Queen Boxer
Queen Boxer
| 27 May 1972 (USA)
Queen Boxer Trailers

Fan Kao-to is a worker who had enough of corruption in Shanghai. He tries to crush the organization alone. An attempt has been made before but ended up with the big Axe Gang, several of their brands in the man. The man's sister arrives in Shanghai at the same time as Fan Kao-to go out on one-man war, and she wants to do her in the fight, also, she takes the war personally.


Waste of time

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This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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good back-story, and good acting

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Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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Judy Lee (yeah right) takes a feminist notion to Bruce Lee's opus, and to be honest, does an admirable job.The fight scenes seemed to be filmed at a slightly faster speed to add more intensity to them. It also gave it a (deliberate?) dose of humor. Whether that helps is for the individual to judge.Clan vs. Clan as it always is. With Ms. Lee playing the trump card. Of course innocents die, and revenge is a theme no one can seem to escape. This is one of those films that has people thinking that EVERYONE in Asia has a black belt in something.And of course you had your European (usually Russian) hired gun. The one that gets the sadistic death.Judy Lee did OK. My one gripe was how come she wasn't wearing the sexy outfit (Gi with miniskirt) that was on the vidbox I saw? Oh well.

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Queen Boxer has some great fight sequences, a cool lead character and an enjoyable storyline. It's far better paced than a lot of 70s Kung-Fu movies, and keeps the movie brisk and entertaining with regular fights of increasing complexity, and a good plot about a young female Kung-Fu master out for revenge and a young man trying to better the lot for those around him by taking his town back from the local mobsters (who also killed the girl's brother).As 70s genre Kung-Fu goes, Queen Boxer is pretty good. It isn't as good as my personal favourite Fatal Flying Guillotine, but the fights are impressive and satisfyingly brutal, especially the final fight which must have been an influence on Kill Bill's climactic Crazy 88 fight. It even has some of that sequence's gonzo gore make-up.Still, something annoying kept stopping me from ever fully enjoying it. I don't know if it's just an issue with the version I bought, but 34 years on Queen Boxer is not in good shape. It's either a case of no good version being available (i.e. A direct video transfer from a bad copy) or there's a serious problem with the editing, but almost every other shot is off centre, with the lead combatant in a fight or the main speaker in a shot frustratingly half in and out of shot. For some unknown reason, the entire movie was out of focus, certain shots didn't stay still in the same point of focus and popped suddenly off centre as if something had happened to the film stock and shots constantly centred on tiny unimportant parts of the action, almost as if the film had either slipped or been re-edited by overzealous and under-skilled censors. My advice on this matter is that A: Queen Boxer is good enough that I got past this eventually and enjoyed it despite the distraction, and B: Maybe try a different copy to the UK Vengeance Video version I got hold of, as it could be a different print.So, while ultimately satisfying, the current version of Queen Boxer is unfortunately badly put together, most likely edited together from several aged prints of the original reel. It's a shame, because it makes an otherwise enjoyable Kung-Fu flick deeply frustrating to watch.

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Before viewing this movie I had seen her in about four others that I enjoyed.Overall this movie is not as good as them but for sure worth seeing.Since it's her first movie it's probably well known because not many females had given such an outstanding kung fu performance previously.The drawbacks in this film have nothing to do with her even though it seemed like her skills got even better in later films.This film wasn't a quality production,some scenes are out of focus,misaligned or too dark.One of the bad guys uses a pistol which for me is a bummer in a kung fu movie.One amusing scene is when about 8 toughs walking in an alley try to block off Judy Lee thinking they will have their way with her.We see very little action from Judy but do see a lot of bodies flying around.She goes on her way but the scene continues with the guys moaning and rubbing their aching parts while making comments like"who was that broad?"Not many lines are given Judy but the ones she has are attention grabbers,stopping in the doorway of a carpenters shop"Mister I'm after some coffins..two of them".Responding to a verbal threat "Ohhh you frighten me".The main bad guy has a mustaches and smokes cigars,for some reason he reminds me of Groucho Marx.When Judy invades his domain he asks" little girl what are you doing out so late?"She replies"Out to kill you".In a filmed interview Judy Lee states she was trained from childhood to be an opera performer like her parents which included dancing.This training is evident in her ballet like movements in this film.

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Fans of classic martial arts movie will love this one!The movie follows a simple plot, no personal revenge or vendetta here. The hero & heroine are on a mission to deliver a certain box. And as bad luck would have it, word gets around and there are other parties interested in that box as well.The main characters are neat, the hero's character used to work with the circus, from what I can remember. You also have cool villains in this one, a knife specialist and a sword specialist. I saw this movie ages ago so I can't recall. The stunts will leave you with your jaws on the floor. No super powers in this flick, just graceful, deadly kung fu.

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