Rahtree: Flower of the Night
Rahtree: Flower of the Night
| 14 November 2003 (USA)
Rahtree: Flower of the Night Trailers

A Thai playboy cons a girl into bed and then leaves her after finding out she is pregnant with his child. She commits suicide alone in her apartment and her ghost haunts those nearby. The apartment block owner calls upon a series of eccentric shamans to exorcise her spirit from the premises.


Redundant and unnecessary.

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Let's be realistic.

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A Disappointing Continuation

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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When their relationship is over, a lonely woman wanting to be with the father of her baby turns to a decrepit apartment complex for solace only to die and subsequently haunt the building and the tenants waiting for him to return, forcing them to appease the ghost until then.This was quite the fun if somewhat troubling effort. One of the main positives here is the fact that there's a rather intriguing and enjoyable premise to be found here that comes off as far more engaging than expected. From the beginning's stifled romance and the issues they have to overcome as well as the seeming reasons for them to get together which fuels her despair and loneliness even further, the initial set-up here is quite well-handled and makes for a really interesting way to get to the apartment and begin haunting it. Once she gets there, it gets quite fun with the initial discovery of the bodies in the room and the ineffectual manner of the police to remove them from the scene not only being quite chilling but generates some nice laughs as well, and with her haunting the kooky residents in the complex there's a lot to like here. The attacks are both genuinely funny to see play out yet rather chilling in concept, from scaring out the exorcist there cleansing the room to getting the jump on the paranormal investigators in the room and chasing them out, attacking the wife-beater and the others who come into the building, these give this one quite a lot to really like and give this one some chilling moments. Her freak-out that forces them to call him back is a wild, chaotic set-piece as well, and there's plenty to like about the finale where the failed exorcism attempt and their appeasement efforts to bring them back together while his outside efforts are the cause of the wild finale which gives this the kind of exciting and funny finish needed here. This is all the better given that these are done with the creepy-looking ghost and filled with some solid make-up effects alongside the laughs. These here give this one quite a lot to really enjoy, but it does have some flaws. One of the films' biggest issues is the seemingly glaring tone inconsistencies that occur throughout here, which oftentimes renders what happened quite jarring and problematic. The main issue here is the first half which is where their actual romance is going on, being so tender and innocent when compared to the more earnest attempts at scares and thrills or even the comedy that occurs in here in tone and execution that it feels so different enough to have been spliced in from another film altogether. It's done in such a relaxed, documentary-like style as compared to the frenzied, chaotic nature latter on making it too laid-back and dragging to start the movie off on. That also extends somewhat to a lot of the comedy, which is brought up in them meeting her for the first time but is continued on even further in the film with the tenants and their lives together which is sometimes funny yet not often enough to really land as the multitude of culturally-specific jokes and physical comedy doesn't come off as funny often enough when compared to the more genuinely approach to it's horror-based scenes. They make it a little longer than it needs to be, and while these are what really hurt it's not enough to outweigh the more impressive positives here.Rated Unrated/: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and a mild sex scene.

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Don't be fooled by the title of this movie. "Rahtree: Flower Of The Night" has nothing whatsoever to do with trees or flowers. It is actually the name of the main character in this movie, Buppah Rahtree.Buppah Rahtree is a smart, but troubled girl. Her past is ravaged by sexual abuse by her stepfather, and has had no friends all her life.The movie starts out like a love story. Boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy tricks girl… OK, that's not really a love story, but that's how the first 20 minutes go. Ake Dunrongsup is a rich man's son who stalks Buppah, following her day and night. He even buys food for her and leaves it on her doorknob. After Buppah confronts Ake about this, Ake confesses his love for her. Anyway, Ake impregnates Buppah and heads off to further his studies in the United Kingdom. Little did Ake know that Buppah got an abortion and well, committed suicide.After not receiving Buppah's rent for nearly a month, the evil landlady comes over and forces her way into the apartment and finds her already decomposing body. I know what you're thinking, no comedy yet? Well, the comedy begins when the Thai police come onto the scene. The sergeant in charge was pretty funny in his short but effective role as a bumbling cop. Many other comedic bits follow after this.The spectrum of characters in this movie overshadows the main plot itself. A lazy shopkeeper and his retarded assistant were the ones producing most of the lighter moments of the movie. Other colorful characters included a couple of obese hairdressing transvestites, a band of fake monks, a clique of hip hop wannabes, the evil landlady and her husband, and a cute girl who helps her father sell rice porridge in a stall nearby.Mehods of getting rid of Buppah's spirit included visits from the band of 'fake' Buddhist monks, a (real) Buddhist monk, Christian priests, and a Cambodian super monk. All of which didn't work.Ake comes back to Thailand after not doing very well in his studies abroad. Oblivious to the fact that Buppah is dead, he heads over to her apartment after being kicked out of his own home by his father. Buppah appears in human form to him and welcomes him to stay with her. You'll have to watch the movie to find out what happens after this.One major problem about this movie is that it is too repetitive. The same scares and actions happen more than once. It is as if you're seeing the same things happening over and over again, but with different cast members and situations. Also, the combination of horror and comedy can sometimes make a scene anti-climactic. The movie's storyline is overall a little too clichéd and weak.The end of the movie didn't make sense to me, as it didn't really resolve anything. Maybe I was kind of disappointed that the movie had nothing to do with trees or flowers. Haha, but that's just me.Watch for the "Exorcist" spoof where a Christian priest and a priest in training attempt to 'exorcise' Buppah.

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This was the last movie I saw at TIFF this year. For some reason, tickets were still available 2 hours before show time - wow! Seeing "midnight madness" movies in the middle of the day is always a little weird, but I had no regrets after Buppah Rahtree (billed in the festival as "Rahtree - The Flower of the Night").The plot is a weird amalgam of The Exorcist, Misery, Audition (the TIFF audience, no stranger to Miike's films, caught this similarity immediately), and the typical high school romantic comedy plot (albeit at university). These influences come together to make a unique horror comedy romance, bookended by voice overs that are far too melodramatic.Rahtree starts out looking like an artsy take on a story we're all sick of by now: a young man, rich and cocky, manages to bed a quiet, studious girl who turned down the most popular guy at their university ... just to win a bet. Immediately afterwards, he starts to feel guilty, but nonetheless he changes his cellphone number and takes pains to avoid the girl (the titular Buppah Rahtree). Two months later, he apologizes, and tells her that he's going off to grad school in England. She tells him she's pregnant. With the help of his rich parents, they get her an abortion. Then, somehow, she dies.This is where the plot started to bother me. How did she die? Her "ghost" later is seen crying and screaming in her bathroom as she bleeds from ... well ... let's just say from where her abortion was. So apparently she was fine after the abortion but bled to death from it a day or two later? Hmm. Another character notes all the old books in her apartment, so personally I thought maybe she had sold her soul to the devil to get revenge, especially since the film is full of Exorcist references. In The Exorcist, Regan was POSSESSED, she was not an angry ghost.**SPOILERS IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH**There is also a sort of plot twist very near the end of the film which confused the heck out of me. Suffice to say there's another ghost and it is living in its original physical body as if nothing has happened (unlike Buppah's ghost who tends to just keep its body in the closet). Where did this second ghost/body come from and how did it make it all the way to Buppah's apartment? And why does it not seem to know it's dead? (Buppah even permanently injures it and ties it to the bed (that scene is the big Misery/Audition reference) - how can you do this to a ghost?)All told, the plot has some problems and the dialogue is often weak (there's too much reliance on swear words for humour), and yet I enjoyed this movie, because it looks and sounds great, and it's quite funny. Director Yuthlert (who was very amusing in the Q & A session after the film) clearly has a lot of talent. I just think he could use some help with his scriptwriting.

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RAHTREE: Flower of the Night is a Thai Horror-Comedy about a girl named Buppah Rahtree, who through a series of unfortunate events, ends up bleeding to death and haunting an apartment building full of weirdos.Though the film is more comedy than horror, with lots of ridiculous laughs throughout, there are easily over a dozen scenes where the entire audience jumps. The director Yuthlert Sippapak is admittedly in love with the movie The Exorcist and pays a hilarious homage to it in this film. The director even pokes fun at himself when he has one of the characters in the movie complain that people are stupid because they only watch movies where a ghost chases someone down a hallway. Ha ha.The director also hinted that he is working on a sequel, involving some bank robbers that end up in the room Rahtree haunts. Funny and genuinely scary with a sprinkling of original ideas, I'd highly recommend Rahtree. (8/10)

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