Ready, Steady, Charlie!
Ready, Steady, Charlie!
| 18 September 2003 (USA)
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In a Swiss church, Antonio Carrera is getting married to the pretty daughter of an Italian Mafioso, when army police officers march in and take him to the 15 week compulsory Swiss military training.


This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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Claire Dunne

One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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Orla Zuniga

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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.. Switzerland has never had such a big movie-budget as at the moment, and still can't make any really good movies? ah yes right, they just don't know how (yet)! for every conscript from Switzerland who has done his military service or every girl who has had a boyfriend who did it (or done it herself), this movie is OK! (hence the 5 point vote).. some bits are funny, because they really took every cliché and overdrew them (the pacifist from the french speaking part of Switzerland for example). the different dialects of Switzerland also have a big part in this set up, and this of course works great in swiss-German.but as a movie for anybody else? .. no way! i would be astonished if anybody from outside Switzerland (non-swiss) could really have a good much for the story.acting: oh well.. i've seen worse, but no Oscar-worthy performances. imagery/technical: they are getting there. it's OK, but some better filters would made it visually more appealing.

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The main problem with "...Charlie.." is, that' it is a cynical movie to its bones. It is funny, it is smart, but it's also a product of some coke-sniffing talents in Switzerland. This ain't no real movie with no soul. It's a product. A very good product indeed.If you have fun watching it, that's OK, so did I.But the people who produced this movie did not want to produce a good movie, they wanted to get in the business, to make money, to touch women, they could never never never never touch.It's awful to watch a movie like "Achtung..." in comparison to a movie like "Festen" or "Angst essen Seele auf" but it's better than nothing.Or... no... "nothing" could be better than this soulless, heartless cynical piece of success.People without heart and soul, please stop making movies.Thank You

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Now here is the truth about 'Achtung, fertig, Charlie!': I've read other user's comments and I got the feeling they didn't like the movie but I can tell you why: because they are Swiss themselves and they don't like to hear the truth.Now lemme tell ya: It is the truth. Good things first: I'm from Germany. That's why I can tell. I used to work with a bunch of Swiss blokes and the two main topics were Dope and the Mafia. No - not Army pocket knives, nor cheese, banks or Cuckoo-clocks, but Dope and the Mafia. So here we are - the movie shows Switzerland exactly as it is.About the movie itself: you can always argue about the acting, but this was not Shakespeare nor Lessing, but genuine Swiss acting. So we will not be so picky about certain aspects of acting that could have been better. Let's take what this movie was made for: delivering a feeling how it is to be Swiss. And they did - just that! And splendidly!Besides, it is a funny movie, spiced with good jokes for those who listen carefully. And a touching love story, too. Just go and watch it!By the way: you might want to check out "Die Schweizermacher" - 'cause it's worth it!

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This film makes "American Pie" a sophisticated movie! No further comment needed. Humor is cheap, dialogues are stupid and the cast is awkward. Every cliché is used several times without any original twist. And far the worst, the movie turns out to be more catholic than the Pope. It's so sad.

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