influence to the main story. His abilities to detect threat didn't appear to have any effect in the end. Good, but useless characterization.It was hard to understand the story itself, due to lack of origins for the events and actions. A lot of things lacked reason.I lacked subtle, but influential details, which always buys my attention.At least is wasn't a torment to watch the movie, but it had too many flaws.

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I don't know why I feel so 'dirty' watching 'Red.' Deep down I know it's hardly Shakespeare and I should never rate it more than a 2/5. However, there's something oddly satisfying from watching a load of old actors go crazy with guns and take out wave after wave of trained henchmen like they were immortal. 'Red' is effectively an action-thriller, with a healthy dose of 'Bourne-like' spy-movie thrown in there. Bruce Willis plays a retired John McClane (not really, but he might as well – effectively a retired CIA killer) who, something, something, something, ends up on the run with a woman he's been flirting with over the phone. Naturally, there's hired government killers on his trail at every turn and he must fight for survival every step of the way while he desperately tries to prove his innocence. Think that plot synopsis sounds familiar? Well, it does. It's basically the same as every other recent (Bourne clone) spy movie made in the last few years. It's nothing new, but it is fun.I guess you could say that it's a bit of a gimmick having the lead being an 'elderly' balding (sorry Bruce!) hero, as opposed to a young man with a nice tan and full head of hair on the run. In fact… it is the 'age factor' that is this film's only real selling point. Bruce doesn't go it alone, he's helped out by an aging John Malkovich, an aging Morgan Freeman and an aging Helen Mirran – all of which are quite capable to murdering any young, highly-trained upstart who gets in their way. And, yes, it is fun to see them in action.Despite the serious subject matter of death at every turn, the film never even attempts to take itself seriously. It knows it's daft and over the top and that's its main saving grace. If it tried to make us think that a bunch of senior citizens could really do all this then it would be ridiculous. However, throughout all the car chases and shootouts it almost parodies itself.If you like your action movies fun (like pre Daniel Craig Bond) then you should appreciate this, plus if you're a fan of Bruce Willis doing what he does best, or just want to see Helen Mirren wield a sniper's rifle, then you should definitely enjoy this. The plot is simple, Karl Urban is kind of wasted as the film's primary antagonist, hell bent on Willis' capture/death, but he's a nice addition anyway. Just don't think too deeply about why an older man still has to have a considerably younger love interest at his side!

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I stumbled across this whilst surfing the channels, finding the first reel a mixture of blah and ho hum but after Willis took out a highly organised and heavily armed SWAT team with nothing but a pea shooter I kept watching just to see how much more improbable it would get. I didn't have long to wait as it became more unrealistic by the minute. It also had a nice line in bringing in Headliner supporting players as needed rather than wheeling them out all at once so that Morgan Freeman appears in about the fourth or fifth reel, John Malkovich a couple of reels later and Helen Mirren around the hour mark. It moves at a fair clip and should please its target audience, the fifteen-to-twenty-three set.

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Davis P

RED (retired extremely dangerous) (2010) is a very entertaining and thrilling action film. Helen Mirren was by far my favorite character in this movie! She was great in this movie, so slick and cool!! And of course Bruce Willis is great in here, such a great action hero, as he is in most movies. Mary Louise Parker and Morgan Freeman were great as well, all the characters in RED are so well constructed and cool to see. The script for this movie is well written and has just the right amount of action and comedy mixed in. The director really did a great job with the action sequences, they were very slick and fun to watch. The visuals and the whole look of the movie is very good too, and I loved the costume design as well. Overall, the bottom line is that RED is just a cool, fun time for all to see! There is also very funny dialogue between the characters, Marty Louise Parker's character is especially funny. I really loved her character! 10/10 for RED! Love it every time, never gets old.

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